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[Ban request] [N.L.A] Bobbi.R


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Name: [V9] Harry

Offender-Name: [N.L.A] Bobbi.R

Date: 2014-12-29 00:09

Situation: I flew my chopper up to the slave trade cage. Whilst there, an NLA chopper arrived and landed. I circled the air to await their departure but whilst in the air I got a text from Bobbi telling me it was safe to come down. So I came down, greeted, and then took a slave. Bobbi then went behind my back and handcuffed me. After that he said; " We in the N.L.A hate slavetrading, I am therefor going to kill you right here and now. tell your gang." he then waited 5 seconds and killed me. If this would to be allowed, everyone could go up to someone and give a similar reason, for example; I don't like the way you walk, im therefor going to kill you. 


What he did breaks several RDM rules:

  • Shooting a player without giving reasonable time to follow demands is considered RDM.
  • Killing anyone without a real roleplay cause
  • Using the Cellphone as a tool at an ambush can be considered as RDM

Also breaks the rule of robbery (if it was intended as a robbery)

  •  When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed)


The kill was entirely unprovoked, I did not at any point do anything towards him, I had my back against him, hands free. He did not give me any warning or anything similar to a warning. He killed me because he wanted my "loot". 


Thank you for taking the time reading, I trust your judgement. 

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First off: we in the NLA dont accept slavetrading, Second: U were safe to land and i were going to speak with u about the fact that we dont allow slaves, before i had the time to say anything you started to pick up slaves (reason for ziptie) i then informed you about what our vision on this is, and after that we took a decision to kill you, So you could inform your gang who we have seen doing slavetrades severaltimes, and also informed them about this.


Your loot is not something i care about since i am a Faction member. I don´t need or want your gear.


If admins require i can upload a video of the sequence.


Best regards

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