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Jack Ace

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  1. Appeal Information Name: Jack Ace Date: Over a year ago Reason: Jag var ny till altis life och en kille kom fram till mig och frågade om jag kunde ladda ner ett autoclicker program. Så jag gjorde vad dom sa och då sa dom att jag skulle sälja en bil om o om igen så man fick pengar och sålde bilen 100 ggr så då åkte jag dit och då fick dom inte skit för det men det. Så jag skulle vilja bli unbannad eftersom jag aldrig kommer göra om det.
  2. So I found a way to glitch money by selling the car many times so I did it one time so I got like 300K of it but i got so scared for a ban so I gave all my money to a friend and he wanted me to glitch more money or else I would get shit and they would throw me out so I started to glitch a lot of money and got so scared so to get thrown out so I got them a lot om money so I really want to come back to the server because its a really good server and other reason is because I want to play on the Tanoa server and have good times on the evening and farm. But also I want to play on the altis server now with a fresh start that would be really nice if I get unbanned and have fun again.
  3. Jack Ace

    VDM Unpeal

    Appeal Information Name: [S.B] Jack Ace Date: 2016-02-21 Reason: I was driving in Kavala and i expediently ran over two officers and the said "You aim with the car on us" but I just what there attention because I just want a little car chase so I could get some fun. And i will never do it again and follow the rules all the time. I hope you can unban be that would be really nice
  4. Jack Ace

    [perm ban]

    Appeal Information Name: William Date: 2015-05-29 - 06:00 Reason: I have glichat money once, and after that I knew that was wrong so I went over to the usual way of channeling money and so I also want to apologize for the hope I can come into the future / Sincerely, William. (Cvgaming is the only server i have ben playd on i the last 1500 hours)
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