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About Maxwell

  • Birthday 04/27/1991

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    Khalifa / Maxwell

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  • IGN
    Khalifa González

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  1. I found the officer that was recordning the situation. Unfortunately he had very slow internet so he can not upload the video proof because it would take forever, but he took some printscreens from the video that proof that adam are disconnecting. Screen 1: http://gyazo.com/864d9e9e462ed23df8c9780719ef2bad Screen 2: http://gyazo.com/bfb61c88d455bd2a5ec277e4f43c21dd Hope this pictures are enought to take a decision.
  2. Ska be den polis som filmade detta att lägga upp videon !
  3. Name: [A.P.D] P. Maxwell Offender-Name: adam Date: 2014-11-20 Reason: Adam was speeding in Kavala and we told him to stop, but he did not stop so I decide to use a spike strip to stop him and he was driving over it. I run to his car and told him to step out of the vehicle but he decide to disconnect. 1min later he connected to the server again and we was running after him and told him to stop but he decied once again to disconnect. If needed we got video proof on this. http://i57.tinypic.com/1zg435z.jpg
  4. I'm also a witness to Marples failing keyboard, in TS he told us about the "sound" that appear before the keyboard lost connection.
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