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Conan Admin
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Posts posted by Lena

  1. 7 minutes ago, NorreN said:

    No need to make a rule.
    With too many rules makes the game less fun with no creativity options allowed. 

    Like in the comment above, this is a big possibility that people will exploit the rule.

    " (I can just go and destroy someones staris and take a print screen and send to admin and say that they have taked it away)"


    Yes i agree :) We have to remember that this game is early alpha and we dont want to have any rules that we cant controll

  2. 2 minutes ago, DuvaN said:

    And 1 more point you put up a rule just becuse Samael and Tess are crying! for help them and they just build closer to us and made us angryer and we can't raid them becuse the rule! 
    So you should take away the rule untill you have had a vote to get the rule up! Don't put up a rule becuse to drama queens want a rule!

    This rule is ment to prevent people to farm eachother that prevents them from actually playing the game.
    This is a game you should enjoy playing and have fun in. 
    Loocking somoeone down almost forcing them to loggout and change server is not what we want.

  3. 1 hour ago, Clementino said:

    This rule is kinda useless and theres to many loop holes in it so either you should make a new one thats better or just remove it , 


    4. Farming someone or a clan is not ok. This means after a raid, give them time to recover and build up again.
    We won't allow griefing to the extreme. This means proventing someone to gain any progress in game

    What kind of loop holes are you thinking about? 

    You go and raid someone and when the job is done you let them be.
    And not allowed griefing to the extreme = proventing someone to gain progress in game. 
    One example is spawnkilling or just ruin the game for someone just for the "fun"of it.

    How would you rewrite this rule to make it more understandable or to your liking? :)


  4. 20 minutes ago, DuvaN said:

    Don't have that rule it is to easy to use that rule to get someone banned for nothing. (I can just go and destroy someones staris and take a print screen and send to admin and say that they have taked it away)


    Sorry for bad spelling got dyxlexi!

    Thats is a good point! :)

  5. We have noticed there are some mixed thoughts about the removing of stairs to provent bases from being raided.
    We want to know more about your opinions regarding this.
    Some of you seem to want a rule to provent the removing of stairs while some of you don't.
    Both has it pros and cons. 

    The removing of stairs provents alot of offlineraiding. But it also means people take this to the extreme and remove their stairs even when they are online wich makes it harder to raid in general.

    So whats your opinions? Do you have any sugesstions? Let us know! :)

  6. Server Rules

    1. No bug abusing, glitching or hacking.

    2. No blocking off NPC/camps.

    3. No cave blocking!

    4. No racism, sexism, bullying or foul language. You can smack around in chat but try and keep it civil.

    5. English in chat!

    6. Farming someone or a clan is NOT allowed! 

    7. We won't allow griefing to the extreme. This means proventing someone to gain any progress in game.

    8. No foundation spamming! Dont claim land by placing foundations.

    9. Don't place structures that would prevent other players to expand their base!

    Be nice to newcommers! Remember, we want to keep this server active

    As admin our main task it to make the server run as smooth as possible, keep it up to date and make sure its the best server it can be.
    We care allot about our players and are allways open for sugestions on improvement. We want you to be happy!

    If you need admin support you can allways find us on teamspeak ts.cvgaming.net
    We allso play the game like everyone else. When no admin help is needed we like to enjoy the game just like you do.
    We do not abuse or use our admin rights as a benefit to our gameplay, we farm just like you.
    If you suspect any admin abuse report it to us or any other admin in our cummunity. We take admin abusing seriously!

  7. Hej bocken

    Tyvärr så har vi efter diskussion valt att inte unbanna dig.

    Du gick långt över gränsen även efter ett antal varningar från oss admins och du struntade i att respektera oss.

    Du även bad om att bli bannad.

    Tack för ursäkten dock!

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