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Everything posted by Night

  1. Night

    RDM on civ's

    i agree that it is somewhat reasonable, that is exactly what we said when it was the other way around in our case, but they persisted that doesnt matter what you would IRL, doesnt matter where they look or aim, just what you say. If it is rdm protecting yourself when robbing a store and ppl storm in with weapons, is it then not rdm when you shoot when ppl jump out of the car? and again you do know ppl can shoot at you from the back of the truck? We were at the very least not aggressive, so you should not jump to the concluction that we heard you if you were not getting shot at. then again all i want is for an admin to say it, not you who is the offender in this report.
  2. Night

    RDM on civ's

    you were far behind us when we drover over the strip, no use in saying something in direct chat untill you are closer. again, if we wanted to kill you we could shoot right away from the back of the truck and as you can hear the skype there are no people saying "shoot" or anything as we had done nothing wrong, thinking it would be cops since it was a spike strip. if not a single one out of 3 ppl are able to hear you, clearly something is wrong. All i want if for an admin to say if this is allowed or not, if it is allowed, it is contradicting to what we've been punished for, which sounds like a server where the known rebels/bandit have an admin on their side. Only reason im bothering to post this is not since im salty i've lost some money, but i want to know if this server is worth playing on or not before i waste alot of time only to find out later.
  3. Night

    RDM on civ's

    i didn't say anything to you in athira btw, you were not talking to me, i (named Night ingame too) only said that you broke the rules and i were going to put up this video. - feel free to show me any video of this
  4. Night

    RDM on civ's

    yes, i do not record my screen 24/7 so i press record when stuff is happening, and wierd with this "hostile" as you say, i had 2 ppl at the back who could shoot you at any time, why would they jump out if they wanted to kill you? yes i went behind the car before he said hands up not to get insta shot, but rather talk and i had no idea where ppl were or who, but then i get instakilled (did not shot and did not even aim at you). If you think we heard you say don't get out of the car, what possibly could we earn by going out of the car instead of either surrendering or shoot you right away, again 2 ppl with guns at the back. Clearly a lack of RP when you had the every chance to do so, even after we got out of the car. Only reason i'm posting this is that i'm tired of rebel/gangs/whatever to abuse power and most of them working together with admins so they are safe to do whatever while my friend killed 2 ppl (gangs) walking up to him with guns aiming at him when he is robbing the store and then get's taken for "rdm". Does indeed seem that the "rules" only imply to the plebs.
  5. Night

    RDM on civ's

    i don't have recording before this, as i said to you, the only thing we hear was stop the car, i went out, then "Hands up" then we got killed, why bothering saying hand up if you are just going to kill us anyway? There was alot of room there to RP as no one even aimed at you or said anything.
  6. Night

    RDM on civ's

    Offenders: [s.D.S] Amadi Emmek [s.D.S]Jamal + more involved Victims: [P.S.A] Night [P.S.A]talibankriger1999 [P.S.A] Tidebringer Date: 08.02.15 RDM - drove over a spike strip after driving with some diamond while being completely fresh to the server, thinking it would probably be cops, and here's what happened. Was given about a sec to comply, not even aiming at anyone, while my friends could barely get out of the car before being shot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyUeakLuPRo&feature=youtu.be
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