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Posts posted by Ghost

    • What is your in-game name? [T.U] Ghost
    • What is your Player ID #? 76561198017126893
    • Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes, more than once.
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Of course.
    • How long have you played on the server? About 300 or so hours.
    • How long have you played Arma 3? 391 hours.
    • How often do you play on the server? Currently unemployed and out of school so whenever I'm at home.
    • Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) 19 years old, live in Gothenburg, Sweden(GMT+1). Fluent in both swedish and english. Born and raised gamer. Used to be a semi-professional athlete until my knee tendons were torn at the age of 17. I do my best to try to talk sense to people and come to a reasonable compromise instead of just bashing and harassing, at least when my temper and mood allows me to. Applying to police force because of the civilian life lacking alot of sense of accomplishment for me. I feel like there's more time spent getting shittalked from people than actual time enjoyed in the game. I'd therefore like to give the police force a shot and hopefully the RP side of things are better as a cop than a civilian.
  1. Name: *[T.U] Ghost*

    Date: 2014-11-21

    Reason: Me and 5 other [T.U] members were reconing around key points for robberies and just random enjoyable RP. We decide to make a pit stop in Athira to stock up on essentials, we spot a HEMTT on the southern border to the safezone. Me and S1lver starts lockpicking, as I'm about to succeed with lockpicking the vehicle the rightful owner of the vehicle ([L.D] Toung Klipparn) shows up and starts firing shots at us without saying a word, we knew we were safe as long as we stayed within the zone. As I successfully lockpicked the vehicle I got into the Driver seat and continued to try and bargain a deal for the vehicle. Toung Klipparn immediately started complaining about how we're not "allowed" to take money from him because the reason the vehicle was there in the first place was what he called a bug. Turned out that his internet died while driving through Athira. I decided to be a nice guy (even though they've broken several rules with earlier confrontations with us and both verbally harassed and been a general pain in the ass) and told him that I'd be willing to take 400k instead of the 1mil and the contents of the vehicle (119 cut diamonds) as was intended to start with. He accepts the deal, doubtfully and regretfully, so I drive him to the ATM in Athira where just a mere couple of seconds after we arrive a member of his gang stores the vehicle (I'm guessing someone borrowed him the vehicle, not quite sure why he was bargaining for it) and they then knocked me out and said something along the lines of "You're so f***ing bad, you should be ashamed."


    Unfortunately I can't upload any video proof because of that I can not use ShadowPlay (I got GTX500 series and ShadowPlay requires GTX600 and above) and OBS drops me to about 15 FPS.


    This link is picture proof of when I get knocked out.


  2. Vet inte på vilket sätt dessa är relaterade med varandra, är inte ens säker på att de är i ett gäng tillsammans.

    Har blivit ombedd att göra denna tråd då de RDM:at upprepade gånger.


    Incident #1: 

    RM har en standoff med FiB Bullen och FiB Zundstrom i Kavala Checkpoint, Naturisten och xxxxx (är inte helt säker på att Qrazed var med i denna incident) kör in en offroad i checkpointen, vi säger "Lämna området" dem skjuter ner alla in checkpointen (FiB killarna är villiga att vittnas om det är nödvändigt)


    Incident #2:

    Vi står och pratar med xxxxx om den tidigare incidenten vid Peach Fields precis utanför Kavala, vi säger till honom att vi har haft nog om tjafs ang. RDM för dagen och låter honom gå. Bokstavligt talat 1-2 min senare är de, Naturisten, xxxxx och Qrazed tillbaka och sprayar ner oss från en närliggande kulle. Här dödade de flertalet RM och andra medlemmar upprepade gånger, vi kunde inte ens vistas i Kavala Market utan life rule respawns. (Vi har hus i Kavala och behövde tillgång till det).


    Har sedan efter detta sett flera andra nämna "Naturisten RDM" och annat i side chat.


    Inga videobevis blev dessvärre tagna.

  3. Finns så löjligt mycket att anmärka på i denna tråd. Till att börja med, jag var inte delaktig i de personer ni rånade, jag var 200-300m bakom i en annan bil. Ja, vi jagade er. Ni satt i vår bil och vi följde distance från key chain. Ja, vi rammade ert bakhjul i hopp att lamgöra fordonet. Efter detta hoppar jag ut ur fordonet (som enligt regler fortf har KOS) och säger "Ut ur bilen, upp med händerna" varpå ni kör därifrån ca 50-60m innan sista man dör. Kan tillägga att ingen av RM's medlemmar öppnade eld innan ni hade försökt fly. Kan man få fråga varför ni endast har med det tillfället då er siste man dör ca 100m från där våra bilar kolliderat och vi bett er gå ut? Dessutom, det panik skriket "Jag har inte gjort någonting" eller vad du säger, kanske ska använda rätt bind så du snackar in-game?

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