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Everything posted by Alvaréz

  1. Name: [L.Z] Marcus Alvarez Offender-Name: [West] Trazor och [West] Liposur Date: 2015-01-26 Reason: I was parked in pyrgos when i heard a truck standing next to me. They hit my car with the truck, and i started to follow them and they started to block me when I tried to drive past them. And when we were out of safe zone he jumped out and started to shooting at me for no reason. It ends up that my car got blowed up in the safezone at the Casino, i got no video proof on that.
  2. Name: [K.G.B] Chibs Offender-Name: [crips]Brusniek Date: 14.01.15 Reason: Jag åkte förbi en mack, det var 3 personer som rånade och en av dom började skrika fula ord som jag tycker är oacceptabelt. Video Bevis ----------------
  3. Alvaréz


    Jag blev bannad för ingenting, jag var i Kavala, råkade köra över 2 st. 2 minuter senare blev jag bannad i 1 dag för "Troll i Kavala"
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