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  1. Like
    Björt got a reaction from J. Blane in Något som jag hittade när jag rensade disken ...   
  2. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Kupa in Något som jag hittade när jag rensade disken ...   
  3. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Joel in Något som jag hittade när jag rensade disken ...   
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    Björt got a reaction from HedmaN in Något som jag hittade när jag rensade disken ...   
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    Björt reacted to V1RRE in Polis ansökan Thorsten   
    In-Game Name? : Ms Fahid / Thorsten
    What is your Player ID #? (In ARMA main screen go to Config/Profiles (select your profile) Then you should see a 17 Digit number)  76561198136970136
    Age : 16 y/o fyller 17 till sommarn
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?:  Stämmer braa!
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Inte på andra servrar men på Cvgaming, yes. två gånger har jag varit polis förut.
    Do you have a working microphone?: Jadå
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: September - oktober 2014 
    2700 timmar ~
    Have you been banned before?: Japp tyvär, En gång
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer? Absolut, självklart
        What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Alltid kunna RP;a och skapa scenarion som imponerar på dem du Rollspelar med.
    2) Respekt, att ha en inbyggd respekt för övriga spelare, men främst kollegor.
    3) Vara en bra lagkamrat, aldrig lämna en kollega osv!
    4) Leva sig in i polisrollen!
    5) Vara mogen samt lugn är väldigt viktigt.
      Describe why you would like to play as a police officer?: På senaste tiden har jag varit sugen på att komma tillbaks till APD, jag gjorde en ansökan för ett par veckor sedan men jag blev nekad pga jag rollspelar för lite, samt hur jag betedde mig sist när jag var i polisen (spelade mindre seriöst och latjade mest runt!) Detta var dock september-oktober 2015 ( 5-6 månader sen) Och mycket har förändrats på denna tid. Jag är en person gilar att rollspela och jag är duktig på det när jag väl gör det, Har dragits runt i kompis-gäng där det varit mindre rollspel,  jag har stannat i dessa gäng ( Zeds, Unknown, Mayans) för att det somsagt varit kompisgäng. På senaste tid har jag ibland glidit in utan gängtagg (ibland olika namn) och glidit runt och skapat rollspel vid varje tillfälle som gavs, Efter dessa "ensam-civ" stunderna så märker jag att jag har mycket roligare när jag rollspelar serriöst. Jag vet att om jag fick chansen till polisen igen så skulle jag inte göra någon besviken och jag skulle sköta jobbet snyggt (inget latjande som sist!) Jag vet att det Legacy och övriga polischefer förväntar sig är att jag ska nu gå in och rollspela så mycket som det går med polisen innan ni tar in mig och det har jag absolut inga problem med o göra. Men samtliga borde redan veta att jag kan och tycker om att rollspela och att jag skulle visa mig själv värdig till att vara polis som polis-cad.
    Briefly describe the various tasks of a police officer?:
    Polisens sysslor kan vara allt ifrån att stoppa droghandel, till att ge tickets till fartdårar i Kavala, Det varierar väldigt mycket då folk gör allt möjligt olagligt på Altis, Slavhandel, Vapenhandel,råneri,roadblocks,droghandel,rattfyllor osv osv.....

    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police force?: Då jag är en sån person som inte har några problem med att lämna en strid för att göra övrigt polisarbete, om det tex är 10 poliser vid ett mackrån, och en av rånarna är i handbojor så är jag han som kör in han till säkerhet till polisstationen och förhör honom. 
    Jag har ett rätt bra tålamod när det gäller att hålla koll på stökiga civs i Kavala Square osv också!.
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?: Somsagt så är respekten en av de viktigaste sakerna när det gäller att spela i fraktion. lojalitet är också viktigt emellan kollegor, man måste kunna veta att man kan lita på sina kollegor när det gäller. Det är vi poliser som håller koll så att folk sköter sig när det gäller regler och vi ska alltid visa gott föredöme då vi är representanter utav servern och nya civs kommer göra som vi gör.
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police: Mitt namn är Thorsten, Jag har jobbat som advokat så jag kan regelboken istort sett utantill, Jag har lite då och då varit och representerar klienter som varit misstänka för grova brott att gå fria tack vare min charmiga personlighet och mitt sätt att prata bort saker. Thorsten har historia, Han har varit ledare för flera bandit organisationer innan han gick sina advokats-kurser. Han har haft en riktig tur när det gäller sitt nya liv då han sköter advokats-jobbet riktigt bra. Thorsten har även varit chef på Altis officiela tidning Cv-G News, Han hade även en matvagn med ett par kompisar som var väldigt framgångsrik. Han har gjort mycket i sitt liv och nu vill han ta steget vidare till polisen!
    Tell us a little about yourself!  Mitt namn är Jonny, känd som Thorsten / Fahid på servern, Jag har spelat väldigt länge och gjort mycket här på servern, I de övriga frågorna berättar jag rätt mycket om mig själv så venne vad jag ska skriva
    Jag är 16 år gammal, fyller 17 om 3 månader, Varit polis förut så jag har erfarenhet och jag vet hur det mesta fungerar (om det inte skett massa ändrignar som det förmodligen gjorts :p) 
    Just nu spelar jag i gänget Ms med polarna, har dock trappat ner på spelandet då jag inte tycker att det är speciellt roligt det jag gjort nu i 5 ~ månader (råna, döda, jävlas med folk osv..)
    Jag går på linjen VVS (rörläggare) och skolan ligger 5min bort så jag är hemma vid datorn alla vardagar mellan 14:00-24:00
    Detta var allt jag kunde komma på nu, Tack för mig
  6. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Svedin in Police application - Björt   
    In-Game Name? : Björt 
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198042738372
    Age : 18
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Unfortunately no 
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, of course
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1000+ hours
    Have you been banned before?: I think something like 1 day.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes I do.
     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Roleplay - I would say that this is one of the most common sence one aswell as one of the most important to have as a quality
    2) Obey The Rules - I would say this is the whole key to success for a roleplaying server. As in real life there are rules to obay!
    3) Communication - As in real life you have to co operate with your fellow officers and give important information.
    4) Respect - You need to give respect towards other players.
    5) Calmness - You just can't loose your shit when you are a cop you need to stay calm in all of the stressfull situations. 
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer:
    As I mentioned earlier the importance of roleplaying and how nessesary it is. I would say that I can roleplay in all the diffucult situations and sometimes I can make some twists and fun for both me and others.
    I would like to try the cop life out, due to I have only been playing CIV for the most of my playtime here on CVG. Therefore I would like to try and roleplay as a cop.
    I would also like to controbute my skills to the police force and keep the streets clean from rulebreaking! Therefore shall the Civs of Altis remain safe. 
    Briefly describe the various tasks as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis. Prevent robberies and help out new emigrated civs. 
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police officer?
    I have been medic before and I liked helping out people and saving some lives and now I would like to serve on another level and remove the criminals from the streets, therefore my fellow civiliance have no need for any kind of fear or panic when they are alone. 
    I am also a very calm person who can handle all kind of different situations with roleplay and some brain. I LOVE to roleplay as I said before in my application and the cop job is a huge step to a whole new level of Roleplay.  
    I have been playing for a long time on the server and know the different kind of rules and I am warning others if they are wrong. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    I think those are the main factors for a successful police force and therefore I do respect all of those enforcements and obay them as much as I can.
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:
    My name is Marcus Westman (short: M.Westman). I was peacefully living on Altis (Athira) until an accident happened which involved my whole family death. The reason behind their death was that a couple of drug dealers came and stormed our house out from nowhere and asked for money and other things we did not have. So they got angrier over time and started to yell at my parents. I was very scared, I needed to do something quick. So I picked up my shoes and started running, as I ran I heard couple of shots. I ran all night and I came to a new city (Kavala), which was much bigger than the previous one. As I walk around I see a civilian on the street with a newspaper, I see the article about the accident. Then when I contact the police department they tell me that my parents are dead.
    Now when I am 26 years old I want to prevent all the crimes and destroy all of the illegal gear/drugs. Therefore, after my intense studies in the high school and college I want to become a cop on Altis.   
       Tell us a little about yourself!
    I will keep this short.
    I am 18 years old and live in Kalmar. I am almost done with the highschool. In the highschool I am styding on (NA-naturvetenskapliga programmet). I have been playing on CVG for a while and I want to make a change in my Altis life. 
    I hope this application has been fun to read and have a nice day !
  7. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Bugge in Police application - Björt   
    In-Game Name? : Björt 
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198042738372
    Age : 18
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Unfortunately no 
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, of course
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1000+ hours
    Have you been banned before?: I think something like 1 day.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes I do.
     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Roleplay - I would say that this is one of the most common sence one aswell as one of the most important to have as a quality
    2) Obey The Rules - I would say this is the whole key to success for a roleplaying server. As in real life there are rules to obay!
    3) Communication - As in real life you have to co operate with your fellow officers and give important information.
    4) Respect - You need to give respect towards other players.
    5) Calmness - You just can't loose your shit when you are a cop you need to stay calm in all of the stressfull situations. 
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer:
    As I mentioned earlier the importance of roleplaying and how nessesary it is. I would say that I can roleplay in all the diffucult situations and sometimes I can make some twists and fun for both me and others.
    I would like to try the cop life out, due to I have only been playing CIV for the most of my playtime here on CVG. Therefore I would like to try and roleplay as a cop.
    I would also like to controbute my skills to the police force and keep the streets clean from rulebreaking! Therefore shall the Civs of Altis remain safe. 
    Briefly describe the various tasks as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis. Prevent robberies and help out new emigrated civs. 
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police officer?
    I have been medic before and I liked helping out people and saving some lives and now I would like to serve on another level and remove the criminals from the streets, therefore my fellow civiliance have no need for any kind of fear or panic when they are alone. 
    I am also a very calm person who can handle all kind of different situations with roleplay and some brain. I LOVE to roleplay as I said before in my application and the cop job is a huge step to a whole new level of Roleplay.  
    I have been playing for a long time on the server and know the different kind of rules and I am warning others if they are wrong. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    I think those are the main factors for a successful police force and therefore I do respect all of those enforcements and obay them as much as I can.
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:
    My name is Marcus Westman (short: M.Westman). I was peacefully living on Altis (Athira) until an accident happened which involved my whole family death. The reason behind their death was that a couple of drug dealers came and stormed our house out from nowhere and asked for money and other things we did not have. So they got angrier over time and started to yell at my parents. I was very scared, I needed to do something quick. So I picked up my shoes and started running, as I ran I heard couple of shots. I ran all night and I came to a new city (Kavala), which was much bigger than the previous one. As I walk around I see a civilian on the street with a newspaper, I see the article about the accident. Then when I contact the police department they tell me that my parents are dead.
    Now when I am 26 years old I want to prevent all the crimes and destroy all of the illegal gear/drugs. Therefore, after my intense studies in the high school and college I want to become a cop on Altis.   
       Tell us a little about yourself!
    I will keep this short.
    I am 18 years old and live in Kalmar. I am almost done with the highschool. In the highschool I am styding on (NA-naturvetenskapliga programmet). I have been playing on CVG for a while and I want to make a change in my Altis life. 
    I hope this application has been fun to read and have a nice day !
  8. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Hejsan in Police application - Björt   
    In-Game Name? : Björt 
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198042738372
    Age : 18
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Unfortunately no 
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, of course
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1000+ hours
    Have you been banned before?: I think something like 1 day.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes I do.
     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Roleplay - I would say that this is one of the most common sence one aswell as one of the most important to have as a quality
    2) Obey The Rules - I would say this is the whole key to success for a roleplaying server. As in real life there are rules to obay!
    3) Communication - As in real life you have to co operate with your fellow officers and give important information.
    4) Respect - You need to give respect towards other players.
    5) Calmness - You just can't loose your shit when you are a cop you need to stay calm in all of the stressfull situations. 
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer:
    As I mentioned earlier the importance of roleplaying and how nessesary it is. I would say that I can roleplay in all the diffucult situations and sometimes I can make some twists and fun for both me and others.
    I would like to try the cop life out, due to I have only been playing CIV for the most of my playtime here on CVG. Therefore I would like to try and roleplay as a cop.
    I would also like to controbute my skills to the police force and keep the streets clean from rulebreaking! Therefore shall the Civs of Altis remain safe. 
    Briefly describe the various tasks as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis. Prevent robberies and help out new emigrated civs. 
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police officer?
    I have been medic before and I liked helping out people and saving some lives and now I would like to serve on another level and remove the criminals from the streets, therefore my fellow civiliance have no need for any kind of fear or panic when they are alone. 
    I am also a very calm person who can handle all kind of different situations with roleplay and some brain. I LOVE to roleplay as I said before in my application and the cop job is a huge step to a whole new level of Roleplay.  
    I have been playing for a long time on the server and know the different kind of rules and I am warning others if they are wrong. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    I think those are the main factors for a successful police force and therefore I do respect all of those enforcements and obay them as much as I can.
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:
    My name is Marcus Westman (short: M.Westman). I was peacefully living on Altis (Athira) until an accident happened which involved my whole family death. The reason behind their death was that a couple of drug dealers came and stormed our house out from nowhere and asked for money and other things we did not have. So they got angrier over time and started to yell at my parents. I was very scared, I needed to do something quick. So I picked up my shoes and started running, as I ran I heard couple of shots. I ran all night and I came to a new city (Kavala), which was much bigger than the previous one. As I walk around I see a civilian on the street with a newspaper, I see the article about the accident. Then when I contact the police department they tell me that my parents are dead.
    Now when I am 26 years old I want to prevent all the crimes and destroy all of the illegal gear/drugs. Therefore, after my intense studies in the high school and college I want to become a cop on Altis.   
       Tell us a little about yourself!
    I will keep this short.
    I am 18 years old and live in Kalmar. I am almost done with the highschool. In the highschool I am styding on (NA-naturvetenskapliga programmet). I have been playing on CVG for a while and I want to make a change in my Altis life. 
    I hope this application has been fun to read and have a nice day !
  9. Like
    Björt got a reaction from TIMPAa91 in Police application - Björt   
    In-Game Name? : Björt 
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198042738372
    Age : 18
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Unfortunately no 
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, of course
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1000+ hours
    Have you been banned before?: I think something like 1 day.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes I do.
     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Roleplay - I would say that this is one of the most common sence one aswell as one of the most important to have as a quality
    2) Obey The Rules - I would say this is the whole key to success for a roleplaying server. As in real life there are rules to obay!
    3) Communication - As in real life you have to co operate with your fellow officers and give important information.
    4) Respect - You need to give respect towards other players.
    5) Calmness - You just can't loose your shit when you are a cop you need to stay calm in all of the stressfull situations. 
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer:
    As I mentioned earlier the importance of roleplaying and how nessesary it is. I would say that I can roleplay in all the diffucult situations and sometimes I can make some twists and fun for both me and others.
    I would like to try the cop life out, due to I have only been playing CIV for the most of my playtime here on CVG. Therefore I would like to try and roleplay as a cop.
    I would also like to controbute my skills to the police force and keep the streets clean from rulebreaking! Therefore shall the Civs of Altis remain safe. 
    Briefly describe the various tasks as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis. Prevent robberies and help out new emigrated civs. 
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police officer?
    I have been medic before and I liked helping out people and saving some lives and now I would like to serve on another level and remove the criminals from the streets, therefore my fellow civiliance have no need for any kind of fear or panic when they are alone. 
    I am also a very calm person who can handle all kind of different situations with roleplay and some brain. I LOVE to roleplay as I said before in my application and the cop job is a huge step to a whole new level of Roleplay.  
    I have been playing for a long time on the server and know the different kind of rules and I am warning others if they are wrong. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    I think those are the main factors for a successful police force and therefore I do respect all of those enforcements and obay them as much as I can.
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:
    My name is Marcus Westman (short: M.Westman). I was peacefully living on Altis (Athira) until an accident happened which involved my whole family death. The reason behind their death was that a couple of drug dealers came and stormed our house out from nowhere and asked for money and other things we did not have. So they got angrier over time and started to yell at my parents. I was very scared, I needed to do something quick. So I picked up my shoes and started running, as I ran I heard couple of shots. I ran all night and I came to a new city (Kavala), which was much bigger than the previous one. As I walk around I see a civilian on the street with a newspaper, I see the article about the accident. Then when I contact the police department they tell me that my parents are dead.
    Now when I am 26 years old I want to prevent all the crimes and destroy all of the illegal gear/drugs. Therefore, after my intense studies in the high school and college I want to become a cop on Altis.   
       Tell us a little about yourself!
    I will keep this short.
    I am 18 years old and live in Kalmar. I am almost done with the highschool. In the highschool I am styding on (NA-naturvetenskapliga programmet). I have been playing on CVG for a while and I want to make a change in my Altis life. 
    I hope this application has been fun to read and have a nice day !
  10. Like
    Björt got a reaction from bobin in Police application - Björt   
    In-Game Name? : Björt 
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198042738372
    Age : 18
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Unfortunately no 
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, of course
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1000+ hours
    Have you been banned before?: I think something like 1 day.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes I do.
     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Roleplay - I would say that this is one of the most common sence one aswell as one of the most important to have as a quality
    2) Obey The Rules - I would say this is the whole key to success for a roleplaying server. As in real life there are rules to obay!
    3) Communication - As in real life you have to co operate with your fellow officers and give important information.
    4) Respect - You need to give respect towards other players.
    5) Calmness - You just can't loose your shit when you are a cop you need to stay calm in all of the stressfull situations. 
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer:
    As I mentioned earlier the importance of roleplaying and how nessesary it is. I would say that I can roleplay in all the diffucult situations and sometimes I can make some twists and fun for both me and others.
    I would like to try the cop life out, due to I have only been playing CIV for the most of my playtime here on CVG. Therefore I would like to try and roleplay as a cop.
    I would also like to controbute my skills to the police force and keep the streets clean from rulebreaking! Therefore shall the Civs of Altis remain safe. 
    Briefly describe the various tasks as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis. Prevent robberies and help out new emigrated civs. 
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police officer?
    I have been medic before and I liked helping out people and saving some lives and now I would like to serve on another level and remove the criminals from the streets, therefore my fellow civiliance have no need for any kind of fear or panic when they are alone. 
    I am also a very calm person who can handle all kind of different situations with roleplay and some brain. I LOVE to roleplay as I said before in my application and the cop job is a huge step to a whole new level of Roleplay.  
    I have been playing for a long time on the server and know the different kind of rules and I am warning others if they are wrong. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    I think those are the main factors for a successful police force and therefore I do respect all of those enforcements and obay them as much as I can.
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:
    My name is Marcus Westman (short: M.Westman). I was peacefully living on Altis (Athira) until an accident happened which involved my whole family death. The reason behind their death was that a couple of drug dealers came and stormed our house out from nowhere and asked for money and other things we did not have. So they got angrier over time and started to yell at my parents. I was very scared, I needed to do something quick. So I picked up my shoes and started running, as I ran I heard couple of shots. I ran all night and I came to a new city (Kavala), which was much bigger than the previous one. As I walk around I see a civilian on the street with a newspaper, I see the article about the accident. Then when I contact the police department they tell me that my parents are dead.
    Now when I am 26 years old I want to prevent all the crimes and destroy all of the illegal gear/drugs. Therefore, after my intense studies in the high school and college I want to become a cop on Altis.   
       Tell us a little about yourself!
    I will keep this short.
    I am 18 years old and live in Kalmar. I am almost done with the highschool. In the highschool I am styding on (NA-naturvetenskapliga programmet). I have been playing on CVG for a while and I want to make a change in my Altis life. 
    I hope this application has been fun to read and have a nice day !
  11. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Obbe in Police application - Björt   
    In-Game Name? : Björt 
    What is your Player ID #? 76561198042738372
    Age : 18
    Do you speak both Swedish and English?: Yes
    Do you have any past experience about being a police officer on other servers?: Unfortunately no 
    Do you have a working microphone?: Yes, of course
    How long have you played on CvGaming?: 1000+ hours
    Have you been banned before?: I think something like 1 day.
    Do you promise to always act in-character and never abuse your power while playing as a police officer?: Yes I do.
     What 5 qualities are necessary to become a CvGaming Police Officer?
    1) Roleplay - I would say that this is one of the most common sence one aswell as one of the most important to have as a quality
    2) Obey The Rules - I would say this is the whole key to success for a roleplaying server. As in real life there are rules to obay!
    3) Communication - As in real life you have to co operate with your fellow officers and give important information.
    4) Respect - You need to give respect towards other players.
    5) Calmness - You just can't loose your shit when you are a cop you need to stay calm in all of the stressfull situations. 
    Describe why you would like to play as a police officer:
    As I mentioned earlier the importance of roleplaying and how nessesary it is. I would say that I can roleplay in all the diffucult situations and sometimes I can make some twists and fun for both me and others.
    I would like to try the cop life out, due to I have only been playing CIV for the most of my playtime here on CVG. Therefore I would like to try and roleplay as a cop.
    I would also like to controbute my skills to the police force and keep the streets clean from rulebreaking! Therefore shall the Civs of Altis remain safe. 
    Briefly describe the various tasks as a police officer?:
    As all other officers, to keep Altis clean from crime and to help and serve the poor civilians of Altis. Prevent robberies and help out new emigrated civs. 
    Describe why YOU would be a good addition to the police officer?
    I have been medic before and I liked helping out people and saving some lives and now I would like to serve on another level and remove the criminals from the streets, therefore my fellow civiliance have no need for any kind of fear or panic when they are alone. 
    I am also a very calm person who can handle all kind of different situations with roleplay and some brain. I LOVE to roleplay as I said before in my application and the cop job is a huge step to a whole new level of Roleplay.  
    I have been playing for a long time on the server and know the different kind of rules and I am warning others if they are wrong. 
    What is your input on respect, loyalty, and rule enforcement?:
    I think those are the main factors for a successful police force and therefore I do respect all of those enforcements and obay them as much as I can.
    Please provide a roleplay name and a background story for the character applying to the police:
    My name is Marcus Westman (short: M.Westman). I was peacefully living on Altis (Athira) until an accident happened which involved my whole family death. The reason behind their death was that a couple of drug dealers came and stormed our house out from nowhere and asked for money and other things we did not have. So they got angrier over time and started to yell at my parents. I was very scared, I needed to do something quick. So I picked up my shoes and started running, as I ran I heard couple of shots. I ran all night and I came to a new city (Kavala), which was much bigger than the previous one. As I walk around I see a civilian on the street with a newspaper, I see the article about the accident. Then when I contact the police department they tell me that my parents are dead.
    Now when I am 26 years old I want to prevent all the crimes and destroy all of the illegal gear/drugs. Therefore, after my intense studies in the high school and college I want to become a cop on Altis.   
       Tell us a little about yourself!
    I will keep this short.
    I am 18 years old and live in Kalmar. I am almost done with the highschool. In the highschool I am styding on (NA-naturvetenskapliga programmet). I have been playing on CVG for a while and I want to make a change in my Altis life. 
    I hope this application has been fun to read and have a nice day !
  12. Like
    Björt reacted to Kupa in Kupa skall krossa A.P.D   
    Ja, vart ju raidad. På allt gear, så antar att killsen kommer regna segt framöver. 
    La ner fett med tid på detta montage, så hoppar ni gillar de. Tjaaoaouu
  13. Like
    Björt reacted to Olsson in Official Page Of Mayans   
    The Mayans

    Stewie Lorenzo
    Mr Cat
    Cooming Soon!
    We are Currently Recruiting
    Contact Olsson or Hedman if you want to join!
    - House
    - Gear
    - Money
    - Age
    - Teamspeak
    - Microfon

  14. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Kurreman in [Ms] Mayans Vs [Cv-D] Cv-Droghandel   
    Komien nu, nu köttar vi för fan ! 
  15. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Svedin in [Ms] Mayans Vs [Cv-D] Cv-Droghandel   
    Komien nu, nu köttar vi för fan ! 
  16. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Hejsan in [Ms] Mayans Vs [Cv-D] Cv-Droghandel   
    Komien nu, nu köttar vi för fan ! 
  17. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Kurreman in Joel.A Tar en paus   
    Ses, hoppas att du vilar upp dig  !
  18. Like
    Björt reacted to Joel in Joel.A Tar en paus   
    Jag kommer nu att ta en paus från den här skit grymma community därför att på senaste tid så har jag gått från gäng till gäng och folk tycker tydligen illa om mig som jag ej visste om. Så jag kommer ta en paus så ni slipper mig och kanske komma tillbaka med en mörkare röst
    Jag vill speciellt tacka Björt och Hejsan som jag anser är dom skönaste på denna server och dom två schysstaste lirarna, dom två är typ dom ända som har accepterat mig som person. Men men ni får ha det så bra så ses vi kanske någon gång, kommer förmodligen sitta i ts typ varje dag men kommer ej att spela.
    Joel.A out...
  19. Like
    Björt reacted to Legacy™ in Patchnote   
    Patchnote CvG
    * Added a Streamer mode function. (Houses and player markers on map will not be visible for example)
    * Added a targeting hotkey. ( "§" can now be used to tag another player or vehicle from a distance)
    * Removed NLA count for bandit.
    * Added Police count for bandit. (8 Cops needed to capture)
    * Added Armed offroad for purchase in the Rebel Shop.
    * Added hotfix for the prison walls.
    * Infobar now shows time to restart, and esc overlay has been disabled
    * Meth Purifier and Meth license fixed.
  20. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Kupa in CvGaming Presents Kjupa   
    Fina kills från igår ^^
  21. Like
    Björt reacted to Kupa in CvGaming Presents Kjupa   
    Shadowplay gillar som sagt inte sin ägare på denna PC, så tyvärr laggar det och muppar det sej men men. Rauk 
    2:58 skall det stå Sam förstås...
  22. Like
    Björt reacted to Kebre in New home for the server   
    Tidigt imorse gick jag upp för att börja skruva ihop servrarnas nya hem och kunna stänga av allt utan att allt för många skulle drabbas.
    Strax efter 5 när jag skulle dra strömmen så var det totalt 24 personer med TS,Altis och Ark.
    Hur som helst tänkte jag bara ladda upp lite bilder på det
    Såhär såg CvG's första server ut (2012-ish):
    Sen uppgradera vi oss lite (2013 första servern, 2014, andra, 2015 tredje.. ungefär):
    Nu mera ser det ut såhär (2016-03-01):


  23. Like
    Björt got a reaction from chebbi in Förslagslådan - Här lägger du dina förslag på Förändringar/Förbättringar   
    Lägg in svamparna igen! 
  24. Like
    Björt reacted to Olsson in CvGaming Presents Olsson [V.2]   
  25. Like
    Björt got a reaction from Kupa in AFC grabb häng   
    "ASSÅ VAD GÖR DU BJÖRT?!" - kupa 2k16
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