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Ebolasso Lorenzo

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    [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo
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  1. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo Offender-Name: [iS-B] WASTED , [iS-B] xAluzions, [D] Xeloth, [D] Regeen, [D] Blazytoast, [D] Giothox, Johnny Bravo Date: 29.12.14 and 30.12.14 Reason: Combatlogs and some bonuses [iS-B] WASTED : (and no, I never joined the firefight so I didnt spawn again to join it) [iS-B] xAluzions: http://gyazo.com/0abf025c706428a0c14da15f76905c1a , bonus material from day after our firefight http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/41988756697235002/060206CE807E744EDDFDDAE9ACB2F13E74D49E58/ E: 1 more combatlog [D] Xeloth, [D] Regeen, [D] Blazytoast: everyone combat logging in same video [D] Giothox: Bonus combatlog from 30.12.2014 Johnny Bravo http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/34107558774959946/DA38FAD31DCB2FA89F395A1B4CE05E2463AC127F/ We really think that ban from combat log should be longer than 1 day, 1day isnt enough to stop people from doing it and there is many repeat offenders on combatlogging.
  2. My name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo offenders: fettson, aboveset time: 20.12.14 ~1033 svenska time Reason: Combat logging http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/34106469746769607/4EAFBEB4613195CDBEEF0CFBD9B07D7DF9BEBC7D/ http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/34106469746765079/CCEAB0A4FFB514AB8B34E9F5926856D3B6B6BBA1/
  3. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo Offender-Name: fattson, aboveset Date: 6.2.14 Reason: aboveset just randomly drove over me in sofia and later nxt to gas station on highway patrol fattson just shot me instantly when I drove there, they are playing together and obviously they dont give a f**k about rules. fattson: aboveset: e: idk why I putted rdm on video topic on vdm video
  4. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo Offender-Name: christoffer Date: 3.12.2014 ~22:27 swedish time Reason: RDM There was some people nxt to sofia carage and I just went to check atm and wanted to take car out from carage, they asekd me if im friendly and I told them I am, then bit later they just shot me without single warning, btw nxt to atm too and rule #2 safezone thingie says: ATMs up to 50 meters in radious around it
  5. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo Offender-Name: Luremus Date: 2014-11-27 Reason: Combat log We kinda robbed him, but very kindly no hard feelings and so, he didnt want to cooperate with us and called us retards ( ) and then he combat logged when he died http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/31852676866433525/EB9FD2001C9D240ADC756B6433DA577812D213FA/
  6. Now Olle and his friend Ali logged out after dieing. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/31852676859120965/5DEA779D2CD558F214E31E65A17E86708EB629CC/
  7. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo Offender-Name: Olle Date: 26.11.2014 Reason: RDM, revenge agaisnt NLR We had to kill this guy cos he pointed his gun to us and yelled someting on direct on heroin processing and didnt surrender when I told him to do so. Then 15-20min later he came back and shot us without single warning.
  8. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo Offender-Name: [Cv-D] Bobbi Retardo , shitshit Date: - Reason: shitshit was killed by our people and he combat logged, and bobbi was just spotted on chat dieing with other Cv-D guy and instantly disconnecting after it. shitshit: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23694027/shitshit2.jpg , https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23694027/shitshit3.jpg (you can follow the chat from 1st pic to 2nd) [Cv-D] Bobbi Retardo http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/31852200251759731/18DD510C098560339C167F982F533BC840CBB0AB/ (I have video record too if needed)
  9. So we had our little firefight at drug dealer with cv-D and this guy called Felix randomly shot me without single warning, and cv-D confirmed he wasnt with them.
  10. Ban request is only about vdm, not about your shooting. Music doesnt make any difference on vdm part. e: and which license you need for mining salt?
  11. RP from cops is pretty interesting otherwise too in situation, Just instantly using lethal force.
  12. My friends, and there is my backpack im taking from it. [C.N] Lazzaro Lorenzo
  13. So, I had just spawned and this guy just randomly shot me in sofia.
  14. Reason rdm: just chlling around and randomly got shot btw 2nd time today kk194 randomly attacks me , first vdm now rdm =) both after we stole 3 hemtt boxs from them, going for wild revenge against rules =)
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