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Ebolasso Lorenzo

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Posts posted by Ebolasso Lorenzo

  1. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo

    Offender-Name: [iS-B] WASTED , [iS-B] xAluzions, [D] Xeloth, [D] Regeen, [D] Blazytoast, [D] Giothox, Johnny Bravo

    Date: 29.12.14 and 30.12.14


    Combatlogs and some bonuses


    [iS-B] WASTED : 

    (and no, I never joined the firefight so I didnt spawn again to join it)


    [iS-B] xAluzions: http://gyazo.com/0abf025c706428a0c14da15f76905c1a , bonus material from day after our firefight http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/41988756697235002/060206CE807E744EDDFDDAE9ACB2F13E74D49E58/  E: 1 more combatlog 


    [D] Xeloth, [D] Regeen, [D] Blazytoast:

    everyone combat logging in same video


    [D] Giothox: 



    Bonus combatlog from 30.12.2014 Johnny Bravo






    We really think that ban from combat log should be longer than 1 day, 1day isnt enough to stop people from doing it and there is many repeat offenders on combatlogging.

  2. from the medics.

    We never leave the server without medic if we help police. 

    Our focus is all the players.

    We have a rule that medics must not revive during combat. (its not always we know there is combat tho)

    We always had the rule that we cant revive in firefight zones. we must go away if there is. (so the medic that does that is breaking the medic rules)


    There u have our handbok. Read it. 


    well, looks like medics has been breaking their rules alot

  3. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo

    Offender-Name: fattson, aboveset

    Date: 6.2.14

    Reason: aboveset just randomly drove over me in sofia and later nxt to gas station on highway patrol fattson just shot me instantly when I drove there, they are playing together and obviously they dont give a f**k about rules.






    e: idk why I putted rdm on video topic on vdm video

  4. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo

    Offender-Name: christoffer

    Date: 3.12.2014 ~22:27  swedish time

    Reason: RDM

     There was some people nxt to sofia carage and I just went to check atm and wanted to take car out from carage, they asekd me if im friendly and I told them I am, then bit later they just shot me without single warning, btw nxt to atm too and rule #2 safezone thingie says:  ATMs up to 50 meters in radious around it


  5. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo

    Offender-Name: Olle

    Date:  26.11.2014

    Reason:  RDM, revenge agaisnt NLR

    We had to kill this guy cos he pointed his gun to us and yelled someting on direct on heroin processing and didnt surrender when I told him to do so. Then 15-20min later he came back and shot us without single warning.


  6. Police should show some rp outside of safezones from their side if they want other people to rp too. Only contact you get with police outside safezones is pretty much bullets and very rarely tazer. 

    Idk what you guys think that people will think about you when you get kills in bandit and then after it send egoboost messages to us or telling us that next time you wont even try to rp, when your "rp" in situtation was single message with cell phone telling to surrender. 


    and ye, I haven't rly tried to rp with police for long time because I lost hope with them long time ago, its hard to rp with bullets. (it doesnt mean I just hunt cops, I just avoid them)

  7. Hello mr C.N leader, that your gang has so overpowered weapons that you win cops all time does not mean that we all can fight cops, pistol vs police gear is pretty hard you know,, Maybe you should think about us newb players too, , not just about you hard core players,, I think your changes would make police too storng for us casual players, mby it would be good for you hardcore ones ,,

  8. Well...... you guys in C.N gang controlling the Salt up North on Map and live/holding Sofia in a leech , no wonder its easy to fill up 2 HEMTT Box's with

    Salt , Process and sell   ;)

    Try Rob Federal Reserve for Gold, 5-6 members and risk Vehicle's , Helis ,Gear worth half a milj each, ore more , That's Risk ! and not easy for some .

    Ore maybe try Meth with HemTT ;)

    Personally I dont even make a lot of salt, I just make pretty much everything with hemtt. And ye excatly that, if you want to make lots of money there should be higher risk for more reward like federal has.

  9. I feel like you can make money too easily and too fast, and ye I know that there was already changes on retrieval prices but that doesnt rly make so big difference.


    Legal vs illegal: I'd like to see money gain$ from legal stuff to be lower because at the moment you make pretty much same money with legal stuff and illegal while legal stuff doesnt have the same risk as illegal stuff has. Illegal stuff should be higher risk and higher reward than legal stuff. And just lower from legal and not increase the illegal stuff cos making money is too easy atm.


    Market system: I think market system needs some changes because at the moment it feels like 70% of the stuff is at max price all the time which doesn't make sense to me. max price shouldn't be the norm, it should be the best price to sell it, not the minium you want. Imo there should be like 2-3 things at max price at once so you would actually have to hunt for those selling prices.



    Lowering the money you make would also make your gear worth more cos then you need to make more work for the same gear and that would make the server going more towards safer play than just taking risks and taking every gunfight instead of surrendering/etc and would help with making the server more rp.



    And remember, these are just my opinions and everyone has their own, I just feel like we need discussion about this.

  10. Name: [C.N] Ebolasso Lorenzo

    Offender-Name: [Cv-D] Bobbi Retardo , shitshit

    Date: -

    Reason: shitshit was killed by our people and he combat logged, and bobbi was just spotted on chat dieing with other Cv-D guy and instantly disconnecting after it.


    shitshit:  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23694027/shitshit2.jpg , https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23694027/shitshit3.jpg (you can follow the chat from 1st pic to 2nd)


    [Cv-D] Bobbi Retardo http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/31852200251759731/18DD510C098560339C167F982F533BC840CBB0AB/ (I have video record too if needed)

  11. I like how you put music in the video so the admins can't here if we scream at you, as we did a couple times. You drived away then we started to shoot at you, as we are alowed. Just saying, be happy that we didn't taze you in your Hemmt... So we RP:ed from start to beginning. We where there just to check if you have the right license...

    Ban request is only about vdm, not about your shooting. Music doesnt make any difference on vdm part.


    e: and which license you need for mining salt?

  12. I'm the one behind the retrieval price of the hemtt.

    I feel that people are getting to rich at the moment, the game was too easy.

    That's why we implented Chop shop for helicopters and now increased the retrieval price. Ofcourse it might change in the future!

    Shouldn't you then increase retrieval price for other trucks and helicopters too to actually make making money harder. Now you can just take copter and still make more money than with hemtt box cos its 20x faster and its safer than box.

  13. ye, bandit district is almost impossible to capture because you are free kill when you are capturing it and hemtt box retrieval price is very interesting, if you do only one run you easily lose 15% of income only on that price. Hemtt box is anyway risky to use cos everyone will chase you when they see it,


    E: point with retrieval price of hemtt box is that it isnt balanced on anyway compared to other trucks.

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