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Everything posted by JohanFalk

  1. Name: *[Rebel] Åge* Offender-Name: *[MS] Hustle* Date: 2016-03-22 - <14:05> Reason: I am driving around with my car when suddenly 2-3 cars from the gang [MS] tries to block me on the road and stuff. Then [MS] Hustle drives up with his BATMAN car a side of me and rams my vehicle so that I fly into a brick wall and die. The evidence that I provide are clear for the results of VDM. https://vid.me/OsGs
  2. Name: Rebel Åge Offender-Name: [SAMEN] Jeppe Date: 2016-03-20 - <14:00> Reason: This guy was a kidnapped by me, drove him out in the wild and told him to jump out of the car with his hands up. He decided to steal the car and drive over me 1 time. (not on the video) Was not a clear VDM, that's why I decided to not show it as evidence. I then start shooting after him, he drives around and then later he comes back and drives with full speed over my body (A clear VDM). Uploaded the evidence right here with this link. https://vid.me/Jagq
  3. You can see yourself. Then after he wrote me : läs igenom reglerna, rånad i vildmarken, måste ej engaga här, kör hårt med ban-req
  4. Den som engagar tittar på en helikopter, har jag förstått det rätt? Isåfall är det en jävligt skum engage och inte konstigt att vi inte hör någonting.
  5. Det där klippet har ju ingenting med detta och göra ens? I mitt fall, kan ni inte bifoga ett hyffsat starkt bevis, när ni engagar oss vid Hideout. Så är ni ute på väldigt hal is, dock inte jag som bestämmer. Får väl se var det landar.
  6. 1. Du kan inte engage genom ett SMS på marken. Endast när det gäller en helikopter-engage. 2. Det som hände i Athira har jag ingenting att göra med, var i Sofia, skrev en BAN REQ. Det får stå för dem som var där och betedde sig omoget. 3. Vill ha bevis på er engage från Hideout, som jag bett er om sedan kl 23:00 ikväll. 4. Du som nickar Pablo, det du påpeka är inte relevant. Håll dig gärna till ämnet.
  7. Request Information Name: * [T.L] Nisse * Offender-Name: *[CvD] Boyka / Bambino* Date: 2015-12-18 - 22:45 Reason: Explain your point of view as much as in-depth as possible. If you have any proof of the users guilt in form of links, post them here. We are standing by the Gang Hideout. Just bought some stuff and the gang TWCB is in the air above us. Suddenly CvD are also arriving at the Gang Hideout. We are standing there, talking with the CvD member and letting him take over the Gang Hideout and we are showing them respect. When we decide to go away from there, heading towards Lakka to see where TWCB went. Point of view from what I've heard from CvD - They engage us when we are all sitting in the car and drive away from there. Told them to provide me a video with evidence from that engage. = They did NOT. When we are at Lakka, TWCB lands with their chopper and we prepare to start a fight with them. Suddenly CvD arrives up with a hatchback sport, as you can see in the video. Driving around like a 10 year old little boy and disturbing our POV. As you also can see in this video, I [T.L] Nisse decide to shoot this car, just because he's so ******** annoying. But in the last moment, my leader tell me to not. IF we would be aware of an engage from CvD, we had A LOT of times, where we could possibly kill them, and they know it and you can also see it in this video. Then in the end of the video, where we know the position of one guy, but we do not know who it is. This guy is clearly waiting for someone in his Teamspeak to tell him it's okay to shoot me. Worth knowing is also, that my leader is sending 2 SMS to this guy, driving the car, telling him to stop with this very immature behavior. CvD is taking this as an engage and in my eyes it's clearly NO ENGAGE. Where is the Roleplay in engaging through an SMS? Up to you admins and supporters to decide what this looks like. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzpjFIGTGsg&feature=youtu.be Nisse
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