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[Ban Request] Dennis and Tviken


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Name: T.U/Medic Lowen

Offender-Name: Dennis, tviken

Date: 2014-12-14 (around 07:00)

Reason: Ok, so... There was barely any people on so we all kinda just played around and having fun. Started with NLA coming to Kavala. Me and Dertox talked to them for a bit, then everyone went to the Police HQ and just kinda walked around in there doing nothing... Then NLA left, so me, Dertox, Julia, Dennis and tviken went outside the HQ close to the wall. We sat down and Julia started singing, then when she sang me and Dertox took our weapons and shot in the air like crazy people and then out of nowhere tviken and Dennis shot all three of us and started looting immediately. All I got is a screenshot.. it's not much, but always something. If this screenshot is not enough Dertox can provide you with a video(uploading atm)


And here's the video. It's cutting out at the end there cause he tabbed out.

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I looked thru the loggs and there was some bad mouthing and blames going around.
It all ended with tviken and dennis going bannanas and killed you guys (claiming you guys robbed them before).

And yes, when i check the loggs you guys actually interacted earlier (killed). But that dosent justify what they did in your report.

On the other hand, that video is not any evidence (as you freeze frames and not sound when the action occurs).

But yes, after the extended reading of loggs tonight ill give tviken and dennis 3 days each for revenge/no rp and RDM.



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