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*Closed* Battle Royale!


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Welcome to Battle Royale!

By Thorsten!
Goodday my dear fellas' and welcome!
on this Friday, 2015-05-08, around 22:30, There will be a flight trip with some other strangers from Altis, from Kavala- Pyrgos, suddenly the helicopter got hijacked by a Rebel group called National Liberation Army, the other second you were sitting, relaxing on your expensive high end flight trip, the next you're forced to fight for your life versus other innocent strangers !

Its everyman for himself, all versus all!, if you get caught teamworking with someone you will be disqualified.


I will set these marks in vechile channel when in the helicopter so everyone receive them on their maps aswell.

When you're entering the heli, you need to make sure you're completly "fresh" Nothing in your T inventory besides food, no backpack, no hidden gun, NOTHING! not even a GPS, we will check everyone before we start. You will receive backpacks with starting gear.
The largest Weapon in the event is MXM, the smallest rook 40.

4.Gang rule!
Before we start we will make sure that everyone in the gangs except the leaders has left their gangs, just to make sure you can't see your gangmembers on the map. EVERYONE that wants to attend to the event needs to sit in a teamspeak channel, you can mute your mic and sound etc, but we wants to make sure noone teamworks.

5. ONE LIFE! if you die, you're out !

How the loot will work:
There will be a couple of backpacks, everyone is going to pick one up, in these backpacks there will be gear, weapons, and ammo, and other usefull stuff such as first aid kits or a GPS for example. When everyone has a backpack we will send people away in different directions, there is no KoS until we inform you. therefore everyone will get a couple of minutes to hide and gear up etc..

Example of how a backpack might look like.

c0b4bb7f75dc6893ae21acf58a424a7d.jpgRemember, No backpacks is going to have the same loot, if you're lucky you might get a tactical vest or/and a high caliber rifle such as Katiba. If you're unlucky tho, you might only get a GPS and a Rook-40 for example. But there will be a 100% chance of getting a weapon with atleast 1 magazine in the backpack, so you dont have to worry =)

How to attend:
Be at Kavala AirGarage around 21:00 this friday evening, jump into the Huron helicopter and you're in! When we arrive at the N.L.A island everyone is going to pay 75.000, all the money will then go to the winner of the event!


Any further questions can be made by contacting me (Thorsten) either here on the Forum, or on Teamspeak!

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Can a police attend to the event? I really like participating in all events possible  :D


Ja absolut, sålänge du kommer som "Civ-freshspawn" alltså ingen GPS, inget vapen, inga föremål överhuvudtaget, så visst :)

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Till @Lallish & @Thomas, ifall ni ska delta vill jag att ni deltar som civila, då ni inte kan lämna A.P.D, så att ni inte ser varandra på mappen, detta gäller alla poliser som är sugna på att vara med.

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Jag, Thorsten kommer även lägga till lite extra pengar i vinnarpotten ifall det behövs, förhoppningsvis kommer vi vara såpas många så att det blir 1 miljon i potten, men utifall att vi är under 15? Pers så kommer jag fylla igen Pengar tomrummet :)

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Eventet slut!



Tack till alla som deltog, vi blev runt 30 pers =) blev väldigt mycket donationer ifrån N.L.A, Eurozze, och andra deltagare, potten blev totalt 19 miljoner. den glada vinnaren blev Brinken! gratulerar ! och Diaz på andra plats.


Hoppas det kan göras om! dock så får vi planera bättre till nästa gång, vi förväntade oss 10-15 pers, men det slutade med 30+! sjukt ändå ! 

allt gick bra, alla skötte sig och det var inget tjafs.


Extra tack till Eurozze, Conny, Stefan.Ö och Ludwig som hjälpte till o fixa i ordning all loot osv. och tack till N.L.A för att de lånade ut deras ö för eventet.

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