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    [C.N.] Liberatore Lorenzo

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  1. Well, sorry to be hater but red line means 75% damage or more.. Next colour is 50% or more and so on.
  2. My desktop needs a video to show it The quality suffered a bit on upload to youtube, but you'll get the idea.
  3. Apparently police need no proof like us mortals.
  4. Name: [C.N.] Liberatore Lorenzo Offender-Name: (W.W.O) Sam Date: 10.11.2014 Reason: RDM And here I was wishing never to post these here anymore. The situation is this: I land and sell one slave, then notice the message that doesn't properly show up. Noticing the message is from WWO I go to my helicopter to check the message in left corner since I kind of expected bad RP from them. Then (started the engine for safety reasons) and then notice the message "hand up". The message doesn't really give me at least two options, but of course I realize that otherwise they'll shoot me. But the reaction time I was given is too short, and the following rule is violated: "Voice over in direct chat MUST be used during a robbery when giving the victim an ultimatum (Failing to do so is considered meta gaming)" and I wouldn't consider shooting the pilot to be proper way to disable the vehicle, though I'm not sure how that is ruled. And the proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frlaRUteMsc&feature=youtu.be They actually killed me earlier by using only messages, even after I was wearing only underwear and outside the range of hopping in helicopter. At that time I was in kind of good mood and decided that I don't save the recording because it's not worth the trouble of editing, uploading posting, etc. so no proof of this exists but it made me upload this. Also, losing the Katiba which is 500k + the amount of money spent on capturing Bandit district and the attachments are lost here, so some compensation would be fair in my opinion.
  5. Well, at least I tried to talk with you. But let's see how the admins resolve this.
  6. He was actually going to block you further, we didn't wish to destroy our own HEMMT. But my point is: you can't break the rules because someone else does. Also, just landing on safezone isn't considered against the rules, is it? Flying over the city constantly in less than 150 meters is, but that is not what you see here. It's two different things. I ask you one thing: please answer my previous question about your logic, instead of giving me more accusations. You can state also other things, but I wish that to be among those. P.S. My thread about "evil Björt" was not about you guys, but about exploiting the safezone. There is a reason I didn't even name you there. Also let's please please keep shit like this out of the thread "No offence doe, but not only me think that, you are a group of people who terrorise the whole server with your shitty RP and your shitty attitude."
  7. Okay let's try this again Statement 1) You, Björt, know for a fact that you HAVE NOT breaken the rules at any point. Statement 2) You know you broke the rules by ramming the helicopter. Statements combined: You know you did not break the rules, yet you know you broke them. You don't see any conflict between those?
  8. So if I understand correctly: you know for certain you were following the rules yet you broke the rules? This logic is lost on me.
  9. Name: Paatero Date: 30.9.2014 (happened 28.9.2014) Offender-Name: (Cv-D) Björt Reason: VDM Well sadly, we've come to this. I wasn't even going to post this. But then there was so much post-bullshit after the Pyrgos safezone camping douchebaggery So, basically i land behind him to block him to buy police time. Then he rams me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFBVaWKiepo Edit: Also, in the end of the video you can hear one of the many chances he was given to get out from the HEMMT. (Saying this just to disprove that he couldn't get out, but let's not make the topic about this, thank you!)
  10. Funny that none of these KK-194 requests hasn't been resolved. Also, the off-topic kinda started on random Swedish insult But agreed, keep that shit out of this topic.
  11. Well this leads to a point where you A) pay compensation B)get me another beret somewhere + pay compensation C)wait together with me what admin has to say about this
  12. I believe you actually told me to stop. Been there, done that. But the reason we always send message (and give time to share) is that very often people just don't hear what you say, especially if you're a bit far away. But actually, I understand that you THOUGHT I just ignored your orders. ---> it is not technically RDM (lack of roleplay) but a misunderstanding, in a manner of speaking. In very similar situation, I was forced to return my loot and give some compensation. This ranting on forums feels stupid, and the point on this was to make the server be less about RDM, not the ban itself. So, let's say I get my police beret back, some money to make up the gear, and this is fine by me.
  13. Agreed, on video ts is very loud. It is in fact, a bit more quiet, not sure why it's so loud in the video. (this, of course, can not be proven) And I looked left to check the kavala checkpoint and road there. Let's be honest, I wouldn't see all this trouble just to lie here.
  14. Well I have the sounds settings set as VOIP is 100%, the others are about 20%, to make sure I hear everything people say. But if you clearly hear the order on the video, please give me the exact time and words. I'm pretty sure I would have reacted somehow if I heard something instead of just running straight. Also, the incident with HEMMTs shouldn't matter on point you have died, twice. However this will end in terms of bans etc, I recommend experimenting with the direct chat and it's voice fading. P.S. When he says "KK is f***ing idiots", he reads out loud a message someone sent him.
  15. So basically we saw someone robbing the gas station and wanted to take a look. I was climbing to mountain to get to overwatch. The marker to checkpoint was set to measure distance to there. Then, as seen on video, Micha just shoots me. He claims that he told me to stop, but I sure heard nothing. You be the judge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spiLShRrkC8&list=UUE8wwJ2fn3csDjMdcHk5l3w Paatero
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