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manne last won the day on May 19 2020

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  1. manne


    Okay, `Manne first claims im allowed to remote connect and check, then all of a sudden he changes his mind - very suspicious. then he starts threatening with "server-report" as he has no clue how battleye filters work (automated).` Why you LIE ??? Am never say yeah please, mr boss, check my pc. I said like `Feel Like Free` mean say me more about because i have this game 2 weeks. Why you talking about my friend ? Am not his mom, dad, or sister and he is free. Then he send you PM he send you PM. 999999, `Manne on the other hand have been nice, sending good PM's and granted me access to his machine. we will see what we find.` W H Y Y O U L I E ???? `So now he is gone for good.` Ok then can i see my log please ? Awesome teleporting in my bed, you know am fakin wizard. 420, Am never say nah, dont want check my pc then you mad like kid. After i said i report you and server, you bg fakin mad like 10yo kid with IQ 70- and remove me Its not allowed to report you ??? You a fakin god or ? So am banned no 4ever because you mad then am right. Soo send me this stupid log please want to see how long time am on the server in this `Ban Time` 0.0 in server menu ? lele dude wake up thanks
  2. manne

    Perma Ban manne

    Hello, Just i want connect to the game like every day and -__- am banned for teleporting lol. Player id - 76561197962174113 InGameNick - manne http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/719792825672010243/551E1620698DA9C4D3D6BA697DDB9160859992E2/ Screen with ban lol Last time am playing at the morning 18.5 2015 cca at 06:00 and nothing happend, just disconnecting 2 players rem on the server. Today i want to play at night and i cant connect....please can you tell me whats wrong ???
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