Mr GW Posted February 22, 2015 Report Share Posted February 22, 2015 Hello! I'm writing this regarding our current state and some general information. Slow support This information is focused on house related issues. Some of you are really frustrated these days regarding our way to help you. I agree with you to a certaint point that it's a long time, sometimes it can take a day or two to get help with things. There has been people who have waited longer than that, and I know that it's frustrating. Currently there are 2 people who can help out with house related problems. With our new host it makes it even more time consuming and difficult because we don't have the things that we need yet to do this in a smooth way. Helping out with house problems requires a high level of access to our database since we first have to go trough a backup of your house and then verify that what you are telling us is the truth. This issue is something that we are working on and we've not found the issue yet, helping 5-10 people everyday with this is more time consuming than you think. Especially when some of us gets home from work at 5-7 PM and then have to spend 1-3 hours helping out with house issues. But ofcourse we will keep trying to be positive and help you as much as we can. We will eventually create a ticket system for house problems, makes it easier for everyone. Recent Negativity This information is about the overall current negativity in our community. Lately, there has been quite alot of negativity on our community. We have lost several good members and friends of ours due to various of reasons. We are listening to your opinions and even though it got this far, you certainly have our attention. If a support/moderator acts bad, don't let it reflect on the whole administrator - CvGaming staff. We always deal with these matters personally with the staff member involved. We are spending more time than you might think about taking care of our issues. You expect alot from us and i accept that, we will always do our best so you can have a great time here at CvGaming. We will do our best to make your opinions be more dealt with from now on, before your suggestions/opinions/changes escalates into pure frustration. Hopefully cutting the chain reaction on the negativity would be a good start. Positivity | CvGaming This information is about our future here at CvGaming. We have gone through alot, there has been some ups and downs. If you have lost faith in us then stop reading. For us to become a fun and happy community again we need to restart on how we deal with things here at CvGaming. What you can expect from us is an essential staff change and more heart into what we do, let the people with motivation lead CvGaming in the right direction. We will make this a happier place again. Our future goal is that the civilians and the majority of the members should lead the server, the balance should always be in everyone's favour. It's time to put all the negativity behind us and focus on making this a better place. Just remember that we are always doing our best to make your stay here at CvGaming a memorable experience, hopefully in a positive way. This is a little text describing our future in my own words. // Mr GW ARRE, Peter Marple, bäverbeavern and 7 others 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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