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Liam Smith

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    Liam Smith

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    Your moms basement


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    Liam Smith
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  1. Name: *Your in-game name* [SpetsnaZ] Albert Offender-Name: *Offender's in-game name* [OL] Russel och även [OL] Kinesen Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> 2019-01-17 22:00 ish Additional information: Finns video på händelsen Wich rule was broken?: VDM, trolling och rasism Video: https://plays.tv/s/M32kTv3GE6_O
  2. Name: *Your in-game name* [BKG] Sven Offender-Name: *Offender's in-game name* (NBNC) Don Juan Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> Yesterday Additional information: Finns video på händelsen Wich rule was broken?: VDM Video:https://plays.tv/video/5c3e5448af4f336a11/ban-request-don-juan
  3. Name: *Your in-game name* [BKG] Sven Offender-Name: *Offender's in-game name* Rizze Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> 19/01/02 13:00 Additional information: Me and Joaguìn Gusmán saw the Clan at drugdealer, we decided to land and try to engage. After we had landed Joaguìn Gusmán got rdmed, we tried to sort this out in teamspeak with a simple refund but they denied it. so i would like him to be banned! Which rule(s) were broken: RDM Video: https://plays.tv/s/M1mg-NO6V1sq
  4. You cant hear annything that you guys are saying, you clearly didnt engage. If you have your perspective please send!
  5. Name: *Your in-game name* [BKG] Sven Offender-Name: *Offender's in-game name* T.D.B Bobber Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> 12/29/2018 3:52 PM Which rule(s) were broken: Rdm and glitching Additional information: Explain in detail what happened. My friend Joaguìn Gusmán was on his way to airfield when the T.D.B gang closed the gate on to his car wich resulted in an explotion. So i drove over to ask why they closed the gate on him but instead got rdmd Video: https://plays.tv/video/5c278a3e48b7eb7a6b/ban-req?from=user
  6. Name: [B.K.G] Liam Smith Date: 2016:01:16 Reason: [Duping] Jag vart bannad för duping och nu efter ett år när jag fattar bättre så vill jag få en ny chans efter att jag kommit tillbaka efter en pause ifrån arma. skulle uppskatta om jag blev unbannad. Tack o Hej
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