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    Dertox reacted to espen4 in Police Applications   
    In-Game Name? : [Medic] Espen What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)  76561198274370013 Age : 20 snart 21 Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: nei desverre Do you have a working microphone?: ja det har jag How long have you played on CvGaming?: 595 timer å spiller mye på serveren så det kommer til å bli mere Have you been banned before?: Nei å har ikkje tenkt det følger alle reglene Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Ja må jo følge reglene     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) ha respekt mot de sivile
    2) Ta bestemelse som er moden man
    3) Visa respekt mot alla medborgare
    4) vare en bra RP
    5) ikkje missbruk min makt som polis In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    Är intresserad av juridik, alltså lag och rätt och det passar bra in som polis.
      In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    jag vil vil at det skal va en trygg stad å va i. son at de kan føle seg sikre. 
      Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    jag her spilt på denne serveren siden jag startet å spille arma. å kommer til å bli på denne serveren til det siste. kan alle reglene som er.
      What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    jobbe son at Altis blir til en bedre plas til alla befolkning
      What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?  de 3 er jo det viktikste for at polisen skal kunne samarbeide godt  Why are the police faction important? det er jo å passe på at folk gjør det som er lovelig (narko, ulovelig våpen,ulovelig kjøring)   What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better? et godt samhold og kommunikasjon å ha det hyggelig med sine kolleger. å det liker jag veldig
      Tell us a little about yourself! jag er en norsk gutt på snart 21 jag jobber på en bondegård å utdanet kokk jag liker å spille å derfor spiller jag mye. jag er en aktiv person som er på denne serveren spiller fra jag står opp til jag går å legger meg.  håper jeg får et posestift svar fra høyeste hold   med vendlig hilsen Espen
  2. Like
    Dertox reacted to r4t4tt4ck in Jesper Polisansökan   
    Requirements to join the Police Department are:
    Meet the minimum age of 17.
    Understand basic server rules.
    MUST have a working microphone!
    MUST have a good command of the English language.
    In-Game Name? :[Medic] Jesper /[K.F] Jesper
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561198029093804
    Age : 18 , snart 19 (18, soon 19)
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?:Nej , har inga erfarenheter av att vara polis. (No, i have no experience as a police)
    Do you have a working microphone?: ja det har jag. (yes)
    How long have you played on CvGaming?:ungefär mellan 270-300h
    Have you been banned before?: Nej (No)
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Jag lovar att jag aldrig göra någon slags abuse! (I promise that i will never abuse any kind of power as police)
    What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Jag följer orders. (I follow orders)
    2) Jag är väldigt stress tålig. (I can handel stress)
    3) Jag vet hur man rollspelar. (I know how to role play)
    4) Är en mogen person. ( Im a mature person)
    5) Jag vet reglerna. (I know the rules) 
    In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    Jag lever in i min roll som RP person och kommer även då leva in mig i rollen som polis.( I live in to my roll as a RP player and will also live my self in as a police)
    Jag är en person som står för det jag säger och gör. ( Im a person that stands for what i say and do)
    För att jag är en person som vill göra det lugnt på gatorna. (because im a person that want to make it peacefully on the streets)
    In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    Att skydda invånarna på Altis (To protect the inhabitants of Altis)
    Why should we pick YOU as a police officer?
    För att jag är en väldigt lugn person och kan göra min plikt som polis som även följer order. (Because I am a very calm person and can do my duty as a police officer who also follow orders )
    What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    att få ut lite mer rollplay på gatorna på altis och få bättre ordning. ( To get some more role -play in the streets at the Altis and better order.)
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Den respekt jag får av andra, den respekt kommer jag ge tillbaka. lojalitet kommer alltid att finnas hos mig, jag är inte den som sviker. Reglerna är det som gör att vi blir den vi är och det är något som behövs. 
    (The respect I receive from others the respect I will give back ) (loyalty will always be with me , I'm not the one who betrays ) (The rules are what makes us who we are and it is something that is needed. )
    Why are the police faction important?
    för att hålla lagen i ordnig och se till så att altis gator är säkra. (to keep the law in order and ensure that Altis streets are safe )
    What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    att kanske finnas och hjälp till vid dem mindre sakerna som händer. (maybe be there and Help at the smaller things that happens in Altis)
    Tell us a little about yourself!
    Jag är 18 år och heter då Jesper irl och bor i skåne och går sista året på gymnasiet. Jag läser då till väktare och kommer senare Göra GMU efter skolan. Mina intressen är då lira dator på min fritid samt vara med min flickvän. 
    Jag har då varit på F17 i bleking som frivillig flygvapen ungdom sen 2012 och slutade vintern 2015 för jag hade inte tid att åka iväg mer. det var allt nog allt vad jag kommer på , är det mer så är det bara till att fråga. 
    ( I am 18 years old and named as Jesper irl and live in Skåne and going the last year of high school. I will read to the guardian and will later Make GMU after school. My interests are then gaming on my computer at my leisure , and be with my girlfriend .
    I have been on the F17 in blekinge as Volunteer Force youth since 2012 and ended the winter 2015 I had no time to go away more. it was all probably all ,is it something more then just that question.)
  3. Like
    Dertox reacted to M. Gray in Mr Gray Polisansökan   
    In-Game Name? : Mr. Gray
        What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number) 76561197981034631
        Age : 35
        Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Yes Secret one, Blackwing, CPC-gaming
        Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
        How long have you played on CvGaming?: 2 år tror jag det blir. 1800 timmar var av 1400 som polis här på CVG
        Have you been banned before?: nej
        Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?
    Ja, rp är väl lite av min grej.
        What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    Skulle vilja svara:
        1) Rp
        2) Följa regler
        3) Följa uppsatt agenda
        4) Var behjälplig
        5) team Player
        In 3 short paragraphs describe why you would fit as a police officer:
    Jag borde bli polis igen för jag kan spelat ut i fingerspettsarna och har spelat polis väldigt länge med säkerliga goda vittsord från många på servern. Jag är en ganska bra RP spelare och brukar dra rp före skjuta. Har nog en hel del på Yoytub som kan vara intressant
        In a short paragraph, what is your task as a police officer?:
    Jag skulle vilja sägga att en polis är ansiktet utåt mot alla spelare på servern. Både nya som gammla. . Min speltid är till för att fögylla andras speltid. Och att man med det har ett ansvar för att faktiskt uppfylla det kravet.
        Why should we pick YOU as a police officer? Hmm Bra rp spelare och många kommer nog vilja möta mig ute på fältet. Duktig på att ta det ansvaret jag beskriver ovan.
        What do you hope to achieve if you become a police officer?:
    Jag vill inte ha någonförtur för jag har spelat både som Polischef länge och hög rankad över ett år. utan tar det lite lugnt.
        What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    Ja det är kanon om det efterföljs och kommer ryta ifrån om det inte görs..
        Why are the police faction important?
    Polisen utgör stommen på en Altis Life server. Utan polisen finns det ingen spänning. Vinet skulle inte smaka något. Ölen skulle vara varm. Det vore som att spela Texas Holdem utan pengar. Inget är värt något om det inte finns en risk att förlora det.

        What do you personally think that the police faction would need to become better?
    Oj. Det finns alltid förbättringar vilket jag får ta då när jag ser dem.
        Tell us a little about yourself!
    Ja jag som sagt spelat polis en 1400-1500 timmar på denna server. Är 35 år. Ex millitär pluggat till ingenjör i omgångar. arbetslös just nu och känner att jag vill köra lite polis igen. Namn Stefan. 2 barn men hinner nog med allt ändå.
    Väl Mött
    Mr. Gray
  4. Like
    Dertox got a reaction from B. Lattman in Dertox medic app   
    What is your in-game name? R.Collier
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)  76561198038605942
    Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a Medic? Yes
    How long have you played on the server? Started playing at the end of october 2014 been having some small arma breaks but somehow i always find my way back..  haha
    How long have you played Arma 3? around 1000 hrs
    How often do you play on the server and at what time of the day/night? will be mostely Late/night depends on how i work
    Why should you be picked as a medic? Been playing on CVG for long and i know the rules, ive been a medic and a police officer on cvg before. I used to play as a medic with the name "Muhammed" that was back when Oddjob was chief, But yeah i love to help people as you will see below
    Tell us a little about your self. My name is Kim im 21 years old i work part time in a warehouse and part time as a "stagemanager" i go around in the world and build stages and manage sound and light for festivals and events such as Sweden rock, Bråvalla. next year (2017) im gonna start to study to become a REAL medic, I wanna follow in my familys fotsteps and become a surgeon so i can help people in real life. 
  5. Like
    Dertox reacted to Goatis in Patchnote CvG 2.0.7   
    Patchnote CvG 2.0.7
    Yes I know I missed some patchnotes between 2.0 and 2.0.7 but hey they where only patchfixes   /Goatis
    Added Bloodbus! This is a RP event for Medics where they can place a Bloodbus anywhere they like on Altis where players can go to and donate blood and RP with the medics. You now see how far away closest medic is if you are dead.  Changed Bandit from Police to NLA count. Added Orca for donators General Mapcleanup Altis Police Department
    Nothing special   Medics
    Added Bloodbus! This came from a idea i had a long time ago, finally got it live on the server Medics can now see each other on the map Medics now got infinite toolkits   Rebels (N.L.A)
    Nothing special
  6. Like
    Dertox got a reaction from mr.marly12 in Altis? Grekland!   
    Under den ön så ligger ju Stratis med
  7. Like
    Dertox got a reaction from Jul Maria in Race Collier Application   
    What is your in-game name? Rafe Collier
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198038605942
    Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes i have
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Yes
    How long have you played on the server? Started in the end of october 2014.
    How long have you played Arma 3? 904 hrs
    How often do you play on the server?  I used to play every day and night until all the ddos started then i started playing some king of the hill to pass the time and i have now started to come back to Altis.
    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) Well my name is Kim im 20 years old and come from Linköping sweden and im right now in school and i have a job,  my school and my work is almost the same thing i go around in sweden and sometimes the world to build festivalstages and play around with the sound and lights when its live. Its a dream for me to work like this and too get to know all the big stars.
    About my ingame character: My name is Rafe Collier im a 46 years old dad that was born in africa but moved to hawaii with my family when i was 12 because of the war in africa that started to get to close to my hometown
    in my young days i worked as a bartender at a bar called togo in hawaii. One day i was working nighttime, and i did see a beautiful brunette coming in to the bar for a drink. She was on a vacation in hawaii for 2 weeks. After a week i finally got the guts to ask her to a date, and she said yes.  Thats how i met my wife 27 years ago. We had a beautiful daughter together and i thought that we where going to be happy forever... but that all changed 18 years ago when my wife got cancer. Sadly she didnt recover from the cancer and she died 1 year later. Thats was when me and my daughter moved to galati with my brothers.  And after that everyone just lives there
  8. Like
    Dertox got a reaction from Choppy in Rafe Collier Cop Application   
    What is your in-game name? Rafe Collier
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198038605942
    Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes i have
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Yes
    How long have you played on the server? Started in the end of october 2014.
    How long have you played Arma 3? 799 hrs
    How often do you play on the server?  I used to play every day and night until all the ddos started then i started playing some king of the hill to pass the time and i have now started to come back to Altis.
    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) Well my name is Kim im 20 years old and come from Linköping sweden and im right now in school and i have a job,  my school and my work is almost the same thing i go around in sweden and sometimes the world to build festivalstages and play around with the sound and lights when its live. Its a dream for me to work like this and too get to know all the big stars.
    About my ingame character: My name is Rafe Collier im a 46 years old dad that was born in africa but moved to hawaii with my family when i was 12 because of the war in africa that started to get to close to my hometown
    in my young days i worked as a bartender at a bar called togo in hawaii. One day i was working nighttime, and i did see a beautiful brunette coming in to the bar for a drink. She was on a vacation in hawaii for 2 weeks. After a week i finally got the guts to ask her to a date, and she said yes.  Thats how i met my wife 27 years ago. We had a beautiful daughter together and i thought that we where going to be happy forever... but that all changed 18 years ago when my wife got cancer...i had to pay the medical bills in someway which made me start selling drugs, Sadly she didnt recover from the cancer and she died 1 year later. Thats was when me and my daughter moved to galati with my brothers.  And after that everyone just lives there
  9. Like
    Dertox got a reaction from Gringo in Rafe Collier Cop Application   
    What is your in-game name? Rafe Collier
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198038605942
    Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes i have
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Yes
    How long have you played on the server? Started in the end of october 2014.
    How long have you played Arma 3? 799 hrs
    How often do you play on the server?  I used to play every day and night until all the ddos started then i started playing some king of the hill to pass the time and i have now started to come back to Altis.
    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) Well my name is Kim im 20 years old and come from Linköping sweden and im right now in school and i have a job,  my school and my work is almost the same thing i go around in sweden and sometimes the world to build festivalstages and play around with the sound and lights when its live. Its a dream for me to work like this and too get to know all the big stars.
    About my ingame character: My name is Rafe Collier im a 46 years old dad that was born in africa but moved to hawaii with my family when i was 12 because of the war in africa that started to get to close to my hometown
    in my young days i worked as a bartender at a bar called togo in hawaii. One day i was working nighttime, and i did see a beautiful brunette coming in to the bar for a drink. She was on a vacation in hawaii for 2 weeks. After a week i finally got the guts to ask her to a date, and she said yes.  Thats how i met my wife 27 years ago. We had a beautiful daughter together and i thought that we where going to be happy forever... but that all changed 18 years ago when my wife got cancer...i had to pay the medical bills in someway which made me start selling drugs, Sadly she didnt recover from the cancer and she died 1 year later. Thats was when me and my daughter moved to galati with my brothers.  And after that everyone just lives there
  10. Like
    Dertox got a reaction from Jul Maria in Rafe Collier Cop Application   
    What is your in-game name? Rafe Collier
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198038605942
    Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes i have
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Yes
    How long have you played on the server? Started in the end of october 2014.
    How long have you played Arma 3? 799 hrs
    How often do you play on the server?  I used to play every day and night until all the ddos started then i started playing some king of the hill to pass the time and i have now started to come back to Altis.
    Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) Well my name is Kim im 20 years old and come from Linköping sweden and im right now in school and i have a job,  my school and my work is almost the same thing i go around in sweden and sometimes the world to build festivalstages and play around with the sound and lights when its live. Its a dream for me to work like this and too get to know all the big stars.
    About my ingame character: My name is Rafe Collier im a 46 years old dad that was born in africa but moved to hawaii with my family when i was 12 because of the war in africa that started to get to close to my hometown
    in my young days i worked as a bartender at a bar called togo in hawaii. One day i was working nighttime, and i did see a beautiful brunette coming in to the bar for a drink. She was on a vacation in hawaii for 2 weeks. After a week i finally got the guts to ask her to a date, and she said yes.  Thats how i met my wife 27 years ago. We had a beautiful daughter together and i thought that we where going to be happy forever... but that all changed 18 years ago when my wife got cancer...i had to pay the medical bills in someway which made me start selling drugs, Sadly she didnt recover from the cancer and she died 1 year later. Thats was when me and my daughter moved to galati with my brothers.  And after that everyone just lives there
  11. Like
    Dertox reacted to kroxor in HAHAHA vad ska man säga   
    SC's failade försök till rån

  12. Like
    Dertox reacted to Jul Maria in Julia - Police application   
    What is your in-game name? Julia Ivanovich  What is your Player ID #? 76561198101319007 Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes, i have.  Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? Yes.  How long have you played on the server? Over 500 hours.  How long have you played Arma 3? 660 hours.  How often do you play on the server? Before the server did get ddosed all the time, i did play everyday. I have been away for awhile because i wanted a break from Altis and play other games, but now im back again.  Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) My name is Jul, im 16 years old. I live in norway. I'm not going to school currently as i've taken a sabbath year. In the near future i'm going to move to Oslo and start school there. What i do on my freetime mostly is playing Arma 3 and Diablo. One of my biggest intrests is livestreaming and playing games. I try to stream 4 days a week.  About my ingame char:  My name is Julia Ivanovich and im 24 years old, and im married to a wierd guy called Wilson. I live with my father Rafe Collier in a town called Galati. My mom died from cancer when i was 6. My mother was russian, so thats why i have a russian last name. My dad tried everything to help her, but a year later she couldnt hold it anymore. After that i stayed with my dad, and he tried his best to raise me like my mother wanted. So years later i moved out did get a job, so me and my dad could survive. 
  13. Like
    Dertox reacted to Jul Maria in Ban request - [D]Decidos   
    Name: [P.L] Julia Ivanovich
    Offender-Name: [D]Decidos
    Date: 12.01.15
    Reason: The reason is i was standing at the donatorshop afk, because it was 5 minutes to restart, and then i did see decidos standing with another member from the same gang. At first i did think nothing bad can happen, because i was in safezone with them, i did not speak with them because i was going afk, so i tabbed out. Some minutes after i did tab in again to check how many minutes it was to the restart. The first thing i did see that someone killed me and a gocart over me, and they did drive gocarts around the donatorshop. They did say (in ts, not ingame) that i was NOT in safezone, and they said if i dont drop everything they will kill me. But i did not hear anything. I can still hear when people talk ingame when i tab out. I dont know how they did get me out of safezone, if they did push me out, or whatever they did. But i was in the safezone, im 100% sure. 
    In the corner of video you can see the man, in the donatorshop where you can buy weapons(and stuff) and they driving the gocart, after i did close the recording program i did go afk. 

    Here is the screenshot i took after they killed me. (The server restarted some seconds after the picture)
    And one more thing, he has been banned for calling me a hoe and stuff (Ask Carpen, he banned him), and he had a very bad attitude to my gang a week ago or more. And he has vdm'ed and rdm'ed.
    EDIT: I think he has been banned 4 times. 
  14. Like
    Dertox reacted to Afriel in Robbing without giving time to react - [IS-B] Mayday (and his mates)   
    Banned 3 days for RDM and Lack of RP... 
  15. Like
    Dertox reacted to Lowen in [Ban Appeal] Lowen   
    Name: [T.U] Lowen
    Date: 2015-01-07
    Reason: Tänkte att det är lika bra att jag lägger in en ban appeal eftersom det är en perm.

    Ok, så.. Vi i T.U hade nyss vart i en fight med N.L.A på deras ö för att dem choppa/sprängde några av våra HEMMTs.
    Vi kommer till Syrta och vi alla är trötta och några loggar ut. Jag springer runt i Syrta, hoppar över/går över massa saker och sen när jag kommer till huset som är bredvid General Store så kunde jag på nåt sätt vara under golvet i det huset..
    Jag säger åt en av T.U medlemmarna att han får 100k om han lyckas döda mig när jag är där under, men det kunde han inte. Detta varar i några minuter.
    Jag vet att det var fel att vara under huset. Jag är helt fläckfri sen tidigare så jag förstår inte riktigt varför det blev en permban. Jag lovar och svär att det ej kommer upprepas om jag nu blir unbannad.
    Skulle aldrig nånsin använt golv glitchen för att få ett advantage i en gunfight eller liknande, det var bara en "fun thing" innan jag loggade ut.
    Så jag loggade ut, tog mig en liten powernap på ungefär en timme, kommer tillbaka och märker att några har skrivit att jag blivit permbannad in-game så jag satt här som ett frågetecken och undrar vad jag blivit bannad för och sen slår det mig att det var för golvgrejen.
    Det är en roleplay server och man ska inte göra saker in-game som man inte kan göra irl, jag har lärt mig det nu.
    Jag skrev till Legacy om detta på TeamSpeak och han sa något om en fotbollsplan som folk glitchat sig in för länge sedan och att andra T.U medlemmar fått en varning. Jag har vart i TU sen November(ungefär) och vet ingenting om detta.

    Jag finns på TeamSpeak om det skulle vara något.
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