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A. Savage reacted to a post in a topic: "[Ban request] *[TU] Xeloth*"
Uggmull reacted to a post in a topic: "[Ban request] *[TU] Xeloth*"
Sending someone into a fight with no gear and a truck boxer to troll someone into KoS is against the rules according to me. It's also lack of RP. The following "KoS" you had on us is thereby not legitimate according to my interpretation of the rules. I could be wrong of course, and then we'll start doing this as well...seems like a lovely behaviour that can only add to the dynamics of the server.....
Uggmull reacted to a post in a topic: "[Ban request] *[TU] Xeloth*"
Thomas Krüeger reacted to a post in a topic: "[Ban request] *[TU] Xeloth*"
Name: *[V] Smutslisa* Offender-Name: *[TU] Xeloth* Reason: We engaged a couple of gas station robbers just as a hunter pulls up. We engage the police and manage to kill one, the other police escape and flee from their vehicle, as we're trying to persue them, [TU] Caden starts circling Hano in a trolling fashion with his vehicle. Hano tells [TU] to leave/stop and continues persuing the police. Later i'm opened fire upon by [TU] Xeloth. Note that [TU] has said absolutly nothing to us in this engagement, the ONLY words spoken was Hano telling Caden to leave. Video of the actual RDM: Video of Cadens engagement with hano : http://www.twitch.tv/hano009/profile/past_broadcasts ( should be up shortly, will be the one after the one 1 hour 25 minutes 31 seconds long)
Tycker alltid såna här situationer är svårbedömda. Det är inget tvivel om att du blir skjuten snabbt, och jag är inte så glad i "f***ing" heller under rånförsöket, men blir lätt så när adrenalinet pumpar. Det var förmodligen därför "get on the ground" kom först innan "put your hands in the air". Dock är det ju inget tvivel om att du vänder dig mot honom med ett automatvapen och skjuter man inte där så dör man själv i 9/10 fall. Hade du velat kolla hade du kunnat använda alt istället och haft ditt på det fria.
Name: *[V] Smutslisa* Offender-Name: *[W3D] Alex* Date: 2015-02-28 - <13:00> Reason: Me and valleo were flying to the diamondmine to earn some cash. When we get there there's a lot of commotion and we decide to land a little bit back with the mohawk and run up and ask if it's friendly and safe. After them saying yes we fly closer (and CvD leaves) and start mining, out of nowhere we're RDM'd by [W3D] Alex ([W3D]Peder was also present). Since this is such a clear case of RDM i won't bother typing out what rules were broken as it's so obvious Short clip (Just the actual RDM): Long clip (That proves there was no initial roleplay from them):
V will co-operate with AFF (Under AFF tags for simplifcation)
Allting beror på allting. Thure hade en incident med [sC] tidigare igår, han hade sagt upp med händerna annars skjuter jag , sen räknat ner till 3 men [sC] sa att de inte hörde det och att de skulle lägga upp en banrequest om han inte betalade tillbaka (katiba m.m) På grund av det är jag kanske lite petig med att lägga upp denna banrequesten när de vägrade ersätta mig, men oavsett vad så bröt de mot reglerna när inget ultimatum gavs. Vi visste inte heller att det va SC som stod där då de inte identifierade sig eller något, hade lika bra kunnat vara en helt ny civ som va ensam och tänkte plocka två TRG's till sin arsenal. *EDIT* Tänkte att jag kunde slänga upp denna videon också eftersom det visar hur "non threatening" vi var mot SC när vi stannade....
Request Information Name: *[V] Smutslisa Offender-Name: [sC] lallish + unknown person behind yellow car Date: 2015-02-16- <21:15> Reason: Driving in dionysus when we encounter lallish and some other dude standing in the middle of the road. We stop to investigate the situation. Some unknown guy behind a yellow car starts telling us to put down our guns. As we're not stupid we seek shelter behind a truck instead whilst telling/asking him why we should have to put them down. After that shots are fired and we're both killed. Seeing as we had a RDM incident earlier today that we repayed [sC] for i contacted Lallish on teamspeak and told him that if he repayed the stuff all would be forgiven, he declined and this banrequest is a result of that Rule(s) in question: "When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed)" " Voice over in direct chat MUST be used during a robbery when giving the victim an ultimatum (Failing to do so is considered meta gaming)" Video:
ATC’s Race around Altis! This race will test your ability to control vehicles, navigate around Altis, handle obstacles and think on the fly! And hopefully have a good laugh while doing so! The team that ends up winning the race there will be a six (Maybe even seven) figure cash price in the end. That along with any goodies donated by our kind gangs and factions of Altis! The race around Altis will be done the following way A high speed part that measures your ability to control your car at high speeds! Two helicopter part that measures your take off/travel/landing speed and accuracy, along with your knowledge of Altis. An off road part that measures your ability to navigate a dodgy terrain Finishes with a running part where you are to locate an individual after reciving a hint of his whereabouts. Rules Each team must consist of AT LEAST 2 players (and up to 4 players allowed). Each player is only allowed to drive/run a MAXIMUM of 2 out of the 4 possible parts of the race You are allowed to bring as many toolkits as you can carry, and should you run out a designated mechanic will be coming to your assistance as soon as possible Should you die (which I’m sure many might do) you are allowed to spawn at the closest possible spawnpoint and drive/run back to the closest PASSED checkpoint or part of track. This means that if you passed the kavala checkpoint and die 2 meters from Amoni checkpoint, you start over at kavala checkpoint! You are NOT allowed to use any of your own vehicles, any indication that you might have swapped vehicle at any point will result in an immediate disqualification In the unlikely event that no one reaches the final stage of the race alive, the fastest time between kavala and sofia wins. You are only allowed to participate in ONE team (A.P.D and N.L.A are allowed to participate with a maximum of 2 teams each) How do i join? Upon the acceptance of this event, a secondary thread will be created where you apply with your team will be created in the Altis forum. A link will be edited in here : (XXX). For the big gangs there is an entrance fee of 100k per team that will be added to the prizepool, but for non gang affiliated civs there is no entrance fee.
HarrisonJones reacted to a post in a topic: Ban Request [NLA] Bobbi
This made me lol IRL, it 100% contradicts what's said previously
How about the fact that it was 2 minutes to server restart? Wtf kind of banrequest is this? *EDIT* "plus i know they saw eachother" This is just bullshit, pure bullshit
Obviously there is little love between our two gangs, and that's fine, i think strife adds to the dynamic and fun of the game. I do not however think that this petty targeting, both ingame and apparently now out of it as well , of our gang is particularly fun. Rules are broken every day, firing to soon, people having to go because of IRL emergencies etc. Putting up a ban request like this just proves a deliberate atempt of causing some sort of pain towards us. I don't know what set you off in the start, but continue this path and you'll recieve the same treatment back. Back on topic the terms were set, you had recieved terms of what to do with him from us etc
Appeal Information Name: [APC] Harrison Jones Offender-Name: [118] Trapt lord // [118] Ludde543 Date: 2015-01-27 Reason: We were going to the salt trader before reset with 300+ salt to sell when we noticed a hellicopter flying above a few times. When approaching the salt vendor, I ([APC] Harrison Jones) and the look out chopper we had above ([APC] Andreas! both spotted that 2 people went out the chopper and were heading towards us. I got back into the Hemet and started rolling away slowly, knowing they would not catch up enough to RP and hoping they'd turn back since they had "missed" their chance and we could actually sell our salt before the server reset, then they shot the tire out without any roleplay what so ever. They fired several rounds (10+) without any mic interaction at all and after a bit they came closer and started talking. Since I lost more than 1.000.000 on the trade i approached them ingame and on teamspeak and told them that if they repaid what we had lost no issue would be filed, they declined, a heated discussion arose and this ban request is the result of it. Video : (And unfortunatly my mic is yet again not picked up by my shadowplay, sigh, but no communication ingame at all was had with them at any point, only with my gang member in the sky, [APC] Andreas!) *Edit* 27e inte 26e
Name: Harrison Jones Offender-Name:[AmA] Fabror Flinta / [AmA] kebab / [AmA] Kluggadpånuggen* Date: 2015-01-27 Reason: We were mining copper, guy comes up and says he's friendly, he's gonna mine copper, then claims his game is bugged and he can't so we get suspicious and ask to see his pickaxe, when looking for it we get killed. Video = (Unfortunatly my own voice was not recorded, but from his answers you can very clearly tell what's being said from our part)
Name: Harrison Jones Offender-Name: [sC] Lallish / [sC] Rayinator Date: 2015-01-24 - 2015-01-26 Reason: I'd like to start by saying that i can offer very little evidence for what i'm about to state and as such i understand if it does not lead to a Ban. I am however still posting it so that no one can claim "first offense" the next time i post with evidence (Shadowplay is now setup) KoS on the Cocain field in the south east - After noticing another chopper containing SC we immidiatly fled into our own hellicopter and started it. When they landed we were almost taking off and he was shooting and talking at the same time yelling "stop stop". Rule(s) in question = The red marked areas on the map stands for a illegal area, you may not kill other people on sight ( KOS ) Voice over in direct chat MUST be used during a robbery when giving the victim an ultimatum (Failing to do so is considered meta gaming) You may shoot from a heli to “disable”. Two warning texts must be sent to pull over with at least 30 secs of time between the two unless a pre-RP situation is in progress. Killed almost instantly at heroin processing = We noticed people down at the heroin processing plant in the north east, we sent a text asking if they were friendly to which they replied "Come down and process", upon us landing they immidiatly told us we were being robbed and 0.5-1 second after telling Andreas to put his hands up he was shot and killed. A heated discussion regarding that's compliance to the rules followed. Rule(s) in question = When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed)