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Everything posted by Hallvardo

  1. What happens if you're late into the zone, will you take damage or be disqualified/loose?..
  2. Jag vil bara säga att jag uppskattar alla admins/coders harda arbete för att få servern så bra som möljig for oss spelare! och den åpna dialogen mellam spelare och admins/coders
  3. "MEN problemet sitter i att dem som väl ansöker inte håller dem standardkrav som vi vill ha inom APD." http://prntscr.com/cdgh56 Just a list of people i find worthy of the police force. They show great rp ingame and are very skilled. still their application got declined. (but what do i know, mabie its more regulated/harder to becoming a cop now)
  4. But the real question is, can it run minesweeper in 30fps+?
  5. (It doesn't matter, im not claiming you did rdm or anything(thats for the admins to judge) but in general if you did engage wrong, and you still got killed they could still put up a valid ban request)
  6. Should we try to have this event either today or tomorow :D? Count me in coach
  7. A twist that would be great imo, would be that instead if having premade teams, the teams and who is on the teams is picked random, either we have someone picking out the teams, or we have raffle of who is on the other teams, i feel like this would increase the teamwork and help meeting new people :D. Just a thought tho.
  8. I don't see how wiping the server will distribute to worse roleplay, i really don't, with the server wiped no one would run around with katiba's, mx's and mk18's screaming surrender or die. It would be more fair since everyone would start even off. And if you would get robbed it would be rook vs rook so it would be much more of a skill matchup. People would be more eger to use their gear, in fear of loosing it and people would start farming together. Farming is something you dont HAVE to do, but people do it to increase their buying capital. In my eyes the server consists of civillians/new players farming, bigger gangs lurking/camping/robbing, and the factions to keep order and more indepth gameplay. To round this post off i people having allot of gear/money isn't the big problem, it's that the difference in capital between the players are WAAAAAY to big. (about the silencers, the people bitching about supressors just shows how much they're intro roleplaying and into changes. I know that people have allot of money invested in silencers. Removing the silencers increase both counterplay and increases the tactical gameplay. Now people will have to plan out when their about to engage/rob at nighttime + moove postions after they've shot)
  9. Perfect excample of my reaction http://imgur.com/gallery/uPCHJck
  10. Dimitri should consider quitting arma 3 and join FaZe clan
  11. Highlight of N.L.F in Kavala. http://www.twitch.tv/r3dimitrirascalov/v/21617509
  12. Appeal information Name: [D.D.A]HallvardoCartello Date: <7.10.2015> <10:35ish> I decided to log on before i ate breakfeast and as soon i got in i heard my gang member scream to me in group to help him out with a police officer who had engaged him at the tower at the end of the pyrogos bridge. I geared up and drove with my hatchback sport to help him out. After 5-10 minutes of waiting eachother out i decided to help my gang member push into the tower, but i got shot from the top (bad callouts) and i died. Around 30 sec afther my gangmember died too. So i got mad because i got stopped earlier this night by the same officer and i had to pay him 3 mill to keep my stuff. Now that my stuff was gone, i wrote in chat: "there is a police officer in pyrogos bridge tower" and " there is a mx on the ground". Since there is little to none information under "rules" and "Altis life rules" i didnt know it was concidered metagaming typing this information in side chat. I got a 5 day ban for "metagaming". I've realised my mistake, and it wont happen again, im concidering turning off side chat. I hope i can get an unban or shorter ban scentance. (I've wanted to become a cop, but i havent applied an application since i wanted more experience and i wanted to work better on my rp. Hope this doesnt ruin my opprotunity to become a cop ;-;) "sorry" -best regards Hallvardo Cartello
  13. Name: Hallvardo Cartello Offender name: Razze and SjunkeN Dato: 4.10.2015 kl:15:30 Video starts: 2:20 Razze and SjunkeN was working together to rob people even though they weren't in the same gang. Neither of them had clan tags.
  14. i was looting ;_; -Hallvardo Cartello
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