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Everything posted by Discornia
Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo Date: 2015-01-20 Reason: So since we are not anymore able to defend ourselves in ban requests for some wierd reason i am putting this up here. So situation with nato was shady to say atleast but i really do not get why guy lies to make it seem worse than it is exept if he himself does not see it's agains the rules as it really went down. You can't even hear what the guy is actually saying. And also claiming that we didn't know what they was yelling is absurd, we even talked with them after the situation and it was pretty clear to everybody that they was telling us to stop. So we was looking for some action and run into couple guys at the edge of a road, we saw that one guy was running towards us and started yelling "Stanna, stanna!" over and over again. As we was looking for some action we stop couple hundred meters away and run back to the scene. What we have earlier witnessed as roleplay from nato guys that kind of command is understood as threat and we do not take threats litely. After thinking it over for a while we decide to go in guns blazing even that might not be smartest thing to do when thinking about situation again. Not our brightest moment but surely not to be considered as rdm. Anyway there's video from our perspective: http://www.twitch.tv/r4nd0mher0/c/5917965
Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo Offender-Name: [P.Y]Stålmannen Date: 2015-01-17 Reason: Combatlog after we kill one of them. Sceenshots to proof: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/532882754750219010/2082948B9720C65D9F0CC02F335AA3705EBAB510/ http://cloud-2.steamusercontent.com/ugc/532882754750219179/3049B79DC6B3D7396E0B05898093289DEBE50C3F/ (you can follow the chat)
Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo Offender-Name: [iS-B]MRMarin Date: 2014-12-27 Reason: Was chasing a guy and he just drove to safezone and stored his hemmt even after we told him in messages that it is agains the server rules. Video proof 1: Video proof 2:
Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo Offender-Name: [C.D.F] Otto Date: 2014-25-12 Reason: Guy just logs in and opens fire on me out of nowhere. Put the ban hammer in use, fuckt up our ongoing rp situation pretty badly... Video about scenario:
Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo Offender-Name: Gazolin, Broccolimannen, NorreN Date: 2014-12-14 Reason: Was robbing a guy at Cement trader and people without any clan tag just opened fire on me out of nowhere. These 3 names above was ones in the situation with the guy i robbed. Video proof:
Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo Offender-Name: [A.R.F] Televinken Date: 2014-12-14 Reason: Combatlogging after we killed him. Giving videoproof directly to admin becouse it contains information about my house. Contact me in ts or ask to pm in forums please.
http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/534003559104510440/6806CB5B031D89C86BCAE8CCF2CFB33DA9F2A1C4/ Here is also screenshot from another combatlog by him when we encountered him. Also in this situation he was back at server minute later. Seems like guy does it pretty often.
I think that rule was for civilians/gangs. Atleast what i have experienced on server cops have their own rules on situations like that to let them fight more effectively and to make the impact on situation as fast as possible. <-- Correct if i am wrong here.
Marple, didn't it even once come to your mind to actually contact person you crashed into with your helicopter if it really is becouse of something like that? Next time that might be a good idea. Would save everyones time if you did and stop the useless ban spam on forum in that case. E. As a side comment here want to say that i personally think most of the police are bit too triggerhappy these days.
Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo Date: 2014-11-15 Reason: I don't know whats up but i am suddently banned for combat logging, it does not say which admin did the ban and i have not a single clue why. Only situation that gets even near so someone could think about combat log was yesterday us agains cops at federal reserve but there after they killed me i waited the 2 minutes, respawned and THEN logged out from server. Don't think even that is anyway agains the server rules is it?
I don't personally think what you did is reason to straightly ban if you have not done same thing before or planning to do so in future. I edited you in this post i had done allready becouse i find driving over people damn annoying and unable to serve RP in anyway, just basicly griefing I think that actually posting rule breaking in here is only way to make people stop it and i am glad with a warning to you and you quitting driving over anyone for good.
No it does not concern police since it is forbidden to drive over other player at any situation and is considered vdm. And i would believe that first part if i wasn't standing right next to vendor and you would not drive over 50km/h and right before that you tried to drive over my kart. And right after that you tried to run over other guy that just happened to log out so didn't get picture saying that sadly.
Name: [C.N] Giovanni Lorenzo Offender-Name:[F.M.A] Sam Date: 2014-11-13 Reason: Run across him in sofia, saw that he had nothing on him so decided to not care about him too much. Run to my houses door to store stuff in and he shot me in head without single command or warning or so on. He said "Hey man, i have nothing on me" 2 seconds before tho. Attached screenshot. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/534002865808461136/B25BBEF08F77325FD269E60C0BC70405A7681809/ Didn't have anything too valuable on me so no need for compensation. Offender-Name:[TD] Zacharias Date: 2014-11-13 Reason: Driving people over with purpose on safe zone area. Couple screenshots to prove it under here. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/534002865809033994/B5BD116C250CB31CD33278E90B3EED3B49ED9CCB/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/534002865809036190/4321233672E812185C38C9358CF41F0B8C633CE2/
Do you have actual proof about you saying that and have you checked your own microphone level ingame? cause i try to watch it over and over again and i do not hear single word ingame.
Michell you can hear his footsteps all the time so it is not about voice level on the game, how about stop shooting and actually give commands next time instead of lying here like hell.
I can't believe this guy. You are really calling it RDM when you have stolen my vehicle after it didn't lock due to bug, i come to chop shop while you try to sell it and shoot your buddy? And then you call it VDM when we try to lock you down while you drive safezone around for good hour wasting everyones time just to grief us since you have no change in firefight agains us. How about use the common sense next time instead of trolling us as much as you can. And anyway, you backed on Paateros heco during the process allmost blowing it up so how that ain't VDM and all we did is. How about for once CV-D starts following rules and blaming everyone else when shit hits the fan and they end up dead. Due to stupid safezone system we had really no choise to do anything else in situation than lock you down with other vehicles while waiting for cops since they send us a text it will take while to come becouse all of them as usual are sitting at kavala instead of helping civilians on this game =/. Also remember how that situation stopped at the end? You drove my hemmt full speed to our roadblock and we also have bit material so if you want to go this way we can get some nice VDM bans for you mate.
So we saw 2 guys going towards diamond trader with hemmt transport and decided to go and try to ambush them. We got there bit late and they were already selling good at trader. We send them text message and after that [bB] Ac started to head towards my location as other guy jumped in hemmt and started driving away. As we was still in rather bad positions we could not stop hemmt driver but we got Ac surrounded in small location. As he came close to me i opened fire sadly being unable to kill him and he got in cover. Took myself a hit during that firefight and moved to cover to heal myself. Couple seconds later friend got visual and tried to take him down but he got to cover again. At that point we took better positions and started closing him to smaller and smaller area until saw message "[bB] Ac has disconnected from the server". That was about a minute after last fired shots. After this case we sent message to his buddy that left with hemmt and asked why his friend is combat logging and he basically told us to go f**k ourselves and that they did nothing wrong as that was totally ok to log out at any situation as long as you wait 10 second clock to run out and do not hit alt+f4. Texted with jeppe and he seemed to think case was pretty straight forward combat logging. After [bB] Ac contacted me at teamspeak being so "sorry" about what happened there and that "he had no idea that was agains rules" i asked him if he was willing to compensate the gear/money we would have gotten from him if he did not log out he gave me same answer as his buddy when i asked him about combat logging in first place. So i quess to [bB] people breaking rules is absolutely fine as long as it does not cost them anything but being "sorry". Altis life is a damn great mod and you have terrific server running here but couple guys like this can really make it damn frustrating while you are doing your best playing by the rules. And that is something i think many of Altis players can relate. Anyway as usual, i'm sure admins will make a right decision here and i will be linking video from this situation here as soon as buddy gets it done and up in internet. -Discornia