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[CKD][4025] SweBear

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Posts posted by [CKD][4025] SweBear

  1. What is Your in-game name:
    Answer: [Medic]SweBear

    What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number.

    Have You read all of the server rules?


    Have You read all of the paramedic rules?

    Do You promise to always act in-character and never abuse Your power while playing as a Paramedic?

    How long have You played on the server(hours)?

    Jag har spelat på denna server sedan april 2015
    How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)?

    713 timmar
    Have You been a Paramedic earlier?

    How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night? 

    Båda dag och natt (Dock inte natt under skoldagar)
    Why should we picked you as a medic?

    För jag har spelat som medic på cv innan 
    Have You been banned before? If yes what have You been banned for?

    Ja lack of rp och mixrat med ljudfiler en gång =)
    Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked ?


    Ja det kan jag he he Baggins 

    What do You think the medic faction would become better with?

    Vara mer sociala med folket och även åka runt i städerna och prata med folk
    Can you fly a helli in arma ?
    Answer: Ja det kan jag och jag är även jävlit bra på att kracha dom =) (Baggins vet)

    Ja det kan jag och är även jävligt bra på att kracha dom =) (Baggins vet)

    Please provide name and background story for Your character applying to the medic (50-100 Words):
    Please type here:

    Jag är nu 18 år och har utbildat mig som läkare i Indien men fick inget jobb som läkare så jag började jobba som tech support  och det det gick mindre bra och fick inte in tillräckligt med pengar varje månad för min lägenhet så myndigheten vräkte mig på min lägenhet. Så jag flydde landet och flyttade till altis och försöker skaffa jobb som läkare här.
    Tell us a little about your self:
    Please type here:

    17 år och bor i borås heter William. Går fordon trandport på viskastrands gymnasiet planerar även att gå företagt ekonomi. Spelar och tränar på fritiden 

  2.         Name: [CKD] SweBear

            Offender-Name: [K] alejandro

            Date: YYYY-MM-DD - 2017-03-06  22:30 ca

            Which rule(s) were broken: fail engage

            Additional information: Explain in detail what happened. i was walking to kawala and saw a car come and i warned them by shoting a bullet. they past by and stoped the car later on when i was walking they started shoting at me and hurt me then they ran towards me and engage me but not whit this is K up whit your hand or die. Just up whit your hand or die 



  3.         Name: [CKD] SweBear

            Offender-Name: [L.G] MakAKE

            Date: YYYY-MM-DD - 2017-03-04 18:00 (typ)

            Which rule(s) were broken: non engage

            Additional information: Explain in detail what happened. i was going to buy weapons in gang hideout 1 i hade taken out 500 k and then i was going up the stairs to the weapon room and then i was shot by [L.G] MaKAKE.

    When i respawnd i askt for money or ban and then they shot me again (another ban req)



  4.       Request Information

            Name: *Your in-game name* [CKD] SweBear

            Offender-Name: leian

            Date: YYYY-MM-DD - 2017-02-17

            Which rule(s) were broken: VDM

            Additional information: Explain in detail what happened. som ni ser så skriver han "medddic koom" i direct chat



  5. Name: [CKD99] SweBear

    Date: 2016-05-01

    Reason: jag ändrade ljud filerna på en ban req och det var jävligt dåligt gjort av mig nu efterhand så känner jag att det var inte värt det för CVG är den bästa altis life serven jag har spelat på och jag ber så mycket om ursäkt för att jag gjorde detta det var bara dumt av mig. och jag hoppas ni kan förlåta mig för jag försöker sitta här och vara ärlig nu. sen jag tänker aldrig mer göra något dumt på denna server tack för mig SweBear

  6.         Ban rec felaktig ingage

            Name: [ckd99] SweBear

            Offender-Name: [WL] Thore

            Date: 2000-04-30 - 01:44

            Reason: jag  processerade cocain och då hör jag bara -put you hand in the air  då vänder jag mig om och bara dör

            fail engage



  7. Det jag tycker skulle kunna va en bra sak kanske är att om man lägger i gång Funds att man ska kunna ta utt det igen så te.x om nån i Ganget har 6 mille så kan han lägga in det så kan andra ta lite men vill man ta pengar ur Ganges så skickas en notice till ägaren av Ganges som lyder.    [abc]abc want to take out 1 miljon    Och under står den accept eller Deny.

  8. In-Game Name? : [CKD99] SweBear
    What is your Player ID 76561198180631107
    Age : 16
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?:  yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: nej
    Do you have a working microphone?: ja
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 700
    Have you been banned before?: no
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? absolut
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) kunna reagera snabbt
    2) samarbeta och kommunicera
    3) mogen
    4) bra RPare 
    5) kunna ta eget initiativ
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:

    jag vill göra altis till en säkrare plats samt att jag vill RPa som polis jag har lite tidigare erfarenheter som polis (inte arma) 

    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:

    uppgifterna som polis är att skydda och hjälpa civila mot allt och inget som onyktra bilförare, rånare sant andra tjuvar


    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:

    jag är väldigt aktiv hela dygnet jag vill hålla serven balanserad så inte dom olagliga aktiviteterna håller på under natten 


    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:

    jag anser att det är noll tolerans på droger och allt olagligt. gör man något olagligt så tar man sitt straff  det är inte mer än det


    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:

    jag heter William och är utbildad polis dock så har jag inte så mycket minne av att jag är det. jag skulle flyga till altis och hjälpa i kriget men vi blev nedskjutna och kraschade med planet. det jag mins när jag vaknade var att jag låg på ett sjukhus med absolut ingenting. sedan dess har jag fått jobbat mig upp med ekonomin och nu sitter jag här och försöker ansöka till polis.


    Tell us a little about yourself!  

    jag heter William och är 15 fyller 16 i maj  jag har rollspelat som polis innan dock inom gta.  jag är mogen som person tar det mesta seriöst. jag spelar ungefär 8 till 24 timmar på helger. på vardagarna spelar jag ungefär 4 timmar


    • In-Game Name? : SweBear
    • What is your Player ID #? 76561198043706808
    • Age : 17
    • Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: no
    • Do you have a working microphone?: yes 
    • How long have you played on CvGaming?: like 100 hours
    • Have you been banned before?: no
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?  yes
    • What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
      1)  I want people to feel safe
      2)I want to help people
      3)I want a job
      4) good rolplay
      5) Communication skills
    • In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: for I can think fast I'm good at negotiating , and that one need not take everything by force
    • In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: about protecting all who are in danger and also ensure that all the f***ing drug hanlare disappear
    • Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? I'm friendly but also determined that said I can take quick decisions
    • What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: To obtain an angle of how it might look and see how policemen work at Altis
    • What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: I think we should follow the law as closely as possible , and loyalty is a must
    • Why are the police faction important ?  They make sure that the world is not overrun by the criminals, So honest people can live their normal lives.
    • What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better? help more people
    • Tell us a little about yourself! My name is William and I'm 17 years old. I play arma 3 but also social with friends. I play arma 200 hours +
    • In-Game Name? : SweBear
    • What is your Player ID #? 76561198043706808
    • Age : 17
    • Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: no
    • Do you have a working microphone?: yes 
    • How long have you played on CvGaming?: like 100 hours
    • Have you been banned before?: no
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?  yes
    • What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
      1)  I want people to feel safe
      2)I want to help people
      3)I want a job
      4) good rolplay
      5) Communication skills
    • In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer: for I can think fast I'm good at negotiating , and that one need not take everything by force
    • In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?: about protecting all who are in danger and also ensure that all the f***ing drug hanlare disappear
    • Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? I'm friendly but also determined that said I can take quick decisions
    • What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?: To obtain an angle of how it might look and see how policemen work at Altis
    • What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: I think we should follow the law as closely as possible , and loyalty is a must
    • Why are the police faction important ?  They make sure that the world is not overrun by the criminals, So honest people can live their normal lives.
    • What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better? help more people
    • Tell us a little about yourself! My name is William and I'm 17 years old. I play arma 3 but also social with friends. I play arma 200 hours +
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