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About MudSnapper

  • Birthday 10/29/1994

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    p0hjola (First O is ZERO)

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    67100 - Kokkola - FINLAND


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  1. Okay, thats what i wanted to hear! You have been doing same with some other people before. My little brother told me the same. You robbed him, he did all you asked, and then LZ said "You are working for the N.L.A" and BOOM. Sadly my Bro doesn't have any recording programs so that case is out. Can you really slaughter victims after robbery if they are working for N.L.A? or any other FACTION? (LF ADMIN TO CONFIRM) EDIT: im now leaving this for Admins. Thanks to Alvaréz for participating in this topic and clearing some language- barriers for me.
  2. I do agree with you Alvaréz. I have watched the video many times now, and now i see when it happens. Your scene with the dave is happening while im dropping my gear as Vitx asked me to do. Ohh and one more thing! Could someone translate what is Vitx saying before he is about to shoot my brain on the weed field.
  3. Allright, im going to post more of that situation if its needed.. I didnt hear anything like that, also i didn't saw what you did to dave as i was having conversation with Vitx. 1 EDIT: Yeah found that part with dave! going to post it ASAP! 2 EDIT: https://youtu.be/yekEYZgTsCA
  4. Im sorry Alvaréz but i cannot understand swedish. But i think that i got something! So if you are talking about DAVE who didnt agree with you? Well, as you can see, dave is already dead in that video. You killed Dave cuz dave did not agree with HANDS up and things like that. Then you asked me to drop my stuff and thats where my video starts. So i dont still see why does your conversation with dave affect what you did to me. I did all you guys asked, and there was no problem with me at all.
  5. Name: [s.O.A] MudSnapper Offender-Name: [L.Z] Vitx DATE: 18-5-2015 (About 4.40pm - 4.48 pm) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM5UJ8VUmJ8&feature=youtu.be 2. Robbery When you're about to rob someone, you have to give the victim a choice (If the victim fails to comply only then is lethal action allowed) - I did all they asked me to do. EDIT: I want to apologize [L.Z] Alvaréz for having his name in topic! <-- Vitx was the aggressor, not you, even that you were included in scene.
  6. MudSnapper

    VDM på Medic

    You were on your way to revive me. I got killed by the same guy (RDM)
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