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    [G.C] Ray

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  1. Ivan sa så för filmar fraps o måste manuellt edita ur d som händer
  2. Okey the vid pretty much shows it all, Ivan enters a house which he heard voices from and as soon as he enters he gets gunned down. Keep in mind this was in pyrgos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9MZ_KkhbZU
  3. Okey, so my firend Ivan and I were going back into pyrgos after a small drugrun with our zamaks. As soon as we enter the atm area Opas starts ramming my truck. Then as luck has it I had the time to give all of the cash to Ivan. But never the less, my truck flips and when I get out I fall and it damaged me down to 2hp. I unflip the truck and it explodes, making me lose my truck and 800k worth of gear. I would like to get some help by admin to atleast get a "refund" for the gear and truck. I bought a new truck after saving up but I still need the money since I'm heading towards bankruptcy. Also as the red truck runs over this dude next to me several times you can see in the chat "Opas ran over". I would also like if Opas got banned since he pretty much acts like a total jackass and ruins for others. A video vill be linked but as soon as I get out of the truck the footage corrupted so you're gonna see me telling him to stop (In Swedish), him ramming me until it flips and then me laying on the ground dead since the truck exploded and resulted in killing me. And if that wasn't enough Opas starts looting me.... Please help, would be very appreciated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMbgjuflW1U&feature=youtu.be
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