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    Ferm reacted to Toxiic in Truckboxer of doom. vol.2   

  2. Like
    Ferm reacted to Imlay in Avrättning av Stanford :')   
  3. Like
    Ferm reacted to Dimitri in Romeo (Gray) & juliet gifter sig FRIVILLIGT.   
  4. Like
    Ferm reacted to Harry in Ban request Cv-D Kroxor   
    Request Information
    Name: [sC] Harry
    Offender-Name: [Cv-D] Kroxor
    Date: 2015-02-27 - 21:45
    Side note:I was not the player directly involved however, I was present at the scene and will make the request on behalf of the player directly affected, [sC] R. Karlsson.
    Situation: Scrub Club sucessfully took over the bandit district. Whilst there CV-D landed and attempted to kill us. After about a minut a combat we decided to retreat, Karlsson then went out to the orca stationed just outside and attempted to fly away. When he got into the helicopter and started lifting off the CV-D players on the ground started approaching the orca, emptying their mags. Whilst Karlsson started up the helicopter Kroxor descended with a hummingbird and hovered just above Karlsson, forcing him to crash. 
    The situation took place in the bandit district, so what would have been lack of rp, is invalid. However, we consider this to be a breakage of VDM.
    "Driving over someone is not allowed under any circumstances."
  5. Like
    Ferm reacted to M. Gray in Wheelyn från hell   
    Ute och patrullerar lite.. Fick upp Huntern i en bra wheely som jag ville hålla lite på.. då hände detta =)
    Mr. Gray
  6. Like
    Ferm reacted to Darkiller in Ban Request A.F.F Darkiller och A.F.F Thomas Krueger   
    Man ser i videon att jag kör över på andra körfältet och försökte undvika att köra rakt in i eran helikopter, sen att jag inte svängde tillräckligt och råkade köra in i din rotor är lite ert egna fel som ni landar precis framför mig.  Alltså om det nu kommer en helikopter som landar precis framför en, svänger man knappast av vägen och riskera att man kör in i något så man dör. Man vill ju inte riskera sitt liv och sin truck bara för att någon är dum nog att landa en helikopter precis framför en.
    Men om man inte gillar någon så är det då bara att landa en helikopter precis framför personen, och om han/hon råkar köra in helikoptern så att den sprängs och man dör är det ju den andra personen fel som inte väljer att köra av vägen. Men det låter väl logiskt...?
  7. Like
    Ferm reacted to Mr GW in CvGaming   

    I'm writing this regarding our current state and some general information.
    Slow support
    This information is focused on house related issues.
    Some of you are really frustrated these days regarding our way to help you.
    I agree with you to a certaint point that it's a long time, sometimes it can take a day or two to get help with things.
    There has been people who have waited longer than that, and I know that it's frustrating.
    Currently there are 2 people who can help out with house related problems.
    With our new host it makes it even more time consuming and difficult because we don't have the things that we need yet to do this in a smooth way.
    Helping out with house problems requires a high level of access to our database since we first have to go trough a backup of your house and then verify that what you are telling us is the truth.
    This issue is something that we are working on and we've not found the issue yet, helping 5-10 people everyday with this is more time consuming than you think.
    Especially when some of us gets home from work at 5-7 PM and then have to spend 1-3 hours helping out with house issues.
    But ofcourse we will keep trying to be positive and help you as much as we can.
    We will eventually create a ticket system for house problems, makes it easier for everyone.
    Recent Negativity
    This information is about the overall current negativity in our community.
    Lately, there has been quite alot of negativity on our community.
    We have lost several good members and friends of ours due to various of reasons.
    We are listening to your opinions and even though it got this far, you certainly have our attention.
    If a support/moderator acts bad, don't let it reflect on the whole administrator - CvGaming staff.
    We always deal with these matters personally with the staff member involved.
    We are spending more time than you might think about taking care of our issues.
    You expect alot from us and i accept that, we will always do our best so you can have a great time here at CvGaming.
    We will do our best to make your opinions be more dealt with from now on, before your suggestions/opinions/changes escalates into pure frustration.
    Hopefully cutting the chain reaction on the negativity would be a good start.
    Positivity | CvGaming
    This information is about our future here at CvGaming.
    We have gone through alot, there has been some ups and downs.
    If you have lost faith in us then stop reading.
    For us to become a fun and happy community again we need to restart on how we deal with things here at CvGaming.
    What you can expect from us is an essential staff change and more heart into what we do, let the people with motivation lead CvGaming in the right direction.
    We will make this a happier place again.
    Our future goal is that the civilians and the majority of the members should lead the server,  the balance should always be in everyone's favour.
    It's time to put all the negativity behind us and focus on making this a better place.
    Just remember that we are always doing our best to make your stay here at CvGaming a memorable experience, hopefully in a positive way.

    This is a little text describing our future in my own words.
    Mr GW
  8. Like
    Ferm reacted to Thomas Krüeger in [T.U] VS [A.F.F]   
    Allt behövs inte lösas med våld
  9. Like
    Ferm reacted to NorreN in Några roliga stunder inom N.L.A   
  10. Like
    Ferm reacted to s1lversp00n in S.D.S Kroxor   
    Tycker ban requests får för mycket uppmärksamhet på senaste. Lås dem för admins att se istället, eller ta bort möjligheten att kommentera. 
    Blir som ett j**la hönshus när alla ska lägga sig i hela tiden. 
  11. Like
    Ferm reacted to nolim_12 in RDM by [SC] Waag   
    Dear Vindim, i'm glad to see that you are concerned about the topic regarding my ban request.
    First off i would like to point out that breaking server rules isn't something that’s appreciated by me or most of the players - no matter who's killing who.
    Most of the players try to work by the corresponding rules and are trying to keep the server clean and fair. To do this we need to report when players misbehave.
    The difference between how I would have handled the situation and how this situation was handled is that I would have ROLE PLAYED!
    I’m also afraid that the argument you are presenting is based on argumentum ad ignorantiam (that’s latin for “Argument from ignorance”) which means assuming that a claim is true because it has not been or cannot be proven false, or vice versa.
    I would suggest you to do some reading on the subject since it can be quite harmful to your future conclusions to not have insight in the subject.
    Read more about argument from ignorance (and other logical fallacies) at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance
    Best regards nolim_12
  12. Like
    Ferm reacted to kroxor in flyr från polisen :)   
    vi har redan blivit jagade ett tag och har precis landat när videon startar
    det slutar olyckligt men det var kul

  13. Like
    Ferm reacted to ARRE in [T.U] S1lver   
    Herregud vilken onödig ban request, liksom admins själva har sagt att det är okej att man får döda 1,0/1,2 KM utanför bandit district och som sagt ni var på väg dit för att döda TU. S1lver gjorde ingenting fel ni är bara sura nu för att ni dog men och? det är KOS där så varför gnäller ni? Jag var där så jag har rätt att kommentera. Du dog ungefär 400/500m utanför. Jag dog 900m därifrån förut jag sa inte ett ord jag visste att jag skulle in dit för att döda so what.
  14. Like
    Ferm reacted to NicoDicken in NicoDicken´s Police Application   
    What is your in-game name? NicoDicken What is your Player ID #? 76561197984918569 Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Ja Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Självklart! det är ju de som är grejen! How long have you played on the server? Ca:70 timmar How long have you played Arma 3? ca 150 timmar men har dock spelat Arma 2 cirka 2000h + och har lång erfarenhet av både Dayz och Wasteland.Man kan utan tvekan kalla mig för Arma-nörd! How often do you play on the server? Jag spelar på servern varje dag ca 2-3 timmar, och betydligt mer på helgerna. Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) IRL: Mitt Namn är Nicolas Hansen och är 27 år. Bor med min familj ( 1 sambo och en 1 son 8år) i Helsingborg ca 60 mil ifrån stockholm:) Jag arbetar som innesäljare på en Vvs grossist som heter Ahlsell. När jag inte umgås med familjen så sitter jag vid datorn och spelar och när det inte spelas arma så spelar jag Coh2 eller CS:GO. Ingame: Just nu arbetar jag som en vanlig hederlig arbetare som säljer mestadels cement. jag äger ett hus,en (2:a) och har en stabil ekonomi. Min bästa vän har varit Truck Boxern och min värsta är alla gangstar som rånar en på 14st pickaxes om dagen:=) Det som gör att jag söker till poliskåren är att jag vill stoppa alla ligor och småtjuvar som bryter mot lagen och då menar jag inte bara dom som står i kavala market utan även mer glesbebyggda områden. ett exempel är att få kontroll på checkpointsen igen som egenltiligen ägs av staten!
  15. Like
    Ferm reacted to Samir Badran in Hampus Police Application   
    What is your in-game name? I have used many different in-game names but usually I play as Hampus.   What is your Player ID #? 76561198071450271   Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes I have read the rules and I do it immediately when I start on different servers in every game I play.   Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel?  Will never abuse power or trust.   How long have you played on the server?  I have played almost all my hours on CvGaming (~1300h+) by a period of constant playing from September. And to add is that CvGaming is the only server I have played on.   How long have you played Arma 3?  Bought Arma 3 in September 2014, and for 1350 hours according to steam.    How often do you play on the server?  Usually every day from I come home from school until I go to sleep unless I have something important I have to finish within the school. Which usually is 4-8 hours a day and on the weekends I usually sit up the whole nights.   Tell us a little about yourself!  My name is Hampus turned 18 this January and live close to Gothenburg, the timezone is GMT +1. In my spare time I usually sit in front of my computer or being out with friends and just have a good time, I still go to school second year but it will not prevent my playing.   I have been playing as a cop earlier on this server but switched to the terrorist role because I wanted to try something new but now I feel I would like to get a chance to come back to the police force.     Meet the minimum age of 18. CHECK Understand basic server rules. CHECK MUST have a working microphone! CHECK MUST have a good command of the English language. CHECK
  16. Like
    Ferm reacted to Mr GW in Thank you.   
    Hello friends!   I just wanted to say thank you for staying with us in these dark times. Most of you know what happened and some of you don't. We've been attacked for 5 days straight, our ISP refused to help us so we had troubles fixing this since our server is hosted private. Yesterday we decided to rent a server and this will be our solution until further notice. Our services - Altis Life, Teamspeak and Minecraft are now back up in a stable state.
    Thank you.         GW CvGaming
  17. Like
    Ferm reacted to Haren in How to make 400k in 5 minutes   
    Vem fan behöver köra diamond när man kan göra såhär? 

  18. Like
    Ferm reacted to Ludwig in [Ban request] *[N.L.A] Hampus [N.L.A] Yoshi [N.L.A] John Doe   
    Well, on that video, you can hear Bobbi screaming "This is a robbert, put your hands up!"
    This has rp involved, and that proves that this isn't RDM.
    You guys didn't put your hands up and this is what you have to deal with.

    And yes Virre, I know what happend.
  19. Like
    Ferm reacted to Kaspar in Ban requests [A.S.A]   
    Ban requests:        [A.S.A]
    Name :                    [Medic] Kappar
    Offender-Name:    [A.S.A]
    Date:                      23-01-2015
    Reason:       -        Examples of reasons:
    1: When I got out of my [Medic] chopper they shot me 2 times without any warnings, and laugh about it
    2: I  get a Medic call i respons to the call, when i show up, they send me a message that i shall "leave", while im leaving they shoots at me while im leaving.(You need to give   people  time to react on a message).
    3: Lurre a Medic in with an EMC, when i show up they rob me.
    4:troller / Lack of RP.
    6:Shoots at me/chopper while im in the city waiting for an EMC(see link below)
    Link below shows that he Combat-Logged:
    Clan[A.S.A] Shoots at me/chopper while im in the city:

    Clan [A.S.A] give me no time to reackt to an message, as they can see im moveing away they open fire anyway!:

    Best Regards
    Kappar / [Medic] Kappar
  20. Like
    Ferm reacted to Legacy™ in PMC on CvG - What do you think?   
    I have noticed that Altis is an unfair place today for the common civillian and i know that everyone out there could use a helping hand, i have also seen that we have had 2 attemps of starting something like a PMC group but our rules have not allowed it.
    What i am thinking is turning it into a Faction and it can therefore operate above the gang rules and assist other gangs to assist the civi* llians in their ordinary life.
    I want to bring some balance to Altis, everyone does not have major gangs to protect them or the gunpower to protect themselves from cops and rebells, ofcourse there will be bounderies on what can be done and what can't be done and i am writing this in order to present as much as i can. I will gladly take every opinion and answer every question you may have on Teamspeak.
    What is PMC?
    PMC are Military Contractors who operate as an independant force, what is special about a PMC crew is that they are avaliable to Hire for the right amount of money! This means that everyone may contact them and try to setup a contract between themselves and the PMC group. For example you might need protection when transporting precious cargo from point A to point B and you pay them to assist you.
    Who would be a part of PMC?
    People are always free to show interest in joining but in the end only people who have showed themselves true RP characters and gained the trust to carry out a role like this will get one. To make PMC work we need to have a certain stability in the group and i need to make sure that the PMC follows the rules that they have to operate by.
    What kind of Jobs would the PMC have?
    * Cargo transportation
    * VIP protection
    * Roadblocks
    * Sector Securing
    * Robbery ( Not against players )
    * Transportation 
    * Breakouts
    * And more!
    Who would be able to hire PMC?
    I was thinking that only civs should be able to do so, maybe the cops aswell to a certain point? Please give feedback on this how you want it.
    We want to help the common civillian but we also want to make some money and therefore we would take any contract we can that is in the frames of Roleplay and the server rules! The NLA will not be able to Hire PMC for now but that does not make us hostiles. PMC always keeps an open dialog as long as mutual respect is shown from both parties.
    How much would they cost to hire?
    I was thinking about doing a roleplay scenario where the PMC has access to the Government database and therefore get an estimated number of the customers bank. With the bank in concern we would setup a price that would be suiting for just that person.
    Gangmembers would automaticaly have to pay more since they have a gang to watch their back and is not in the great need of protection that ordinary workers is.
    I would arrange a pricelist that would go on the forum along with other Public info on how to contact us and such. 
    What rules would the PMC have?
    We would have to obey by the server rules like everyone else but we would have to operate above a couple of rules in order to make this work obviously. But as i said we would have to follow the rules like the rest of you. I will also keep an open dialog after releasing the official faction rules and if you have question about rules i would be willing to discuss them and tweak them if needed!
    This faction would be started from 0 and some rules may not be perfect at the beginning and feedback is always wanted as long as it's not in the "Negative without an actual point"-style.
    Why i am doing this.
    I am doing this for the community, i have listen and observed to everything you have said to me over the last couple of weeks and people think that civillian have no chance against the NLA and APD because they are well organised and also have better guns and equipment and this is your chance to make something about this. At first this would not be the most exciting gameplay but i would still go through  with this idea in order to make the server even more fun and so would everyone else that i would recruit!
    Also i want to push the server to it's limits when it comes to roleplay!
    This post was made so that you could tell you opinions and hopefully you will like it, if i get the support i want then we will do our best to move forward with this idea as soon as possible. IF i missed anything feel free to hit me up on teamspeak or leave a comment! And if you just like the idea, leave a like so i have some sort of feedback! I want many comments so start the spam!
  21. Like
    Ferm reacted to hitem in What is that flying up there? APD!   
    Greetings Altis.
    Lately there has been alot of APD propaganda on our fine island that we call home!
    This have resulted in APD being alittle to edgy when it comes to their efforts in oppressing the weak.
    Even harassing and kidnapping our countrymen from our neighbourhood. This can not continue!

    Next logical step: payback!
    A fine Christmas present from all of Altis. Rejoice.

    +[N.L.A] Dimitri as Teamspeak mascot
  22. Like
    Ferm reacted to Fakir/Strand in Polis ansökan - Fakir Ahldin   
    What is your in-game name?    Fakir Ahldin   What is your Player ID #?    76561198135140126   Have you read all of the rules on the forum?    ja, och jag kommer uppdatera min läsning av regler oftare.   Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel    ja, jag kommer hit för att jag tycker det är kul och rpa och om jag skulle ha ett litet triggerfinger som tickar så blir de att gå in på wasteland/king of the hill och rasta av mig tills jag tröttnat.   How long have you played on the server?   2.5 månader (950) timmar    How long have you played Arma 3?   2.5 Månader (973) timmar    How often do you play on the server?    varje dag cirka 6-12 timmar    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.)   jag är 16 år och bor i en liten stad som heter skövde och jag är en väldigt social person som gillar att binda nya kontakter, Jag går under svenska tidzonen, på fritiden så brukar jag träna handboll och gym men för det mesta så sitter jag och spelar arma 
  23. Like
    Ferm reacted to Legacy™ in earplugs   
    + att man alltid glömmer och höja det och sedan kommer det någon och vill interacta med en och då måste man be dem vänta så man kan höja ljudet igen, blir så oproffsigt på något sätt.
  24. Like
    Ferm reacted to Gringo in Random fun moments on cvgaming   
    Just a bunch of random clips i had laying around.
  25. Like
    Ferm reacted to Musse in earplugs   
    Earplugs skulle va nice de finns i wasteland tror jag de är jag testat de och de är grymt så då man hoppar in i sitt fordon kan man sätta in dom så slipper man sänka o höja då man ska ut och in ur sina fordon, men folk måste då med komma ihåg att ta ur dom när dom går ut ur sitt fordon så man hör folket som vill RPa med en.
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