Johan R Posted October 26, 2014 Report Share Posted October 26, 2014 jeppe olsen bannade mig i 1 dag, för trolling, direspecting, jag har tydligen trollat runt i kavala hela dagen, sen så när jag försökte ha en diskution med han så fick jag 7 dagars ban ist, och det jag tydligen har gjort är att av misstag krasha min bil i kavala, direspectat han genom att enligt han sagt "f**k you, I can jump into this car if I want" men jag sa får jag inte sitta i denhär bilen? sen så la ha på en VDM som jag inte ens har gjort? vet inte vad jag ska göra för tydligen så gick det inte att prata med han om saken? fick tillochmed ban för nåt som min kompis gjorde ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeppe Olsen Posted October 26, 2014 Report Share Posted October 26, 2014 Things I've seen you and your gang doing today. 1. You admitted to jumping out of a hunter while restrained killing yourself, and you then complained about the cops arresting you because you felt like it counted like a new life. I told you this was abusing game mechanics and would normally result in a ban. 2. You were trolling around kavala in a go-cart, I don't have any problem with a bit of fun, but don't do it to much. 3. I saw you a your gang ramming into a broken down go-cart with a offroad, I deleted the Offroad, you guys started yelling about where the hell your offroad went. I told the whole gang that if I saw something like that again I would ban you. 4, 2 mins later I saw you running directly into a wall with a SUV, I asap deleted the SUV of fear it would explode. I gave you another warning. 5. A guy was VDM and killed when his hatchback was rammed by another quad. I revived him and tried to repair his car, YOU started jumping into it multiple times, I told you to stop, and you came with a snappy comeback. Your poor "ban appeal" if you can call it that is rejected. If I see you doing anything of the sorts on the server again you will be permbanned. Edit: This guy just came back with another GUID. He's now permbanned. To add to this, he wrote to another admin, and this is what he wrote after considering giving another chance. Enough said. Mr GW, Fast, Flesh and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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