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    [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo

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    [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo

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  1. Nolim, did you learn a new latin phrase in school? Looks kinda silly when you use it in every post. From outsider perspective, it looks like you guys were going in looking for a fight. You had him cornered and you outnumbered him, boohoo you got shot. Looks like you were just baiting him to open fire, and frankly regarding how NLA works and treats civs, I can see why shooting would be the only option left for him to get out alive of the situation. If you really wanted to RP (and NLA is known for outstanding RP as we all know) you could have just yelled at him to come out and surrender.
  2. Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo Offender-Name: [Nato] Kappes, [Nato] Mr.D Date: 17.1.2015 Reason: RDM/Lack of roleplay. We spotted "Nato" doing a roadblock on Pyrgos bridge with heavy weaponry and multiple vehicles and as law-abiding citizens we felt it was our duty to stop their foul attempts. At this point we didn't have any communication with them as we were plotting our approach, and I just ended up getting shot from two directions without any roleplay or communication whatsoever.
  3. Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo Offender-Name: Charlie McBeans Date: 4.1.2015 Reason: RDM. Was robbing a gas station and got shot without a warning.
  4. Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo Offender-Name: [C.D.F] Lars Date: 3.1.2015 Reason: Combatlogging, behaviour. We were going to rob Lars and his friend at copper processing. We were just going to yell them orders when one of our guys was shot and we returned fire. Lars escaped and I ambushed him and then he logs off/game crashes. Warning: strong language Bonus video showing IS-B and C.D.F in-game behaviour.
  5. Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo Offender-Name: [CT] Vlad Date: 19.11.2014 Reason: Attempted RDM. I was getting a helo from air garage when I notice these two shady guys are interested in me. I ignore them since they haven't communicated in any way and go get my helo when they start shooting. If we were hostile I had more than enough chances to shoot them. Also vehicle spawns are supposed to be safe-zones..
  6. Ludwig, this is about getting VDM'd, not about getting shot. Stop derailing the topic. I might have heard something if I didn't have Spotify on, but Doug certainly didn't.
  7. Then post proof about that disconnect. If you're having problems with your keyboard it's extremely brilliant idea to go flying around at 5 meters. Ludwig, the music has nothing to do with anything because this post is about VDM, not you being triggerhappy. Guys, is that really your idea of police roleplaying? Land, yell something and start shooting with assault rifles at a bloody salt mine.
  8. Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo Offender-Name: [A.P.D] P. Marple1 Date: 17.11.2014 Reason: VDM. The video shows the situation quite well and I was lucky my hemmt didn't blow up this time. I have no idea what he was trying to do but flying low like that is generally a really bad idea knowing the amount of desync in this game.
  9. I will post the full video to you on TS once I have upped it!
  10. Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo Offender-Name: viktor stangenbach Date: 12.11.2014 Reason: RDM. Story time! I just respawned and was gonna shop for some gear and grabbed cash from the ATM when I get shot in the face suddenly. Not cool. The video is so short because that's the whole situation. If it's not enough for a proof I can make video that shows the previous events too.
  11. Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo Offender-Name: [A.T.F] Emmah Date: 13.11.2014 Reason: VDM. Backstory: We're capping bandit when ATF decides to crash the party with a hunter, they drive around the hotel once, we are shooting a few rounds to disable the tyres. The hunter gets away and comes back a little later and I get VDM'd. Alot. The video shows that quite well.
  12. Just wanted to pop in and say that [F.M.A] Sam also killed me randomly yesterday while I was refueling my helicopter at a gas station which he was apparently robbing. No warnings, just shouting something after he killed me with a pistol. My shadowplay wasn't on sadly so I have no solid proof of that, just my word.
  13. Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo Offender-Name: [sWEB] HaxFan Date: 9.11.2014 Reason: RDM. On two different occasions in 30 minutes, HaxFan shot me in Sofia quite randomly. First time was IMO borderline when he and his friends yelled something to me in Swedish via direct (extremely difficult to hear while in-game btw) while I was driving past them and few seconds after they shot me dead. Second time I'm standing in the middle of the street and get shot in the back all of the sudden. I have video proof for the admins and I'm happy to provide it on teamspeak. I don't want to share the videos publicly due to the personal information they contain.
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