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  1. Like
    VisionPie reacted to cARPEN in Allt flygande!!   
    Hemmtt box 1.5m - 420 storage. > 2.5m - 540 storage.
    Zamak 950k  - 250 storage > 1.25m - 360 storage
    Truck Transport 110k - 150 storage > 150k - 180 storage.
    Truck (Vanlig) 60k - 100 storage. > 60k - 100 storage.
    För att kanske få in mer RP via mark och folk verkligen kör en lastbil flera KM för att tjäna mer d0llarz.
    Nerfing på helikoptrar:
    Tarun 6m – 325 storage och thermal kamera > 6m, 200 storage.
    Mohawk 4.2m – 290 storage > 3m, 180 storage.
    Tarun Bench 1.2m, 200 storage > 1m 150 storage
    Orca 750k – 170 storage > 750k , 110 storage.
    Hummingbird och M900 – 60 storage och kanske sänka priset till någonstans mellan 150k och 250k. 
  2. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Dimitri in Stream! Dimitri Rascalov   
    Tjennah! Tänkte börja streama lite medans jag spelar som Medic och kanske Polis i framtiden (Har ansökt), Twitch.tv/r3dimitrirascalov  för den som råkar vara intresserad! 
    Specs: Intel core i7-4790K, 7gig ram, geforce ftx 970
    40/10 internet (lär fungera rätt bra)
  3. Like
    VisionPie reacted to cARPEN in [Ban Appeal] SpiZExeCute   
    "..jag försöker allt jag kan! "
  4. Like
    VisionPie reacted to M.Riggs in Why are the police so bad?   
    Before you complain about the police you should remember that you are the one who made us into what we are today.                                                                                                                                   I find it extremely funny how people are using terms like "Farming the police" as if it's an achievement to kill the police on a RP server. The police is not only about recruiting the best aimers to make sure that anyone who stands in our way gets steamrolled. Sure we have alot of good shooters, but we are here to assist & help people. We are not here to conquer. People need to realize that once and for all.   "The police are so dumb and easy to farm."   We are not dumb, we see right through you. The problem is:   We have all heard lines like. "I killed 2-10 police officers today, they are so bad." Let's think about this for a second...say there is a gang named [X]. They text the police with something like: "Hey we are getting robbed by gang [Z]"   Even if we know this is a trap we have to go there, very exposed to everyone, jump out of our cars and interact RP (With our weapons on hold.) Two seconds later we hear "Put your hands up, this is a robbery!" We could make a 180 turn and kill the people robbing us but that would mean it's really bad RP from our side. This will result in us getting robbed and gang [X] Getting their hands on MX,vests & magazines worth a ton, also arming civ's who play on this server for one single purpose. "Get as much shit in your storage box as possible." Let's be honest here, It's not hard to do that. Anyone could lure out 2 cops while 5 people are hiding in the bushes. This does not require any skill nor a brain to achieve.   "How can it take F*ing 20 minutes to remove 1 abandoned vehicle blocking the road?!"   Allow me to explain why:   Usually it would only require 1 police officer to drive over there and impound the abandoned vehicle. However in the current state this is impossible, we have to send 4-5 police officers to scout the area, take positions and make sure it's clear. Which will result in this minor thing that should only take 2 minutes actually will take 20-30 minutes. We do have a choice not to help certain gangs who we know rob the cops on a daily basis but that have also resulted in people complaining about police never patrolling the roads & helping people near peach-field. Now you know why the response time from the police is extremely slow.   "The police never patrol the roads and never interact with players RP wise, like checking driver's licenses"   Whose fault is that?   We want to RP and interact with people, we do not want to sit in HQ waiting for Bandit or Federal. But how are we supposed to do that? Usually it doesn't take more than 5-10 minutes after arriving at Kavala checkpoint before we get "the" text (Put your hands up or you will all be dead!). It's even rare that people actually go through the check-point to interact RP with the police."Must..get..money...fast..no..time..for..RP!" People need to look past this farming hype and start interacting with each other! After all isn't that why we are playing on a RP server?     "So they buffed the police even more?!"   Yes, for our own safety. You people act like the police are farming you and still getting more buffs. We are here to protect and serve the civilians of Altis. Buffing us should also be good for you so that we can protect people from the rebels. It's not our fault people decided to go to war against the police. How are we supposed to protect and serve when we are the ones getting farmed by the ones we are trying to protect.   Before pointing fingers and judging the police, take a second and reflect on your own acts. There is a reason why it has come to this and I can assure you that it is not because we are lazy. Simply tired of being target dummies.     Nobody's perfect, but if we all try and do our best we can lift the standards of this community to the level CvGaming deserves.    Think before you act. Think before you complain. This is not a warzone!       This is my own words so all negative feedback should be directed only to me and not the whole police force.   //M.Riggs
  5. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Legacy™ in Bann Request   
    Då ser jag ju verkligen inte problemet ifall han erkänner att han gjorde fel och vill kompensera? Man behöver inte vara så bann-sugen hela tiden. Ifall det går att lösa mellan två individer så varför inte ta den chansen?
  6. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Vogelturken in Ban request   
    Inte för att vara sådan men säg inte åt andra att passa sig när ni också har ett par fina prints på er. Så ingen stenkastning tack.
  7. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Maxwell in [Ban Appeal] SpiZExeCute   
    "du kanske förstår varför jag vill bli bannad så himla mycket." -SpiZExeCute1

    2014-25/11 19:56
  8. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Hano in [Ban Appeal] SpiZExeCute   
    Så du vill bli unbannad i några dagar så att du kan trolla runt ännu mer? Jag tror faktiskt inte det kommer att hända.
  9. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Ferm in Min dator   
  10. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Eurozze in Christmas wishlist   
    Jag vill nog bara ha en liten gtx 970 
  11. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kebre in Min laggiga dator :/   
  12. Like
    VisionPie reacted to M. Gray in Mer förslag   
    Jag kan tycka att vi behöver höja impound lite.. Kanske till en 10.000.. det står bilar över allt och ingen är intresseras av att impounda dem. Servern blir både laggig och ser skräpig ut.
    Vad jag förstod det var det en sänkning på det för vissa poliser tjänade pengar på¨att plocka ut bilar och impounda dem.. Höj priset för att plock ut med då så slipper vi det..
    Men priset måste höjas på impound
    Lika dant med chop chop.. borde ligga på en 25% av inköpskostnad
  13. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Ferm in [Ban Request] APD Ferm   
    It was late at night. I had some serious real life things to do and those are always way more important than a game. And without further ado i tabed out of the game and exited it from windows. 
  14. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Pappa leif in Police Application   
    What is your in-game name? Mustafa Al'Rawi What is your Player ID #? 76561197972543295 Have you read all of the rules on the forum? Yes and I understand them! Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a cop/medic/rebel? yabidabadoo! How long have you played on the server? Like 5 months I think How long have you played Arma 3? 5 months How often do you play on the server? everyday like 5 hours now Tell us a little about yourself! (Where in the world do you live? What time zone do you live in? Age? etc.) Jag bor i Linköping Östergötland, jag har den svenska tiden, 18 år, varit polis innan, medic, rebell och FIA
  15. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Goatis in Den som väntar på nått gott väntar aldrig för länge   
  16. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Legacy™ in [Ban request] [A.P.D] P. Marple1   
    So if i get this right, this is a ban request on Marple for VDM and nothing else. Stay on topic, the police shooting at the vehicle has NOTHING to do with this ban request, that is a different matter.
    Also since he has a couple of people to confirm his story about a keyboard disconnect i will not take this VDM matter any further.
    Bad roleplay is still roleplay unless it's LACK OF ROLEPLAY. 
    To conclude, this situation was out of P.Marple1s hands and there is nothing he could have done about it. He is not obliged to fly at a certain height just because his keyboard MIGHT glitch sometimes, although the cops should consider using another pilot if avaliable until this is fixed.

  17. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Pedro Moralez in Inte bara våld och vapen!   
    Edit: Few civilians were harmed during the making of this movie.
  18. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kebre in Christmas wishlist   
    The thread was for IRL things
  19. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Kebre in Christmas wishlist   
    This thread is maybe early but I want to hear what you are wishing for this christmas and what (if) you are going to give to your closest.
    My problem is that I dont know what to wish for or what to give.
    So those who know what to give or wish for come with your tips and share your list
    (Svenska går bra då vissa saker är svårt översatta)
  20. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Gazolin in Lets Go mates!   
    Welcome M.Grey
    Only Good Memories from Skövde.
    9 years ago i was sendt from P2 Dragon Regement Hässleholm/Skåne to P4 Skaraborgs Regement in Skövde wen i was in the army.
    The mission was to get more experience in 3weeks with the Rifle PSG 90 and kaliber .308 Winchester 7,62 x 51 mm Nato Ammo on the best shooting range/ and place to be and learn in P4 Skövde.
    I just loved that place Skövde.
  21. Like
    VisionPie reacted to M. Gray in Lets Go mates!   
    I thought I would introduce myself officially. Is the father of two children of 34 years old. We live in the town of Skovde lying between the Värnen and vättern. My oldest son plays with me sometimes. Be kind to him =)

    Has worked as a technician and then up the chain.

    Has also worked in the military where I was a second lieutenant.
    Currently studying to become an engineer.
    I do not mind taking responsibility if required by me.
    Has played arma3 one year soon. Is probably up in 900 hours of gameplay. 700-800 as a police officer.

    Love RP if anyone has missed it =)

  22. Like
    VisionPie got a reaction from Goatis in Mitt nya projekt 2015   
    Jag skulle köra på ett WD Black för prestanda samsung 840 evo 240gb
  23. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Daniel in M.Gray - Möter Hillbilly polisen från landet!   
    Hahaha helt oförglömligt möte!!
  24. Like
    VisionPie reacted to M. Gray in M.Gray - Möter Hillbilly polisen från landet!   
    Lite rollspel som det borde vara!

  25. Like
    VisionPie reacted to Gioo in GW   
    GW is life GW is love <3
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