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About Niwakosan

  • Birthday 12/29/1997

Contact Methods

  • Teamspeak

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dalarna / Sweden


  • IGN
    PVT. Niwakosa

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. WARNING!!!! ALOT OF THESE GIFS HAVE FLASHING LIGHTS OR LOUD SOUND...... http://iwantmoar.com And now.... I wanna se what funny gifs you can find
  2. Im just studying like the basic stuff nothing to hard or such xD Like making a math game or such if lable1.text = "bla" then that stuff xD
  3. Hello! Im a bit of a new player to Altis Life, started some days ago on CvGaming´s server and I found some new friends at the second day I was playing and now I am in their gang! "Bumbibjörnarna" A littel about me: I live in dalarna in a small littel village called Röjeråsen in the middle of the woods, Im 16 years old, born 1997 december the 29th. (yeeeeey.......) At the moment im studying "El och energi - Dator" second year. I mostly play games in my free time and Im going to spend a lot of time on the Altis server, (look for my name : PVT. Niwakosan (if you need help if you are in the middle of nowhere text me your cords and ill come and pick you up/ repair your car )) SEE YOU IN THE GAME (~comic sans ms for the haters~)
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