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Everything posted by Kupa
I'm just sharing this big secret with you now, being a wannabe hardcore lawyer writer isn't working on me. I couldn't give a flying f*ck about your appeals on me:p I've a small thought saying I'm a lot older then you, so whenever I'm doing wrong. I don't need any "teenager internet hitlers" to tell me so. If you feeling better appealing on me, we can sit in teamspeak and I'll let you talk to end. I also wanna behave like a teen now, and tell you.. "Cheers" isn't a write able word. Whenever you talk with someone on teamspeak and does something nice, you trough it out. I've also heard it when "administrators" sharing a announcement, and cheers everyone for listening. Correct should be correct buddy, think about it.
Lol, Hanna. denna video får mig inspirerad av att spela på två datorer för sugets skuld?
Härligt och ha dig här! Välkommen! =)
aight, I was quite drunk when i wrote this and the Cv-N guy is Stefan Ö. My apologiez and for you "Cheytak" yepp, I was extremely mad since you engaged me in a poor way. I've put this behind my back, but if you wanna continue to fight. You're welcome! And brags about your roleplaying skills is just embarrassing sorry.
Thank you Jonas, I'll remember to post another list in a week or so! ive been a CAD for 2 fully days(dygn) but 3 days to count. Anyway, thanks for the kind comments! Both Hinder and Jonas. =>
Hello my dear CVG fellows I'm in a mood for writing suddenly, it's 2am but after some beers on a Monday night I'm feeling fantastic. So basically I'll write my thoughts about the server and so on! Read carefully! Some actions made by civilians, other factions and gangs that are making me a little bit off edge when I'm playing. I was recently accepted to the Police faction, and so far I've been enjoying it massively! But there is some incidents, I want to share. And I'll hopefully make you think twice next time. I will to start with the CV-N. Their posts are hilarious indeed! But some of them, in the crew are literally d*ckheads(excuse my language) For example: Stefan Ö (edited)You've been driving your damn go-cart for a decade now(in Kavala) we've been warning you, make you pay tickets and we actually blew your go-cart in pieces. But how ever, you just don't give a single f*ck and youve been continuing to drive it. And the worst part is, you're wreck-less driving and just literally point your middle finger to Role-playing. I think it's very immature and trolling behavior by you since you don't roleplay a shit when we detain or arrest you. And this involves some other people in CV-N as well, but I don't remember their names as I'm writing this.I'd love, a change from you guys. You are suppose to be news-writers! Your shouldn't be acting like F1 racers. Please. Faction H.R.A: In my opinion, I think the rebels are doing a great job as their in-game characters! I've not been roleplaying a lot with them, but I'm looking forward to it! Gangs? Hmm, I don't have a personal opinion about EC, I think they're acting character(cartel) How ever, they're engaging in a bad way(SURRENDER OR DIE) witch should be removed as a engage command. However, I don't blame you EC, all gangs I've been fighting against has been using it. Swipe? Well, this is the gang who've been robbing me a lot. So obviously I don't like them as a Gang! And from experience, some of them don't know RP at all! ( They killed me, so I just defended myself - Some1 in Swipe yesterday when he was detained...And they don't have a motto as a gang, like "road pirates" "Cartel" etc etc.. But it's all up to them of course, but it would earn some RP. Cv-droghandel is one of my personally favorites to be honest, I think you're acting "gangsters" "thug" you're not running around in Kavala and trolling. You mind your own. That's why you are my top 1! Keep it that way:) SC? I won't leave a comment here. No personally offense, but I've not experienced any role-play by you or funny moments without an engage or being rude. I'll leave it there! I hope you don't mind being faced with critic anyone, I'm not offending anyone :>> I wish you had a great time reading my thoughts and comments, you're welcome to say something to your defense if you didn't like it. But I would enjoy more positive comments, kisses!! Yes I wrote this because I'm drunk and bored
This is the most embarrassing thing I've ever experienced. I'm sorry, ba holy f*ck. lets go beside the "miscommunication" and see the reason i was requesting a ban in the first place.
indeed mate. He told me, it was a robbery and I accepted it. But I'm not accusing anyone for pure RDM so everything you just said is not relevant. He gave me a incorrect ultimatum, he's suppose to give me 10 seconds before he shots. He never told me he'll shoot me if I didn't do what he said, he said: put your hands up, or I'm shooting you! At the same time he shot. Witch is bullshit. And I'd like to point out, I was extremely mad the second he killed me. Because I'm both tired of the wasteland style everyone is doing, and being robbed every hour going. So ya, I cursed. My apologize of course.
Name; [A.F.S] R.Kupa Offenders name; Swipe SiKta Date; 19:00/19:05 evidence/reason; SiKta never gave me a proper ultimatum, he only said a few times: "Put your hands up" "tell your friend to turn off the helicopter"- As I thought he was saying; Take all your clothes off. I'm starting to take my clothes off, how ever. He started to scream to put my hands up again -OR I WILL SHOT. At the point he was killing me. And from what i've heard, you have to give the ultimatum with in at least 10 seconds; is the requirement. If Sitka could upload his req I would appreciate it. I accidentally removed the link and now I'm on my phone
https://gyazo.com/97c58f4517964b27a51fb120054c0cbd =)
Du gav honom inget ultimatum som tex. Lägg ner vapnet eller något liknande, du sköt honom direkt som jag skulle tippa på är "rdm"
I suggest you going for Sony Vegas! And if you say "it's too hard" I'd say watch 1-2 Basic tutorial videos on youtube and you'll imitate exactly what he does, you will learn everything in no time! It's one of the easiest editing softwares if you give it a 20 minutes to learn If you are thinking of buying it. And If you encounter any problems, I'll help you with pleasure!
Name: [Medictrainee] Wo Fat Offender name: [N.front] kangewroon Date - time: 2015-08-29 ; 00:20 Reason: okey. I wouldn't, be this mad if I didn't die. But HRA.Karlsson accidently shot me when I was trying to get "kangewroon" out of my vehicle/chopper/helicopter u name it. Worse part is, i'm buying new helicopters everyday since these things is happening everyday. So I'm tired of being the nice guy who don't report things like this. And i've seen kangewroon many times on the server, so if he's not familiar with the server rules it's his problem. [Karlsson is not involved in this] And to state, you can't really see, it's my chopper he's flying away with. But I was talking with "bobby" <admin> at the same time this is happening so that has to be another proof am I right? SS: https://gyazo.com/bedf439998afe794452a9f0eb75ac118 | You can see I actually locked my chopper second after he stole it. And yes he came back, probably when he realized it or when I said i'll upload the screenshots. But his attitude when he landed was so shitty so I decided to do upload this.
Name: Wo Fat Offender-Name: Mattias Date: YYYY-MM-DD - <Time it happened> Don't know exactly, all I can guarantee you is, this happend this week. How ever, it's not relevant. Especially when he says he trolling himself. Reason: https://gyazo.com/487baa11ec832059203ce7eaa2f43289 , https://gyazo.com/a7fc65caff4d8a2f1738bb62d929334a
Haha! Förväntade mig inget annat heller, han gjorde det helt kallblodigt och följade efter mig. Denna pojk förtjänar en fet ban
Name: [V.U] Wo Fat -> China Offender-Name: Alexander Date: 2015-08-18 01:55-02:00 Reason: So my demo is very short, and the reason why is I suspected him to rob me on the market spot. So I ran to hide so I could open fraps and start to record. When I came back and started fraps I was already being robbed. How ever, look closely in the right corner and u'll spot "Alexander robbed [V.U] China on ....." Evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtcE4VgVUwQ&feature=youtu.be
Snuskigt roligt! Skrattade igenom hela videon! =D