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  1. Requirements to join the Police Department are: Meet the minimum age of 18. Understand basic server rules. MUST have a working microphone! MUST have a good command of the English language. MUST have a decent understanding of how Roleplaying works. In-Game Name? : Alba What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198031274323 Age? : Im 21. Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes. Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on this or other servers?: No. If yes, what servers?: Do you have a working microphone?: Yes. How long have you played on CvGaming?: About 800hr. Have you been banned before?: No I have not been banned Before. Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes Are you ready to leave your civ gang to become a police officer to avoid conflicts?: Yes. Can you follow orders from a younger person?: Yes. What qualities do you think a CvGaming Police officer should have that fits you, name at least 5 pieces 1)Good at RP. 2)Good at listening, both in game and in TS. 3)Know how to use a weapon. 4)Understand the basic of Arma. 5)Be active on the server. Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: I wanna get into more RP situations than civ. Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: defending Altis from criminals and bring them to justice. Stopping the illegal bussiness and protect our civs on the island Describe what YOU expect out of your fellow officers?: Take time to RP. Be calm both in game and TS. And protect my back in different situations. What is your input on using lethal force?: When others put our life in danger Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: I will Always RP with all players, and i will do my best in all fights. And I would see myself as a realy nice person and a good teamplayer . What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Respect all people and if you do that you will gain respect loyalty got to be earnt, same as respect. All the rules are made to be followed Please provide name and a background story for your character applying to the police: (100 words minimum): My name is Alba L. both born and raised on the Island Altis. I was born in a city named Kavala with a father as a police officer. I have Always looked up to him as my hero. When I was a teenager I took my team to read about all the rules and studying so that I one day could search to the police Academy in Kavala. And now when im older I got my exam with really good grades so now im trying to get into the Police Acadamy. With my experience from my dad I really Think that I will be a good police officer but most of all show my progress in the and give all i got in the Police Acadamy Tell us a little about yourself! My name is Linus and im born 1998 (20 y/o) for the moment im working as a electrician but to the summer im going to search to the police in Stockholm on my spare time I go to the gym and hang out with my girlfriend or my friends. But I also play alot of arma and im Active on cvgaming very often I would guess about maybe 5-9 solid hours a day if I dont have any plans then I can get up to 10+ hours a day on cv
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