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Everything posted by Stenu

  1. Name: [u.G.I.] Kaalee Offender-Name: Hamed. Jeff Date: 2014-11.08 Reason: We (Kaalee,Polar,Elb) where prosessing salt early in the morning today (05:10 GMT +2) When suddenly Elb did get a message in swedish and roughly 3sec later we all lay down dead. No direct communications or rp where presence on that moment stright RDM. We did not even get a chance to respond in any way. Picture from Elb PoV. /http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/50991260363647463/78C003BB865D1F9A0E49AA323B451E2A96CCFFE3/ Thanks for your time -Kaalee-
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