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Everything posted by Onaloid

  1. Name: Johnny N. Wikberg Offender(s): [A.R.F] Garrier Hawk,[A.R.F] Vegz,[MedicChief] kangawroon 21/11/2015 apx, 21:30 Medic assisting robberies. This medic named "Kangawroon" was intentionally assisting these players in robbing us at a drug dealer. What first happened was that we had arrived but we hid our cars behind a building just to be sure. We entered the drug dealer but were taken hostage and robbed of all we had, the medic had come there and helped them when they crashed their helicopter from what they told us.. but there was no smoke or anything so I believe they were lying and he was just giving them rides from and to drug dealers.. After they robbed us they all went into the medic's chopper and left but obviously noticed our vehicles and told the medic to turn around and land so they could steal the rest of what we had. This is obviously not okay, the medic should've informed the police and refused to land with the chopper so they could further harm us and rob us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lBzXqFKtdk Later they stole our trucks and left. We later found them in a Safe zone with our trucks in which they mocked us and started ramming our cars with their trucks. This is obviously VDM. After a while they suddenly ran into my car over 100km/h and destroyed my car with lots of weed inside it.. Here's a couple of pictures i took which i made into a video. https://gyazo.com/3b7ac036e6c30473cda13552bcdee7ff The driver's name is not displayed but his name i can't remember neither. But his friend is standing there talking smack about how he stole our stuff... for example "What happened to your car? Is this it? want it back etc." The guy talking's name is [A.R.F]AlexMahone.
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