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Everything posted by meyek

  1. Name: meyek Date: 2015-01-02 Reason: Here is the ban request that was used towards me. I would first of all ask you, how could you even ban me based upon a video where you can't really see anything, except that I kill one of them in the CHAT, not even how I kill him? As they were stating, they were driving on the STRAIGHT and long road next to the airfield at maximum speed. My friend was driving an offroad, not a hatchback as they stated. He was driving it on the right side of the road since we were heading up towards Athira. I was a bit behind him in another car, but not too far away to be able to view what happened. I really like how "Rickebo" stated that we were trying to crash into them with purpose because that is exactly what they did to us. They turned from the left side of the road to crash into my friends car. After the crash, they jumped out of the car with their SDAR's and one of them fired a bullet. Of course we take this as a threat, full armed guys with good rifles. Crashing into one intentionally and then after, pointing guns at us and shoot. I drove up the road (I was in another car as I mentioned), behind them. EnteerQ killed one of them after the guy fired a bullet. I took out the last guy which was hiding with his weapon behind the car, looking to kill EnteerQ. As Rickebo wrote more than 2 times in the in-game crash, "I recorded every thing, I will get you banned". I don't see any point for not uploading the whole video, or as he mentioned in the ban request: "I started recording after". If Rickebo wouldn't have skipped recordings and showed everything. We even asked why they tried to crash into us, but he removed that part from the recording. And also, cARPEN (who is an admin), replied to them in their ban request that I will get banned for 1 day. And now 1 day later, I'm still banned for TWO (2) days more. Thank you! Meyek.
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