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Posts posted by JNT

  1. Mega patch delayed, latest news from devs. 

    Also seems like somekind of Dodo rex confirmed. 


    Dino Dossier
    This is a strange Dossier, it was found by itself, covered in blood, among a pile of gnarled bones. We expect to have more information over the next couple of weeks as we continue to research the cause of this spooky atrocity!
    ARK Swamp and Snow Biome Update
    Hey guys!
    Just an update on the upcoming mega-patch, unfortunately we will not be able to release it tonight. We are going to be delaying the patch until the weekend. Everyone on the ARK Team is hard at work on it, and it’s nearly ready - we just want to make sure it’s all awesome before we release it publicly.
    We know you guys have been super excited to play it, and it won’t be too much longer, this update is going to add a whole bunch of new content to the game so it’s definitely worth the little extra wait! Here’s another extra peek at what you can expect to see this weekend Smiley wink

    Thank you for being so patient Smiley heart
    All the best,
    Wildcard Jat and the ARK Survival Evolved Team!

  2. Upcoming Version: v220, ETA: This Weekend!

    Pregnant dinos !!
    * Mammal Pregnancy -- mwahaha I've figured out how to do it effectively, including baby-belly & all... gonna also have a SMALL possibility of fraternal or identical twins & triplets :)
    * Apex-Kill Trophy Wall-Mounts, Artifact Pedestals
    * Mountable War Drums (the first instrument!)
    * Custom RP-oriented Recipe/Cooking System (including Skill-Based results)
    * Fixed hop-onto-raft Raft networking issue
    * 'Railings' Structure set





    Copy pasta


    Dino Babies & Breeding!
    We are very excited to announce our first pass of creature breeding and baby dinosaurs being pushed to the live game! Survivors will be given the opportunity to pair two members of the same species together, even across Tribes if you’ve got a particularly well endowed creature, and the resulting offspring will have random selection of traits from both parents, along with a degree of arbitrary mutation! Your new tiny friends will grow dynamically in real time and will need to be cared for to reach their ultimate potential.
    You’ll be able to selectively breed for your desired qualities and we hope to see some hardcore survivors progressively raising generations of Dinosaurs that have more refined collections of high-end traits than that which could ever be found in the wild - though be warned survivors, as this rewarding process cannot be accomplished with minimal effort. With the dangers that exist in the ARK, incubating an egg and then raising a small helpless baby Dino in real-time from hatchling to adult is no tiny task! Good luck Survivors Smiley wink!
    Spotlight: Mosasaurus
    The Terror of the Deep, also known as the Mosasaurus Suspirita makes it’s way to the ARK! Contrary to popular opinion, the Mosasaurus, not the Ultramegalodon, is the largest creature that lives within the ARK’s vast ocean.
    It is an enormous deep-sea marine lizard that grows over 50 feet long, spending most of it’s time below, only surfacing to breath or chase prey with an engulfing chomp. Due to it’s large size, tribes often opt to build mobile aquatic bases upon it’s back and it’s strength ensures that the Mosasaurus is the most powerful and ideal oceanic escort!


    Upcoming Version: v219.0, ETA: October 13

    Another somewhat big update coming to us soon, Babie dinos, big fish and a more powerful shotgun to hunt them with, heres the upcoming patchnotes !

    * Sit on chairs & benches
    * Apex-Kill Trophy Wall-Mounts, Artifact Pedestals
    * Mosasaurus!
    * Creature Breeding & Babies First Pass! Yes, they grow dynamically in real-time!
    * Characters no longer bunny-hop when swimming up from the water surface
    * Engrams now longer count against maximum inventory item limit
    * Shotgun damage increased by 40% for Primitive Shotgun, 30% for Machined Shotgun
    * Dinos can no longer damage structures through underside of ceilings





    New photos of what Saber, mammoth and giganto may look like, nothing confirmed yet but i must say its a wanted graphical upgrade for them, make them fluffy !



    Upcoming Version: v218.3

    * New server option defaulting disallowed, Quetz platforms will not allow any non-allied dino to base on them when they are flying.
    * Quetz platforms now include the weight of all pawns based on them, including the inherent pawn carry weight, causing encumbrance when carrying very large dinos.
    * Raised Max KillZ being too low causing some characters to die on a high-flying Quetz platform
    * Fixed Quetz damage / warpaint overlay 
    * Tranq Dart Torpidity effect increased by 100%
    * Improved walking on dynamic platforms, Quetz, Raft, etc
    * Poison Grenades add 25% more Torpor and have 20% more AoE


    Tranq Darts


    Smaller fixes, more to come but a much needed buff for the Tranq darts imo, now we can abduct our enemies (or friends) even more easily and this will be such a relief when trying to tame pternadons and argentavis without having to almost kill them everytime :) 

    Posion Grenade


    Posion grenades have been buffed, havent tried this one out yet but i imagine it´ll be nice when you blow that door open to throw some posion gas nades in, especially when we have no gas masks, think scuba gear will deflect this gas? 


    For thos yet to figure out how to tame a Quetzal heres a small video i found, starting from around the 21:00 minute mark




    Upcoming Version: v218.0, ETA: 11AM EST Deployment

    What we did experience the past weekend and also at earlier patches the ETA is not to be trusted as a set release date. 

    But right now we have our hopes up that we´ll get this next patch asap so our flying warships will take to the skies faster!

    Upcoming Version: v218.0, ETA: Tuesday October 6
    - SotF Enhancements: Immediate Warpaints (freepainting doesn't require any items), Six Player Tribes, Megapithecus, Broodmother!
    - Quetzalcoatlus & Flying Platform Saddle. (Airship?!)
    - Option to Remove the default "sail" from the Raft ;) 
    - Sit on chairs & benches
    - Machined Sniper Rifle
    - Tranq Darts

    - You can now lock and/or pincode Elevators

    A Little Further Out:
    - Mountable War Drums (the first instrument!)
    - Creature Breeding & Babies! Yes, they will grow dynamically in real-time!
    - Custom RP-oriented Recipe/Cooking System (including Skill-Based results)
    - Sword & Shield
    - Apex-Kill Trophy Wall-Mounts
    - ARK: Fear Evolved (event)
    - DirectX12 Mode for Windows 10! Approximate +20% perf 
    - Specific Representative "on-ground" meshes for all dropped items
    - Random GPU Driver crash fix: TrueSky


    - Quetzalcoatlus & Flying Platform Saddle. (Airship?!)

    Many have been waiting to see this badass in action, the huge flying Dino is coming soon, and we´ll even get to build a base on it !

     "Quetzalcoatlus  was a pterosaur known from the Late Cretaceous of North Americaand the largest known flying animal of all time. Its name comes from the Mesoamerican feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl." 




    A machined sniper rifle?

    It might look like this, not confirmed. 


    -Tranq darts

    My Guess here is that we get something for the guns, havent found much information but i hope and guess that we´ll have a bigger use for the guns that we love to use but dont get to use so much because people tend to get hurt while using them. 

    No confirmation on this what so ever, but i might have missed it. 

    May also just be something more powerful or less damaging then the tranq arrows, we´ll see. 


    For the upcoming changes we have some things to look forward to with Creature breeding and some wardrums to look forward to. 

    We also have something to fear, nothing i want to haul in on my fishing hook, The Mosasaurus !



    - Apex-Kill Trophy Wall-Mounts

    A trophy system, im guessing it´ll look like something below but. 








    Previous notes


    I´ll try to get some patchnotes down from time-to-time in this thread instead of starting new ones so i wont spam the forum. 

    As most know we got 2 big patches coming up, 


    Upcoming Version: v215.0, ETA: Tonight EST
    - Carryable and Hawk-Style Throwable Dimorphodon (attacks whomever you throw it at ;)
    - Paraceratherium & accompanying Platform Saddle

    - Wall-mounted paintable canvas

    - Structure Auto-Decay Enabled on Official PvP servers
    - Ballistas can no longer be placed near enemy foundations, and their damage has been reduced by 50% relative to structures, range reduced by 20%. They also no longer damage Plant Species X.
    - Fixed incorrect Female pose when mounted on Ballista Turret
    - Dev Kit: Mod authors can now custom-script their own new "Use Menu" options, with networking and saving of values, as well as override/remove any existing "Use Menu" options as they see fit. This will let them make much more powerful in-world items and character interactions :) 
    - Saddled Dinos can now accept SCUBA gear, equipments etc into their Inventories
    - Fixed extra conflicting Input binding for flyers




    This Thursday:
    - Survival of the Fittest: The Last Stand begins!

    This Friday:
    - Swamp and Snow Biomes!

    This is where the snow and swamp biomes will be. I might have to move closer to the snow :D 

    - Beezlebufo

    - Direwolf

    Jon Snow already have one, admin powers.

    - Megaloceros

    - Fur Gear Set

    - Other cool content stuff (Furnitures etc :) 




    There will be furniture and stuff, just now coming a paintable canvas to wall mount, our homes will we better then before. 



  3. Very good yet scary input but good information to take in, thanks for the time you put into this. 


    Why is it that people want these settings on officials and other servers ?

    This game is going to have some great balancing issues :P 


    Ballistas and turrets that are supposed to be some kind of defense vs dinos will be useless aswell.

    If we make the projectile dmg higher it will be OP vs lower kinds of dinos i assume.(if its even possible)


    From my standpoint right now i want to be afraid while roaming the island, i want to have the thrill and excitement to actually have to flee from dinos that are to hard to fight of with my bare hands, i dont get that feeling right now except with Trex and spinos, i dont know how it will be with the higher levels but hopefully it´ll be some kind of challenge. 

    What i dont want is just as you state, the total imbalance of player vs. dino Damage. 

    I said it before, im one of thoose that dont want to be on the back of a Trex while fighting, i prefer the gun battles. 


    Im still upp for trying the new settings to see what the fuzz is about, but i would like to know if theres anyway that we can tweak the settings to get more balance, how are settings on other servers? 


  4. Nu när Dino lvls blir högre och turrets blir sämre då HP på Rexar kommer säkerligen ligga runt 80k hp o dylikt så blir de svårare att försvara.


    Vi fick en ballista i senaste patchen, denna sägs göra ca 2k dmg vs dinos ( inte provat själv utan enbart läst). De krävs alltså några skott för att göra detta, är man som en mindre tribe kommer de vara svårt om inte omöjligt att försvara sig. 

    De jag undrar är om folk har provat traps i olikas keden, bear traps, hur länge håller de fast trexar ? Kan man få en trex att sitta fast så man hinner få in några skott med ballista? 

    Kan man gå i dessa traps själv o fastna? 

    Narco traps, hur många sådana kommer de krävas att söva några djur? Och samma här, utlöser de om man själv går i dem? 


  5. Upcoming (v211.0 - ETA: 7:30 AM EST Deployment)

    * Switching to direct UDP socket connections rather than Steam P2P for significantly increased server network performance and stability!

    * Fixed issue where Flyers couldn't drop someone or attack after carrying them

    * Fixed issue with Flyers potentially disappearing/sinking into water

    Patchnotes changed and some of these wont come until 212, biggest noted of the patch is probobly the ones stated above. 



  6. Patchnotes are just getting better and better. 

    More lag fixes, hopefully this will stabalize the server even more :) 

    * Switching to direct UDP socket connections rather than Steam P2P for significantly increased server network performance and stability!


    And one thing that atleast i have been excited to see, the elevators ! Dont know if my engram points will be enough so soon i´ll start bugging everybody to build me stuff <3

    * New Structures: Powered Elevator Structures

    Ballistas seems rather cool aswell :) 

    * New Structures: Controllable Primitive Harpoon Ballista to place on structures and on the backs of your dinos (which damage stone structures at primitive tech level!)


    (Full notes here http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/594820656447032287/



    One thing i wanted to ask is if anyone have had the time to try out http://steamcommunity.com/app/346110/discussions/0/594820656447032287/ to make awesome signs ? 



  7. Good idea, something that wants to go big shouldnt be in sub-form to something else. 


    Also seen places where people asks for good servers, a good thing to get new players is to post in diffrent forums where people ask for servers. 

    What we would need here first doh is a stable server, otherwise people will notice quite fast that they dont want to spend their time lagging. 

    Was a huge difference after the re-install, tweaks and the patch, however from saturday and this monday i experienced high ping. Was having pings of 150-250 for a good ammount of time, do we have a reason for this? 


    But else, have like a scripted version of the server info, the goal etc that you can copy-pasta onto forums where people asks for servers. 


  8. The Lone Ranger

    Background: Former members of All Grillers have joined their heads together to tackle the problems of living on a strange island. We have both put in many hours into the game and enjoy it alot, we´ve been on the server for some months and wouldn´t change it for any other. 


    Members currently: 2   - JNT,  Raz, Wiking, LW

    Goal: Survive on an island occupied by deadly beasts and the even more deadly Homosapiens, enojoying our time the best we can while building fun stuff.

    Temperament: Friendly/Defensive

    Motto: To protect the world from devastation, To unite all peoples within our nation, To denounce the evils of truth and love, To extend my reach to the stars above!


  9. Nästa patchnotes är riktigt feta, de största man ser fram emot är självklart

    * Eliminated Server lag/stalling associated with clients that have poor connections getting a BUNCH of structures sent to them all at once

    Men även mycke andra feta saker. 

    * Paintings / Warpaints

    * Human and Dino Warpaint

    * New Creature: Pachycephalosaurus!

    * Collidable Saddle Platform & Build-on-Saddles




    Frågan är bara när den kommer

    Längtar !

  10. Brade, ni lyckades med de ni skulle iaf. Slänger in handduken på denna server då de inte finns på världskartan att jag fortsätter att bygga i detta lagget så vi får se om man kommer tillbaka när de bättrar sig :) 

    Hare gött så länge

  11. Rösta på en wipe?

    på en wipe?

    en wipe?

    Vad har jag missat?

    Omerta och admins har pratat ihop sig, därav valde de att förinta oss helt så att vi inte skulle vilja spela mer och känna att de var lika bra med en Wipe :) 

  12. Det är kul att ni gör något även om det är ganska uppenbart att ni förväntade er PVE.


    Om vi förväntade oss PvE så har ju ni en del att förklara, förståeligt att ni ville förstöra basen för att få oss att rösta på en wipe men då hade vi lika bra kunna tagit ett bra avslut av de hela. 

  13. is it only my that like to go hunting? saddle up with your friends and just ride and find people to kill.

     Love the Outworld PvP, dont mind dying some times or loosing a dino or to but there´s always the risk of having the tribe that of the person you killed declare war against your tribe. 


    I do not want my tribe to suffer by being raided just so i can have some fun killing random people in the open. 

    Therefore it feels like a big risk to take. Loosing a gun and a dino vs loosing a whole base/zoo is a big difference. 

    Pretty sure others feel the same, we like our false sense of security :) 

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