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Medic application


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What is Your in-game and forum name?:


IGN: Kasper

Website name: KasperE


What is Your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to profilesettings, (select your profile) then press Unit, and change the unit to custom. Now you should see a 17dig number.




Have You read all of the server rules?




Have You read all of the paramedic rules?




Do You promise to always act in-character and never abuse Your power while playing as a Paramedic?




How long have You played on the server(hours)?


A few


How long have You played Arma 3 (hours)?




Have You been a Paramedic earlier?




How often do You play on the server and at what time of the day/night?


I would play on the server for like 4-5 Days a week, between 15:30 and 18


Why should we picked you as a medic? (minimum 50 words)



I would like to be a medic becuse i love to RP but i dont have the age for the police job, also i like to help players and leave the criminals and just focus on helping people getting to hospital and make them healty,


Have You been banned on this server or any other servers? If yes what have You been banned for?





What can you bring to the medic force?



I can bring joy and Comedy but still be serius when we are in-game.


Do you have any past experience with role-playing on this or any other server?



Can You follow orders from a younger person or higher ranked ?


    Yes, without any problems!


What do You think the medic faction would become better with?


Getting to the injured faster and be online more often.


Can you fly a heli in arma ?



Yes, i can


Can you provide a role-play name and a role-play background for the character applying to the medic force? (50-150 Words):

Please type here:

RP name: Kasper

Background: Lost his mom when he was 8 and ever since that day he have studied to being a medic and helping injured or damaged people. Now he is working to get a first real job, he did exeptionaly good in school and is newly educated but still with a lot of experiance.


Tell us a little about your self:

Please type here:

Hej! Jag heter Kasper, är 13 år gammal och bor en bit söder om Stockholm. Min familj består utav 3 personer, jag, min mamma och pappa. Men jag har också två undulater. Jag har ett landställe på östra sidan av Stockholm. Jag har några olika hobbys, bland annat scouterna och bågskytte men annars spenderar jag så mycket tid som möjligt framför datorn när jag spelar med mina kompisar. Jag föredrar att spela framförallt Arma, men också DCS och mycket simulatorer. En utav mina favorit aktiviteter i Arma är att flyga helikopter och att vara medic. Jag har inga problem med att prata engelska om det behövs.


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