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Ban request [V] Berend


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Name: *[T.U] karlsson*

        Offender-Name: *[V] Berend*

        Date: 2015-3-01 - <13.10-13.30>




Reason: I lay on hospital roof outside pyrgos we had a fight with police.

When we almost was done when i heard ¨Get on the f***ing ground¨ and i was already on the ground.

When i turn half around and turn back quick they shoot i had no time at all and they said get on the f***ing ground when i already laid down.

+ i had a ATM under me

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Tycker alltid såna här situationer är svårbedömda.


Det är inget tvivel om att du blir skjuten snabbt, och jag är inte så glad i "f***ing" heller under rånförsöket, men blir lätt så när adrenalinet pumpar. Det var förmodligen därför "get on the ground" kom först innan "put your hands in the air".


Dock är det ju inget tvivel om att du vänder dig mot honom med ett automatvapen och skjuter man inte där så dör man själv i 9/10 fall. Hade du velat kolla hade du kunnat använda alt istället och haft ditt på det fria.

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You turn around, they have no choice. Also the hospital is not to be used during gunfights, it is a safe zone (thanks to the ATM and common sense). So technically you are both at fault here and have both violated the safe zone rules.

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This is a strange case indeed!

If that ATM is marked on the map its a SafeZone and all ATM's at hospitals are marked.....


So, to take this situation from the start:

1. You are engaging cop from hospital 

2. Someone sneaks up behind you
3. You turn (then turn quickly back, remember Netlatency and desync)

4. Death

If step 1 or 3 never happened you wouldnt have had this issue.

I agree that its OK to use hospital like in Federal Reserve engagement (as it becomes a warzone). But then referring to these rules and trying to claim that someone broke them is just childish, you just broke it yourself.
If you are stationed at the hospital in a firefight like this, then accept if you get engaged there.



Nothing wrong has been done here so this request is declined

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