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  1. "Great post, would love to hear about the other things. The problem we have today is that we have some gangs that are in this game only to get gear, and to kill - they mainly see it like an Wasteland with housing. I remember back in the days when you took your whole gang out farming primetime and fighting for your survival :-)" Thanks! Yes I feel that this problem is an issue with the low standard RP. Balance regarding gameplay mechanics is one thing, one other aspect I would like to address is a bit more complex. Its about the factions and how they are essential for the RP to maintain a high standard. I believe that the one true function for the factions to exist is for the purpose of engaging the civs in exciting RP events. The factions require whitelisting and therefore demands more in terms of maturity/understanding for those players. The role for the police for example is to uphold the different laws and in a bigger picture maintain the control towards the rebels. The laws are frequently broken by civs and so the connection between civs-police is without question. I cant say the same regarding the rebels however, correct me here because I dont know the practice concerning this server. In my experience the rebels have always had a problem finding its general purpose though. As a possible solution to this I think that the idea of having a president/governor might partly be whats needed. I have also always felt that there is a natural splitting in Altis, one landmass in the east and one in the west. Why not make it so that the rebels and the police control one side each? And if the police can be considered the orderly ones, let there be only legal activities on that side and let the rebels deal with everything illegal. Put a huge checkpoint in the middle for each faction to fight about and there you go, some of the endgame has been balanced. I imagine the following: Police is given a set of laws that is absolutely necessary for everything to not fall into complete chaos. Beyond that, the governor/president could be given the power of enacting a few changes regarding for example what activities are deemed illegal and various kinds of fees/level of taxation. The civs vote for a president and may do so once a restart or something. This would in some aspects make the civs more powerful than the police force since they must answer to the winning party(president/governor). Lastly I think that the relationship between the police and the rebels is really important. To remember that the goal is to work for better RP for everyone. That is why I think rebels and police should have all the resources they need from the beginning. They should not have to focus on money but instead trying to find good engagements. An idéa I got was, what if the police and rebels didnt get money from arresting/doing rebel stuff?(sorry Ive never been a rebel so Im actually oblivious to what it is you guys do >.<), but instead gaining points for doing classpecific stuff. Points that might actually do cool "other stuff" or just for showing off. Im sorry I havent been able to perhaps present any constructive feedback on the rebels but I hope that you at least understand my meaning and can fill in your opinions in this matter.
  2. Hi its been a long time since Ive been an active member of this community but Altis Life recently caught my intrest again. I have followed some of the progression on this server but further more Ive been involved with whats happened on a well known competitor Secretone. Let me tell you what happened over there after they pushed the reset button, well people left.. They pushed it and hoped it would solve everything with no plan to follow up with. It took them awhile but now they are back up with a full server, after a few months of close to no players, but they had alot of help from the remaining community doing so. The most active members left due to lack of sympathy from the leaders and with them all the understanding of what makes this kind of RP gameplay really work. I would not be surprised if they soon start loosing players again. What Im saying is, DONT PUSH THE BUTTON, until we really have a solid backup plan. My thoughts on some aspects in need of consideration: I agree though that a reset will be necessary for the balance to really come into affect due to heavy inflation but alot of things has to be taken into account beforehand. There has to be a well formed path of progrssion in the beginning for all new players and in particular for players that only just started up to prehaps a day ot two. My thoughts here are that some of the starting activeties could be coverd in a green safezone safe from robbers to make it possible for newcommers to be able to farm enough to gear up and protect themselves. The amount of farming versus the toll of death should also be well balanced since this, in my opinion, is what makes all players "respect" combat, that everything has its price. Prehaps a symbolic burial-fee that takes a toll from the bankaccount. The most important decision regarding balance tho is how hardcore/casual the goal is set to. We can devide the gameplay into two parts, first we have the progression part where you climb the ladder to afford bigger and bigger veichles and earn more money. Then comes the endgame where your goal can be whatever but farming will be more risky and the gain higher. These two parts I feel should be balanced separately because the goal for the players are different. A player in the beginning of its career up to the point where its able to afford better gear to get into combat is not intrested in the risk of loosing hours/days of progression just to be reset by a gang of robbers. Its just not fun and promotes more players to adapt to this destructive playstyle. That money in the beginning is worth more than any kind of money you earn later on because if you are to efficiently climb the ladder, you save just enough money to buy the next veichle that you need to transport more. Veichles are then copped and gone.. Prehaps this could be solved by offering some kind of insurence for veichels, the progression system could then be compared more to EVE if any of you are acustomed to that. Endgame is where you have all the money that you need to be able to afford loosing your gear and get back into combat. You might fight for territory or just rob the bank or whatever. Ofcource there sitll is the need to farm and this is where the market can get inflated (players earn alot of cash risk free when no players are online). You can solve this with quite a few restrictions/changes. Make it harder in the form of different steps to produce and sell illegal goods. Make it more about teamwork and planning ahead rather than just the booring runs of cocain that is just a chore that you have to do to get to the fun part. Ive alot more to write about theese things but I´ll have to caome back to that.
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