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Jeppe Olsen

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Posts posted by Jeppe Olsen

  1. The past few days I've played I've have noticed one thing that kept coming back and bite me in the ass.

    The lack of police and medic. 

    It sucks not being able to be revived, or if there's no cops on all to impound cars blocking the car spawns ect.


    There might be some different reasons for this. 

    1. You only let swedes play as cops (From what I can understand on the declined application section)

    2. there's no public slots for cop. I HATE public cops, well they also have some advantages of having just a few. 

    2.1 people will fight over them and be pretty eager to join the police force

    2.2 People will actually have to proof themselves worthy as a cop before being actually gets whitelisted,

    3. Public medics! Because what harm can they really do? And it's better then having no medics online! Besides it will be good for recruitment

    4. 18 y/o age limit? I'm myself is 21, but I've often met people 15 y/o there's more mature then most in their 20's. I think the age limit should be set alot lower, and rather then deny people joining because they're to young, there think about "Are these guys mature enough and up to the task?". Hell that's another reason for public cops, to test the young people out.

    Okay but there's some down sides from having public slots. 


    Public cops have a tendency to abuse their power, restrain people for no reason ect. well we can easily do so public cops cant restrain. Or cant restrain unless the person is wanted or something like that.

    And public cops should always if possible be with a whitelisted cop. 
    But most of the time there's a admin on anyways, so they can always be blacklisted.

    Public medics can't really abuse their powers in any way that i know off, atleast not anything else then a normal civ would be able to. 

    Well tell me what you think!

    Ps. I'm not saying you should get 5 public slots, just like 2 for both medic and police so people will have to fight a bit over them.

  2. Well lets just stop calling it a tazer then, call it rubber bullets or w/e ;) 
    Personally i don't like the tazer spray, but it shouldn't be limited to 1 shot each mag either. 
    If it was up to me, I would limit it in a way, where you needed to be hit be the tazer multiple times for the effect to work. 
    Normally you would need around 2-3 shots to the body with a 9mm to die,  so it should be the same with the tazer, 2-3 shots for the effect to work.
    This way it wouldn't be overpowered at all, but it wouldn't be crap for the cops like a single shot tazer either.

  3. Hey all! I'm totally new here at CvGaming, and I just wanted to say a friendly hello!


    Well hey all! My nick/ingame name Is Jeppe Olsen, I'm from Denmark I do understand swedish, but if you meet me please keep it english, and prefer it that way ;)
    I'm 21 years old,I've just resigned from the Danish Army after 3 years, and is currently looking for a job. (J/k I'm gaming all day) 
    I moved here from CPC with Scotty and a few others.

    For my gaming experience, I've played everything from MMOs to Fps, and but everything has grown tiring over the years, except Arma 3 and the beauty of Altis Life. I've played about 1100 hours of Arma 3, about 1000 hours in Altis life and the majority of that as a cop since january when CPC first started their Altis Life server, Sadly the server pretty much died off and Scotty got an opportunity to script here for you guys, so I followed. 


    When I play I'm often friendly, well friendly meaning I don't KOS, and try to RP as often as people let me, it is Altis Life afterall. But don't think this will allow you to try some shit, I WILL kill you ;) 



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