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Posts posted by Franco

  1. Meet the minimum age of 17.
    Understand basic server rules.
    MUST have a working microphone!
    MUST have a good command of the English language.

    In-Game Name? : Franco.
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198194138441
    Age : 19 år.
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Ja.
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: har varit polis vid ett flertal tillfällen på CVG.
    Do you have a working microphone?: Ja.
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: Runt 1000 Timmar.
    Have you been banned before?: Nej.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Ja.

    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Ha en god kunskap om server reglerna.
    2) Kunna föra ett bra RP.
    3) Bete dig som en Förebild till alla på servern. (Få folk att se upp till APD)
    4) Håll huvudet kallt vid kniviga situationer.
    5) Sträva efter att bygga upp en bra gemenskap inom polis kåren.

    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:
    Har varit polis vid flertal olika tillfällen och då tyckte att det är extremt roligt.
    Jag tror att jag kan tillföra en del roliga/bra RP situationer och jag skulle vilja Altis gator rena igen från det våld som Altis har börtar krylla av. 

    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Att hålla Altis gator fria från olagliga vapen, drogkarteller och banditer. Samt kunna hjälpa civila i nöd och kunna skydda det utsatta från detta våld, då jag vet att det krylla massvis med olagliga saker och Kriminellt folk på Altis gator.

    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:
    Stor del av varför jag kör Altis life är för RP, men det är ju även lockande att skjuta av sig ibland, som jag antar att alla tycker.
    Jag tycker att jag de senaste gångerna jag varit med i APD gjort ett bra arbete och tycker själv att jag kan RP:a på en god nivå. 

    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: 
    Det är nyckel object för att kunna föra en bra och effektiv polis styrka på altis enligt mig.

    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:
    Franco, ägare av Altis bästa och finaste äppelfarm. Men efter att jag i flera år arbetat på min äppelfarm så bestämde jag mig för att göra något som skulle göra nytta för Altis och dess befolkning. Jag gick med som en kadett i Altis police department och arbetade mig uppåt i kåren ett flertal gånger. Men jag valde själv valt att lämmna APD alla gånger för att intresset för att äppelfarmen alltid behövts skötas om. Men nu nära det kryllar utav så mycket banditer så kan jag inte leva på min äppelfarm då marknaden har dött ut och alla är mer intresserade utav vapen och droger. Så nu söker jag efter att bli en del av APD igen och stoppa det våldsamma samhället som Altis har blivit under den senaste tiden.

    Tell us a little about yourself! 
    Är 19 år och bor i Göteborg. Läser just nu mina sista dagar på gymnasiet där jag Studerar el och energiprogrammet (elektrikera). På fritiden så blir det en del datorspel och grejande med datorer då det är det stora intresse för mig, men just nu längtar jag bara efter att njuta utav mitt sista sommarlov innan arbetslivet börjar. :(

  2. In-Game Name? : Franco
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198129601507
    Age : 18
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes, i have played as a police officer on cvgaming before. But i decided to leave the police force both times for reasons that i can explain if needed. (Just ask me on TS if you need to know)
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes i do.

    How long have you played on CvGaming?: I started playing on cvgaming at the start of 2015. Dont know how long in hours 

    Have you been banned before?: No.

    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes, RP is the biggest reason why i play altis life.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Know the rules.
    2) Know how to roleplay.
    3) Act as a role model. (for the other players)
    4) Never break character.
    5) Listen to Higher ranked officers.
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    I will bring alot of RP into what ever i do when im on the server as a police officer.
    I can take orders from other, but i can also give if needed.
    I have been APD on cvgaming before.
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    To serve altis and protect it's civs from criminals and terrorists.
    But also keep them away from illegal activities.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    Because i can bring much rp when im on duty.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    I hope i can bring alot of fun roleplaying situations and act as a role model on the server (when it comes to RP)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Treat everyone with respect.
    Loyalty is key to success for the police.
    Rules are rules and they are here for a reason. Not to be broken.

     Why are the police faction important?
    The police try to control the island of altis and keep the civs safe from bandits / terrorists.

     What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Last time i played in the police force what we needed was better teamplay. But i dont know what the current police force needs to improve.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    I am 18 years old and live in Göteborg. I am currently studying ''EL och energi'' and In my free time i spend alot of time by the computer playing computer games.

    • Meet the minimum age of 18. Jag är 18 (1997) fyllde i januari
    • Understand basic server rules. Jag har läst reglerna på forumet x antal gånger och jag är mycket bekant med reglerna som finns.
    • MUST have a working microphone! Ja, har en mic som funkar mycket bra.
    • MUST have a good command of the English language. Yes i think såååå. :D
    • What is your in-game name? S.Franco / Franco
    • What is your Player ID #? 76561198129601507
    • Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Ja, det har jag. Mer än en gång.
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Ja det gör jag, har varit Medic på en annan server tidigare och även polis på cvgaming. Så jag har erfarenhet och roleplayen är varför jag spelar altis.
    • How long have you played on the server?Vet inte antal timmar. Men hittade servern för kanske ett halv år sedan
    • How long have you played Arma 3? 650Hrs. Mestadels av tiden är på cvgaming.
    • How often do you play on the server? Har tagit en paus från arma under senaste tiden, Men nu har jag ny motivation till att spela och att prova på medic.
    • Tell us a little about your self! (Jag är en kille på 18 år från Göteborg. Studerar just nu mitt tredje år på gymnasiet och jag läser el och energi. På fritiden är jag stor del av tiden vid datorn men även ute med kompisar. Vet inte riktigt vad mer jag ska säga. Men om det är några frågor så är det bara att fråga. :) 
  3. In-Game Name? : S.Franco
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198129601507
    Age : 18
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:  I've been a police officer on this server before. ( And a medic on a different altis life server.
    Do you have a working microphone?: yes i do.
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 4-5 Months
    Have you been banned before?: Nope.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes. RP is the reason why i play arma 3. So i promise to never leave character when im on duty.
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Good roleplaying
    2) Know the rules
    3) Act as a role model
    4) Never break character
    5) Patiens
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    Because i can bring good roleplay and i know how to ''play'' as a police, because i've been a police before. I also know all the rules and i have never broke one. 
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    To serve altis and protect it's civs from dirty bandits and drug dealers.
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    Because i can bring good roleplay and i've been a police before.
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Bring good roleplay and act as a role model to the players of cvg
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Treat everyone with respect. Even if you don't know them.
    Loyalty is key to success for the police.
    Rules are rules and they are here for a reason. Not to be broken.
     Why are the police faction important?
    Because the police keeps altis from dirty bandits / drug dealers and control the land.
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    I think the police forces needs to get involved in more rp senarios.
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    I live in Göteborg in Sweden and im 18 years old (1997) i am studying ''el och energi'' and its my 2nd year on the ''gymnasium'' so i have a  lot of time to sit by the computer, sadly. Don't know what else to say here
    • What is your in-game name? Savalich
    • What is your Player ID #? 76561198129601507
    • Have you read all of the rules on the forum? yes i have, more then once
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Yes, i play this mode because i loke the roleplay so i will alway stay in character.
    • How long have you played on the server? Not sure, maybe around 120+hrs
    • How long have you played Arma 3? Since summer 2014
    • How often do you play on the server? I play everyday and minimum 3hrs
    • Tell us a little about yourself! I live in Göteborg in Sweden and im 18 years old (1997) i am studying ''el och energi'' and its my 2nd year on the ''gymnasium'' so i have a  lot of time to sit by the computer, sadly. Don't know what else to say here
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