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[Ban Request] SikTa


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Name; [A.F.S] R.Kupa

Offenders name; Swipe SiKta

Date; 19:00/19:05 

evidence/reason; SiKta never gave me a proper ultimatum, he only said a few times: "Put your hands up" "tell your friend to turn off the helicopter"- As I thought he was saying; Take all your clothes off. I'm starting to take my clothes off, how ever. He started to scream to put my hands up again -OR I WILL SHOT. At the point he was killing me. And from what i've heard, you have to give the ultimatum with in at least 10 seconds; is the requirement.


If Sitka could upload his req I would appreciate it. I accidentally removed the link and now I'm on my phone

Edited by wofat
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This ban is declined.


The problem after viewing the video i can say that its based on miscommunication, Sikta in the video was asking for Kupa to tell his friend to "close the chopper" and Kupa might have thought he said "take your clothes of". And when then Kupa tried to do what he thought Sikta wanted him to do, Sikta on his side thought he was reaching for a gun to perhaps shoot him.


Wofat you are welcome to contact me on TS so i can explain if this was not a good explanation 

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This is bullshit. I heard SikTa in TeamSpeak, saying ''Tell you're friend to turn of the helicopter, and before that he told you to put you're hands up and that it was a robbery. You will hear this in the video.



indeed mate. He told me, it was a robbery and I accepted it. But I'm not accusing anyone for pure RDM so everything you just said is not relevant.

He gave me a incorrect ultimatum, he's suppose to give me 10 seconds before he shots. He never told me he'll shoot me if I didn't do what he said, he said: put your hands up, or I'm shooting you! At the same time he shot. 

Witch is bullshit. 

And I'd like to point out, I was extremely mad the second he killed me. Because I'm both tired of the wasteland style everyone is doing, and being robbed every hour going. 

So ya, I cursed. My apologize of course. 

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This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever experienced. I'm sorry, ba holy f*ck.


lets go beside the "miscommunication"

and see the reason i was requesting a ban in the first place.

Edited by wofat
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Tar det på svenska nu: Jag förstår hur du menar, min syn är så här, han har engagat dig, du har satt händerna på huvudet, så reaktions tiden fanns redan där en stund innan, och ja Sikta borde från första början uppgett ett ultimatum, detta har jag förklarat för honom. Men missförståndet var ett faktum, och han uppfattade din rörelse att ta ner händerna som ett hot. och sköt därmed. Och då hade det gått en bra tid. Så fortfarande så väljer jag att declina denna ban-req, men Sikta har jag informerat om just det han missade i början, men då ni var överens och du stod med händerna på huvudet så anser jag att vid det tillfället engaget var igång till 100%. Sen efter detta vart det mer och mer missförstånd och det slutade som det gjorde. Kontakta mig på TS Wofat.

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