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[ban appeal] [D.D.A]HallvardoCartello


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Name: [D.D.A]HallvardoCartello

Date: <7.10.2015> <10:35ish>

I decided to log on before i ate breakfeast and as soon i got in i heard my gang member scream to me in group to help him out with a police officer who had engaged him at the tower at the end of the pyrogos bridge. I geared up and drove with my hatchback sport to help him out. After 5-10 minutes of waiting eachother out i decided to help my gang member push into the tower, but i got shot from the top (bad callouts) and i died. Around 30 sec afther my gangmember died too. So i got mad because i got stopped earlier this night by the same officer and i had to pay him 3 mill to keep my stuff. Now that my stuff was gone, i wrote in chat: "there is a police officer in pyrogos bridge tower" and " there is a mx on the ground". Since there is little to none information under "rules" and "Altis life rules" i didnt know it was concidered metagaming typing this information in side chat. I got a 5 day ban for "metagaming". I've realised my mistake, and it wont happen again, im concidering turning off side chat. I hope i can get an unban or shorter ban scentance. (I've wanted to become a cop, but i havent applied an application since i wanted more experience and i wanted to work better on my rp. Hope this doesnt ruin my opprotunity to become a cop ;-;)

"sorry" -best regards Hallvardo Cartello

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Hi Hallvardo, thank you for your ban appeal.

To start off with regarding a cop application, i don´t think this ban will have such an impact on your application but metagaming is not something i take lightly.

You should have known better then to write in side exactly where he is, where your gun is, how can you provide this information to 20 people on the server without it being metagaming when you and your mate is dead?

I won´t make your ban shorter, take it as a lesson and grow from it.

Best regards Bobbi

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