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    Heiman reacted to Darkiller in ganget ratz   
    Vi gav tillbaks din hemmt och allt, du förlorade inget. Vi sa till dig att vi gjorde fel men ändå lägger du upp en ban. Och här är anledningen till att du aldrig fick vårat sista sms, och som ni ser ser det verkligen ut som att jag klickar på ditt namn, men sen blev det inte det iallafall och var lite väl taggad på att döda dig så jag missade det. Meddelandet skickades alltså till en OBEY spelare...
    Sen hela vårat gang? Vi var fyra stycken, och vi är ca 10-12st i Ratz, och du vill banna hela ganget...?
    Men som sagt, vi gav tbx allt och du bad inte om något mer, jag visade dig varför du inte fick det sista sms:et och ändå lägger du upp en ban...
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    Heiman reacted to B0B in Police Application B0B [BOB]   
    What is your in-game name? 
    BOB - (Bengt-Olof Bengtsson)
    What is your Player ID#? 
      Have your read all of the rules on the forum?
    Do you currently play as a medic?
      Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?
    How long have you played on the server?
    About 40-50 hours I would guess. Found the server approximately two weeks ago.
      How long have you played Arma 3?
    1600 hours. Not sure if I'm proud or ashamed of that.
    How often do you play on the server?
    Usually every day, ranging from one to five hours depending on the day and time.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Well, where should I start? I'm 24 years of age and born and raised in Stockholm. I'm currently in graduate school and work part-time at the university. As previously mentioned I have played alot of Arma, of which I spent about 1200 hours on Altis Life. I used to play on another server/community where I've played as a whitelested cop/rebel, but quit a few months back due to lack of time, however, I'm back and ready to play. 
    As for role-playing, I've been playing under the name BOB on the server and enjoy telling stories and interacting with people. As of recently I had a chance to partake in Altis Idol and managed to win with my not so amazing singing voice. The backstory to my character is that I recently came home sunburnt from a vaccation to Mallorca and to my surprise the land of dreams (Altis) had turned into a haven for bandits and thugs with gangs running rampant and praying on the honest citizens. This made Bengt (BOB) hit the streets and preach the words of pacifism, honesty and law abidence. Retired as I was, I decided to apply to become a protector of the law in order to take the matter into my own hands.
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