V1RRE Posted January 19, 2016 Report Share Posted January 19, 2016 The Lucky Shot Greetings! I'm back with another event. 2016-01-22 Friday 20:30 (swedish time) Förklaring på Svenska Jag kommer att slumpa alla namnen på deltagarna, de ska sedan bilda ett led i den ordningen jag ropar upp namnen. När du är längst fram i ledet så kommer du få plocka upp - ett prickskyttegevär ( M320 ) Sedan kommer du få skjuta ett skott emot måltavlan. Om du lyckas träffa och döda måltavlan med ditt skott så vinner du! När målet är död så får alla som deltar i eventet, förutom vinnaren SPRINGA till fots för måltavlans loot. La ni märke till hur jag skrev "SPRINGA" ? Jupp, Inga fordon överhuvudtaget tillåtna ! För de som tycker att det är värt att springa nästan 2000 meter för lite loot, Lycka till! Explanation in English I'm going to randomize all names of the participants and then, they're going to form a line in the order i call the names. When you're in the front of the line you will pick up a sniper rifle (M320) You will then get one shot at the target. If you succes to hit your shot, you win! But what?! thats not fair at all! .... Alright. when the target is dead, everyone in the event, Except the winner, is allowed to RUN for the loot. Noticed how I wrote "RUN" ? Thats right, No vechiles allowed! For the people who thinks its worth running almost 2000 meters for some loot, Goodluck! The winner gets the whole entry fee! Uploading some images below! 1700 meters between you and the target! The Target from the sniper position RULES K-O-S on the target. Target will stand still at all times Engaging other participants is not allowed Bipod Weapon sight - random No talking in direct HOW TO ENTER 100 000$ entry fee! (goes to the winner) 1. Enter the mohawk at Kavala air garage WITH the 100.000 $ 2. Follow Thorstens instructions in teamspeak Server :ts.cvgaming.net Channel : Event Promoters > Event #1 If you have any further questions feel free to write a comment You can also PM me either here on the forum or in teamspeak. Goodluck! EDIT: AV THORSTEN: Vill förtydliga en grej som kanske inte var så tydlig i texten. Den spelare som lyckas få ner målet blir belönad med allas entry fee (100k/person) Ferm, HedmaN, Kebre and 11 others 14 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
V1RRE Posted January 22, 2016 Author Report Share Posted January 22, 2016 (edited) [Cv-D] Mr Cat managed to hit the target on his first shot He received 4 million! Congratulations! Next weekend there will be a transport-EVENT, more info coming next week! Edited January 22, 2016 by V1RRE Vpswede and Joelelele 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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