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[Ban request] [A.P.D] P. Marple1


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Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo

Offender-Name: [A.P.D] P. Marple1

Date: 17.11.2014

Reason: VDM. The video shows the situation quite well and I was lucky my hemmt didn't blow up this time. I have no idea what he was trying to do but flying low like that is generally a really bad idea knowing the amount of desync in this game.



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Well, here's my explanation, I heard a "ding-dong" and a I saw popup in the bottom left corner of my screen saying: "TTesports Meka G1 har frånkopplats", this means that my keyboard is no longer connected.

Therefor I couldn't handle the situation and therefor i crashed into your hemmet, I've got witnesses, Hustle, Maxwell and i think there was some more.

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  On 11/17/2014 at 4:22 PM, Aldo said:

Name: [C.N] Aldo Lorenzo

Offender-Name: [A.P.D] P. Marple1

Date: 17.11.2014

Reason: VDM. The video shows the situation quite well and I was lucky my hemmt didn't blow up this time. I have no idea what he was trying to do but flying low like that is generally a really bad idea knowing the amount of desync in this game.


I like how you put music in the video so the admins can't here if we scream at you, as we did a couple times. You drived away then we started to shoot at you, as we are alowed. Just saying, be happy that we didn't taze you in your Hemmt... So we RP:ed from start to beginning. We where there just to check if you have the right license...

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  On 11/17/2014 at 5:07 PM, Ludwig said:

I like how you put music in the video so the admins can't here if we scream at you, as we did a couple times. You drived away then we started to shoot at you, as we are alowed. Just saying, be happy that we didn't taze you in your Hemmt... So we RP:ed from start to beginning. We where there just to check if you have the right license...

Ban request is only about vdm, not about your shooting. Music doesnt make any difference on vdm part.


e: and which license you need for mining salt?

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Marple, didn't it even once come to your mind to actually contact person you crashed into with your helicopter if it really is becouse of something like that?

Next time that might be a good idea.


Would save everyones time if you did and stop the useless ban spam on forum in that case.


E. As a side comment here want to say that i personally think most of the police are bit too triggerhappy these days.

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Then post proof about that disconnect. If you're having problems with your keyboard it's extremely brilliant idea to go flying around at 5 meters. Ludwig, the music has nothing to do with anything because this post is about VDM, not you being triggerhappy. Guys, is that really your idea of police roleplaying? Land, yell something and start shooting with assault rifles at a bloody salt mine.

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  On 11/17/2014 at 5:38 PM, Aldo said:

Then post proof about that disconnect. If you're having problems with your keyboard it's extremely brilliant idea to go flying around at 5 meters. Ludwig, the music has nothing to do with anything because this post is about VDM, not you being triggerhappy. Guys, is that really your idea of police roleplaying? Land, yell something and start shooting with assault rifles at a bloody salt mine.

Well, in the video you here someone say "Are they alowed to shoot like that?" Yes we are, if we have warned you, we are alowed too shoot. And i can promise you + everyone in the police, I'm not triggerhappy. Probably the least triggerhappy police officer :P

And the part when Marple crashes his helicopter that smashes into your Hemmtbox, that's all really a misstake. He didn't do that purpose. If he had, i promise you, we in the police would have reported that.

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  On 11/17/2014 at 5:11 PM, Burgerflipper said:

Ban request is only about vdm, not about your shooting. Music doesnt make any difference on vdm part.


e: and which license you need for mining salt?

Maybe salt license? :P

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  On 11/17/2014 at 7:30 PM, s1lversp00n said:

Nobody commenting the "soundtrack"? VDM during Madonna... priceless!


Edit: Wasn't there a rule, where if you want to stop someone in a vehicle, you have to send them a couple (2) messages 30 seconds apart? 


I think that rule was for civilians/gangs. Atleast what i have experienced on server cops have their own rules on situations like that to let them fight more effectively

and to make the impact on situation as fast as possible. <-- Correct if i am wrong here.

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  On 11/17/2014 at 7:46 PM, Aldo said:

Ludwig, this is about getting VDM'd, not about getting shot. Stop derailing the topic. I might have heard something if I didn't have Spotify on, but Doug certainly didn't.

If you would have read the hole thing it also says that Marple's keyboard disconnected. It was all a misstake, he didn't do it on purpose.

Next time, read the whole comment.

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So if i get this right, this is a ban request on Marple for VDM and nothing else. Stay on topic, the police shooting at the vehicle has NOTHING to do with this ban request, that is a different matter.

Also since he has a couple of people to confirm his story about a keyboard disconnect i will not take this VDM matter any further.


Bad roleplay is still roleplay unless it's LACK OF ROLEPLAY. 


To conclude, this situation was out of P.Marple1s hands and there is nothing he could have done about it. He is not obliged to fly at a certain height just because his keyboard MIGHT glitch sometimes, although the cops should consider using another pilot if avaliable until this is fixed.




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