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    Lars Erik

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  1. or some glicthing into somebodys house
  2. 76561198078786537 Maby it was diamond duping or money duping.
  3. You were kicked off the game. (BatllEye: Admin ban (perm exploit ( [S.O.N] Lars /hitem))
  4. Name - SON Lars Date - maby a year ago cant remember I have been banned for so long now that i dont even know what i did wrong. Its stands that i exploited something when i try to logg in. Cvgaming was one off my first arma 3 rpg servers so my rp was shit and i didnt understand so much. I have grown allot in rp and being able to comply to the rules. I hope for a new chance now since it has been so long.
  5. Name: S.O.N Lars I dont remember it was so long ago I really want to get unbann to come back and play whit my friends and have fun on the server, i thinked i exploited something. I think i got wrong banned but i dont remember, but i really want to come back.
  6. What glitch? I didnt use a glitch i havent played there for many weeks i was on for some days ago but then i got robbed by NDa or something so i logged so i think you guys have banned wrong man
  7. Hi My ingame name. [s.O.N] Lars Why did i got perm banned? can somebody say that
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