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Posts posted by Abdull

  1. Name: [AP] Ahmed Abdull

    Offender-Name: Yin

    Date: 2019-01-31 - Ungefär vid 21:00

    Which rule(s) were broken: RDM, Scamming, Ingen engagement

    Additional information: (Spela denna låten för extra känsla när ni läser min additional info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUZeSYsU0Uk ? )

    Jag, min kompis ([AP] Jimmie Åkersson) och vår gangmedlem ([AP] Yin) var påväg till Black Market för att köpa lite gear. Jag hade vid tillfället 400,500$ i kontant på mig. Jag och Jimmie flög i en helikopter medans Yin flög i sin egna. Yin var vid tillfället sur på Jimmie då Jimmie råkade crasha Yin's flygplan 5 minuter tidigare (detta är varför man i videon hör mig och Jimmie skoja om att Yin kanske kommer skjuta Jimmie). Vi går ut ur vår helikopter för att handla gear då vi ser Yin stå vänd mot oss med ett automatvapen i sina händer. Han riktar sitt vapen mot oss och avlossar totalt sex skott. Innan man hinner reagera inser vi att han har dödat oss båda utan att säga ett ord. Efter detta går han och lootar våra kroppar och sedan börjar han skjuta på min helikopter. Jag tycker att det är viktigt att trycka på punkten att Yin var med i vårat gäng. Jag trodde först att han trollade oss men jag insåg att han inte gjorde detta då han lämnade vårt gäng. Jag har efter händelsen växlat ord med honom över Steam men han visade ingen välvillig förståelse till att kompensera. Yin har enligt mig varit en riktigt trevlig kille och en bra lagkamrat under dessa fyra dagar jag har lärt känna honom. Alla medlemmar i vårt gang hade samma syn på honom och därför känns detta som ett knivstick i ryggen. Efter detta tappade jag, såsom mina gängmedlemmar, en otrolig mängd respekt för Yin. Vi tycker att detta var ett väldigt respektlöst drag av Yin och vi tycker därför att han ska få någon bestraffning för detta. Jag vill gärna också få kompensation för det jag förlorade (400k).

    Videobevis: https://plays.tv/video/5c5353061459785a3a/ban-report-p-yin?from=user 

  2. Name: [AP] Abdull

    Offender-Name: [SC] Bishop

    Date: 2016-10-22

    Reason: Ser en bil och behöver hjälp att fixa mig själv och min bil. Brutet ben. Skulle fråga dem i bilen om hjälp när de hoppar ut. Går bakom en vägg. Säger något som jag inte hörde bakom en mur. Tänkte att de kanske pratade med någon annan för det fanns massa lootbags där bak. Gick efter dem och vi alla blev nerskjutna. Vill bara ha refund för mina grejer. Please help.

    Video: http://plays.tv/video/580bc30aae690cb6a2/ok-rdm-?from=user

  3. Police Application - Lukas - 29/04/2016

    • In-Game Name? : Lukas
    • What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198095804692
    • Age : 17
    • Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes. Both fluent.
    • Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: No this is acctually my first. Looking forward to it!
    • Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    • How long have you played on CvGaming?: Just joined  the forum but I've been playing for like a month or so.
    • Have you been banned before?: No
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes
    • What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
      1) Good rp
      2) Listen to higer ranks 
      3) Follow the rules
      4) Always stay in character 
      5) Never abuse the powers of a police officer
    • Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:   It was in October. I was walking home, with some friends, from a football game on a Friday night. About three blocks from my house, we saw flashing emergency lights and heard sirens. Of course, we were curious, so instead of taking a different way we went straight on to see what was going on. A neighbor’s house was blazing! It was crazy watching the firefighters try to control the fire. What really caught my eye though, were the police officers. Some were guarding and making sure no one entered the house or got too close but what was going on with the other officers and the family really took my attention and my heart! The youngest of their children couldn’t be found. The parents were panicked. Two officers calmed the parents and kept them from being too hysterical. Another, I could hear, was talking to someone else reporting the missing child. And yet, another was actually looking for the child in the crowd. The little girl was only 4 years old. The officer that was looking for the girl did finally find her. She was in a bush in the very front of the yard, crying. The officer held her close, reassuring her it was ok and that he was bringing her back to her mom and dad. Don’t get me wrong, it was a wicked fire, and the firefighters did an amazing job. It’s just, what took me, was how all of the police officers worked together. It really took a team effort to do all that they were doing. I realized then, that I really wanted to be part of a team like that. A team where we may have our own duties but we need to work together to help a situation. Even though, usually police officers are at the head of a situation; it seemed this force was working the real potential tragedy and bringing a happy part to a very unhappy situation. They helped not only the family, but the firefighters as well, by ensuring everyone else’s safety. Now, becoming part of a team like this is my passion!
    • Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: To stop criminality in Altis. Keep the civilians safe from criminals.

    • Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:  Attitude and desire to enforce the laws without discrimination. Knowledge of the laws of state and federal, ordinances if a city officer. Previous experience helpful for review purposes, previous military training and assignments if no civilian experience. Willing to rotate shifts. Continue education in this career for changes in the laws and/or advancement promotions. Personal inclination to conduct oneself as a police officer as the public wants to see a police officer, dependent on the circumstances or incidents of the assignments. Ability to use tact and respect without offensive actions or speech. Patience. But if the need arises, the ability to quell disturbances with whatever legal measures dictate at the scene without fear.


    • What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: My only answer to this is: if you don't follow this three words, your not going anywhere in life but to jail


    • Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:  I was born in Sweden in a family that were all police officers. Ever since I first went to school and met new friends all I’ve been thinking about was crime. I was scared. To work with stopping criminals has always been my dream. After high school I had a rough time. My Father died in a car accident and my mom didn’t want me home anymore. I didn’t know where to go. I didn't really know the rest of the family. So I had to go. I have always wanted to travel around the world too so I thought that this would be my chance. My wallet was almost empty so I knew that I couldn't travel far. I told my friends about my situation and asked for some support. They wanted to leave Sweden too. So they gave me some money and we started to look around on the internet for places to go. That's when we found Altis. We packed our stuff and travelled by boat. Right now I live in my friends house in Pyrgos. And when I found out about this job I found some hope in life.


    • Tell us a little about yourself!   I was born in Sweden 17 years ago. My uncle works as a police officer so I know alot about this buisness. I go to school just like every other kid here in Sweden. I started playing videogames when I was like 5 years old or so. I started playing shooter games and some simulators when I was 9 I think. I got alot of experience with shootergames, simulators and roleplays.
  4. Police Application - Lukas - 29/04/2016

    • In-Game Name? : Lukas
    • What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198095804692
    • Age : 17
    • Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes. Both fluent.
    • Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: No this is acctually my first. Looking forward to it!
    • Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
    • How long have you played on CvGaming?: Just joined  the forum but I've been playing for like a month or so.
    • Have you been banned before?: No
    • Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Yes
    • What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
      1) Good rp
      2) Listen to higer ranks 
      3) Follow the rules
      4) Always stay in character 
      5) Never abuse the powers of a police officer
    • Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?:   It was in October. I was walking home, with some friends, from a football game on a Friday night. About three blocks from my house, we saw flashing emergency lights and heard sirens. Of course, we were curious, so instead of taking a different way we went straight on to see what was going on. A neighbor’s house was blazing! It was crazy watching the firefighters try to control the fire. What really caught my eye though, were the police officers. Some were guarding and making sure no one entered the house or got too close but what was going on with the other officers and the family really took my attention and my heart! The youngest of their children couldn’t be found. The parents were panicked. Two officers calmed the parents and kept them from being too hysterical. Another, I could hear, was talking to someone else reporting the missing child. And yet, another was actually looking for the child in the crowd. The little girl was only 4 years old. The officer that was looking for the girl did finally find her. She was in a bush in the very front of the yard, crying. The officer held her close, reassuring her it was ok and that he was bringing her back to her mom and dad. Don’t get me wrong, it was a wicked fire, and the firefighters did an amazing job. It’s just, what took me, was how all of the police officers worked together. It really took a team effort to do all that they were doing. I realized then, that I really wanted to be part of a team like that. A team where we may have our own duties but we need to work together to help a situation. Even though, usually police officers are at the head of a situation; it seemed this force was working the real potential tragedy and bringing a happy part to a very unhappy situation. They helped not only the family, but the firefighters as well, by ensuring everyone else’s safety. Now, becoming part of a team like this is my passion!
    • Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?: To stop criminality in Altis. Keep the civilians safe from criminals.

    • Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?:  Attitude and desire to enforce the laws without discrimination. Knowledge of the laws of state and federal, ordinances if a city officer. Previous experience helpful for review purposes, previous military training and assignments if no civilian experience. Willing to rotate shifts. Continue education in this career for changes in the laws and/or advancement promotions. Personal inclination to conduct oneself as a police officer as the public wants to see a police officer, dependent on the circumstances or incidents of the assignments. Ability to use tact and respect without offensive actions or speech. Patience. But if the need arises, the ability to quell disturbances with whatever legal measures dictate at the scene without fear.


    • What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: My only answer to this is: if you don't follow this three words, your not going anywhere in life but to jail


    • Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:  I was born in Sweden in a family that were all police officers. Ever since I first went to school and met new friends all I’ve been thinking about was crime. I was scared. To work with stopping criminals has always been my dream. After high school I had a rough time. My Father died in a car accident and my mom didn’t want me home anymore. I didn’t know where to go. I didn't really know the rest of the family. So I had to go. I have always wanted to travel around the world too so I thought that this would be my chance. My wallet was almost empty so I knew that I couldn't travel far. I told my friends about my situation and asked for some support. They wanted to leave Sweden too. So they gave me some money and we started to look around on the internet for places to go. That's when we found Altis. We packed our stuff and travelled by boat. Right now I live in my friends house in Pyrgos. And when I found out about this job I found some hope in life.


    • Tell us a little about yourself!   I was born in Sweden 17 years ago. My uncle works as a police officer so I know alot about this buisness. I go to school just like every other kid here in Sweden. I started playing videogames when I was like 5 years old or so. I started playing shooter games and some simulators when I was 9 I think. I got alot of experience with shootergames, simulators and roleplays.
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