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[NIG] Remember what i say! i will remember u


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                                                                                                                       :drinks:REMEMBER [U.F.L] :drinks:

      Name: [U.F.L] Lian

      Offender-Name: [NIG] lin Koy  

      Date: 26.09.2015 - <3:53>


Okei lets start i driving a SUV have some night driving and se how sexy alris life and cvgaming its and i can se its a car driving and i thinked he will robbing me so i drived on rong side on the gate and we crash yeee i think the its my fail so i stay and trayving to ask whay gowing on gayyys and how mutch can i say nothink everythnik so happen i whost hilled dem say Alahu Akbar and efter fireeeeeeeeee TO HELL FOR ME i will realy say the its RDM and i ask dem whay u RDM and dem say u driving in my car and i say okey and that min u can kill Remember Altis life rules and the Server rules dem say we give the f**k f**k u and i tell dem give back the stuff and i will not uppdate the viedio. we give the f**k say dem to my...  God love u



Edited by murvegutten
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Kan inte ni slutta och RDM og Trolla i safezone ni roppar og skriker og spellar rasistiska och idiot musiker snella slutta

Edited by Peter Marple
Skriv i normal text så det går att läsa. Ingen kan läsa den där sörjan!
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Tänker börja såhär. 

Du bröt reglerna exakt lika mycket som dom när du "VDM" :ade dom. Som är det första du gör.

Sen skriver du svordomar överallt, det kommer inte att hjälpa dig.

Edited by R. Kupa
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