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Posts posted by NorreN

  1. Undrar hur många är det som spelar på minecraft servern? ( skrev här för jag inte hittade något bra ställe att lägga den i minecraft delen)



    För som jag förstod det så hostade rust och minecraft på samma server och det blir ostabilt när båda är på, så frågan är hur många är det som spelar.


    Rust var riktigt roligt och hade för mig att vi var runt 10+ som brukade spela under dagen och skulle vara riktigt kul att spela igen, för om det är mer som spelar rust kanske det går att ta upp den igen och om de blir för ostabilt kanske ta ner minecraft servern?

  2. §.2 Safe zones


    • You may not use Safe zones as an escape zone

    Just like the rule says your not allowed to use safe zones as a escape like Dibo did

    Also VDM is not acceptable and in safe zones your not allowed to knock down people.


    When we talked in TS you said that one of you had video prof of this, please upload it and link it for easier judgement of this ban request.

    And I have talked to Mr.Gray who is confirming the VDM.


    ​As of right now I cant do anything but I will ask a admin to look at this and I will be supporting as best as I can.

    And I gave back your car in the mean time.

    Friendly regards NorreN 

  3. Name: [Medic] K. Umar

    Offender-Name: Mylloas

    Date: 2015-01-05 13:30 -14:30

    Reason: As a medic we get a Icon on the map with a name of the person who is dead, the only way to remove it from our map is by us if we ress or they respawn. If people do ALT F4 ( combatlogg ) what happens when we ress is that we get 15k and you still just lay on the ground. We in the medic force ress so many people every day and it's sad to say that 6/10 is a combatlogger, Some times it is understandable if the game crash or if they lose connection while driving or flying because then it looks like they combatlogg. But most times we get a EMS (Call that you'r dead) and on our way there we see in chat that you disconnect..

    We now in the medic force will take screenshots of everyone we ress that combatlogs and hopefully we can remove the combatloggers..


    With friendly regards Medic force


    Prof link: http://imgur.com/a/BtJO4

  4. Name: [Medic] K. Umar

    Offender-Name: [N.S] Kallezsa, BlyTung, H.Andersson, Espen Gjermestad, PartyMartin, Lord Dankey Kang

    Date: 2015-01-03/04

    Reason: As a medic we get a Icon on the map with a name of the person who is dead, the only way to remove it from our map is by us if we ress or they respawn. If people do ALT F4 ( combatlogg ) what happens when we ress is that we get 15k and you still just lay on the ground. We in the medic force ress so many people every day and it's sad to say that 6/10 is a combatlogger, Some times it is understandable if the game crash or if they lose connection while driving or flying because then it looks like they combatlogg. But most times we get a EMS (Call that you'r dead) and on our way there we see in chat that you disconnect..

    We now in the medic force will take screenshots of everyone we ress that combatlogs and hopefully we can remove the combatloggers..


    With friendly regards Medic force


    Prof Link http://imgur.com/a/cwSfo

  5. Name: [Medic] K. Umar

    Offender-Name: Felix, Niko, Jonas, Bernhard Carlsson, Hjort, Emil, TT, AQVIA

    Date: 2015-01-01/02

    Reason: As a medic we get a Icon on the map with a name of the person who is dead, the only way to remove it from our map is by us if we ress or they respawn. If people do ALT F4 ( combatlogg ) what happens when we ress is that we get 15k and you still just lay on the ground. We in the medic force ress so many people every day and it's sad to say that 6/10 is a combatlogger, Some times it is understandable if the game crash or if they lose connection while driving or flying because then it looks like they combatlogg. But most times we get a EMS (Call that you'r dead) and on our way there we see in chat that you disconnect..

    I dont want them to get banned, but they should have a warning. We now in the medic force will take screenshots of everyone we ress and hopefully we can remove the combatloggers..


    With friendly regards Medic force


    Link to Imgur with prof: https://imgur.com/a/3O6yj  

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