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[Ban appeal] Jambo


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Name: Jambo

Date: 10/2/2015

Reason: Suspected cheating. This is a misunderstanding. I have talked to hitem a little and he's shown me a video where it looks like I'm teleporting at the airfield/airport. This is weird because I remember being there alone? Like there was no one else around.. It was late night and there were like 25 ppl on the server so I didn't think of it.. Now, the strange thing is, that in the video that hitem showed me, there are 3-5 other ppl AND a big ass vehicle that was NOT present on my end for some reason. On the video I suddenly appear in front of the vehicle and 1-2 seconds after I dissapear. I have no idea what happened, and no idea what to say to prove my innocence since the video clearly shows what could be teleporting. On my end I went to the airport to reach the ATM so I could buy iron processing to see what thats about, and I'm all alone there. Then I go to the air vehicle guy to see if he can acquire my hatchback but he couldnt so I went back to a town to get my car.. How am I supposed to prove this? I dont record my games... I would have attached the rpt log but im not permitted..

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As you and me was discussing this in private im surprised you moved forum, but lets continue here!

I then asked you to supply some logs so i could futher investigate if there was something obvious, but that is just to futher extend the suspection, not clear you of any wrongdoing.


Here is one video evidence supplied by one of the people pressense at the airport (the same video i showed you).



Also there are all those people in the airport as witness and i didnt see any desync on you when checking player-list and/or spectating.

There is a bug when someone is logging on that you sometimes appears on the Rebel island (this is known and the locations are known). But it has never occurred at the airfield so its eliminate that theory, it would be first of its kind. The desync is plausible but as its clientside lagg (if so many sees you and you dont see them) and you are the one responsible to supply evidence of your innocents. Its understandable that not everyone records everything they do.


Use pastebin.com for any text-related copy-pastes or sprend.com and send the URL to me in a pm.


but for now the ban remains untill ive gotten my hands on your RPT and incase you can supply anything else.

I will lock this topic (as you dont want to paste your RPT publicly, send it in PM as mention above in a pastebin/sprend link format) and move it to correct part once processed.

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